***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It is just not a good day for the Democrats….

Fingers crossed Biden and Harris hit some logo shots next year to help excite the base before midterms. Need to get the centrists and youths rooting for Chef Joey like he's in the Garden pulling up from 30 ft.
So these young people are the same folks on social media crying about being misinformed on Biden eliminating student loans?

It is just not a good day for the Democrats….

To quote Michael Jordan: "**** them kids."

At some point you get old enough to see that the same hysteria is recycled every 10-20 years. "Oh no, the gas prices are too high!" and "Oh no, eggs cost an extra 10 cents for a dozen!" and "Oh no, how are we going to pay for this?" and "Crime is out of control (it's not)" etc etc.

The poor kids panic. They're gullible. They really believed the campaign promises (many of them that were never explicitly made) that all college would be free and minimum wage would be high enough to buy a 5-bedroom house and 4 SUVs and coal would make a comeback. So then they naturally get upset a couple years later and make the right decision to vote Donald J Trump back into office. He gets **** done.
To quote Michael Jordan: "**** them kids."

At some point you get old enough to see that the same hysteria is recycled every 10-20 years. "Oh no, the gas prices are too high!" and "Oh no, eggs cost an extra 10 cents for a dozen!" and "Oh no, how are we going to pay for this?" and "Crime is out of control (it's not)" etc etc.

The poor kids panic. They're gullible. They really believed the campaign promises (many of them that were never explicitly made) that all college would be free and minimum wage would be high enough to buy a 5-bedroom house and 4 SUVs and coal would make a comeback. So then they naturally get upset a couple years later and make the right decision to vote Donald J Trump back into office. He gets **** done.
I don’t think that’s what’s happening. What will likely happen is Democratic fundraising will take a significant hit and from that you’ll see the party either realign or burn in 2022 when people will likely not vote for either party. It’s not the job of voters to vote for anyone, it’s the job of politicians to earn their votes.
It’s not the job of voters to vote for anyone, it’s the job of politicians to earn their votes.

Nah, citizenship is a responsibility, not a privilege. It’s the citizens’ job to participate in the democratic process with due diligence. Voters aren’t simply consumers of political choice at the polls, they are also empowered to guide those choices well before voting day.
young people are worse off now than they were under trump, future is looking bleak and you got another 80 year old white dude who ruined the world for them in charge who lied to them during his campaign.

is it all Biden’s fault? **** no, but you better believe he’ll get blamed.
I need Stacey Abrams to become governor of GA so weed can get legalized here. Way too many people still getting robbed or shot over weed deals out here. Legalization won’t stamp out crime, but a lot of people will cop from dispensaries instead of fooling with these paranoid nuts up at the gas stations.
Who over the age of 15 buys weed from people at gas stations?
Wait, they are claiming JFK now too? I sorta get Lincoln and the others (although anyone rational knows that's a fallacy) but JFK, really?
Didn't you know JFK Jr. is scheduled to come back any day now to be trump's vp?

man said it was part of his campaign. lol. 3 of my virtual meetings ended today with people saying "happy holidays"
young people are worse off now than they were under trump, future is looking bleak and you got another 80 year old white dude who ruined the world for them in charge who lied to them during his campaign.

is it all Biden’s fault? **** no, but you better believe he’ll get blamed.
really curious to know how are young people's lives worse now than they were 18 months ago.
yeah, at the end of the day, everybody plays a role. Politicians should understand that it all ties into their success, from how they campaign to how they govern. Don't overpromise and don't overcompromise. Voters need to be invested as well, both to understand the realities of politics but also to push for the most meaningful changes.
yobyellav yobyellav money, those stimulus and Unemployment were life changing to a lot of people.

I want to be clear, I don't like trump but I think a lot of people thought Biden was going to come in and it would all be sunshine and great. don't ask me why but they did.

kind of like whywesteppin whywesteppin said, I've been around long enough to have pretty low expectations but I could see people being disappointed. they thought the trifecta was gonna happen and it would be all good.
Nah, citizenship is a responsibility, not a privilege. It’s the citizens’ job to participate in the democratic process with due diligence. Voters aren’t simply consumers of political choice at the polls, they are also empowered to guide those choices well before voting day.
I disagree, American citizenship simply implies I obey the law and pay taxes. America does not have compulsory voting, proportional representation, and we are locked into a two party system. The responsibility is placed on the elected to be effective once voted in. As a citizen my responsibility is to hold them accountable if they are not. At this point they have not been effective. All conversations about policies end up being “We don’t want to do this and the other party is in direct opposition to everything else you stand for”. Due diligence has been voided by our current system. The Gerrymandering has already happened, the packing of the courts, the denial of the voting rights, BBB is dead in the water. We saw outright manipulation of the Census that only failed because of a pandemic. Long story short the current Democratic Party has failed, and now we’re at the point the leader of the party will not even use EO to fulfill his campaign promises. To continue to support them is the failure of our responsibility as citizens.

The only real forms of protest are to not donate to their political campaigns and withhold your vote. Which I know is difficult because the other party gerrymanders, but once again the best ways to fix that by adding additional judges and that has ran directly into “We don’t want to do this and the other party is in direct opposition to everything else you stand for” so the conversation around that has ended. So why continue to support ineffective representation that doesn’t feel like doing their job? They sure love to fundraise and tell their constituents they have to vote for them because the other side is worst. However, they won’t even take a philosophical stand and even attempt to fight for what they promised.

You could say “there are a few bad senators” but then again the party isn’t attempting to put pressure on Sinema or Manchin. Literally Pelosi was like “It’s ok if politicians are in the free market” and beyond extreme examples like Senators who were briefed on COVID making significant investments, that is literally the reason Sinema and Manchin are holding everything up. Their parties politics goes against their investment portfolio. At this point if you are informed, you shouldn’t support the current representation in office.
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Every year the "nobody says merry Christmas anymore" ******** pops up. It's stupid. I still hear people say merry Christmas all the time. The only difference is alot of people realized, hey we have 3 major holidays in a month, why don't I just say happy holidays to someone an encompass all THREE holidays at once. But of course the republicans blow it outta portion and say "the democrats are trying to cancel Christmas!" It's ridiculous.
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