***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Apparently Jaypal said that whatever Manchin supports of BBB let us just get a package done and passed in the Senate.

But SALT or nothing Centrist don't want to give in. Centrist in swing seats agree with Jaypal, they want something to run on.

Proving once again that it is the progressive wing of the party are the people most serious about the most important aim of politics. Improving the material conditions of citizens

But let James Carville tell it, they are the ones ******* everything up.
Jordan Peterson dropped an all-time banger on his show...

Never listened to a Rogan podcast outside of a few clips I've seen posted.

So, in essence, the Joe Rogan podcast is Soma for the lay person to make them feel smart mixed in with other bizarre crap? :lol:

Rogan, like the Ben Shapiros of the world, are what dumb people think smart people sound like. They shout down everyone when they bring legitimate arguments, and the trained seals in their audience lap it all up. Thing is, Shapiro isn't dumb. Rogan is a roided-out former reality host/"comedian" (and I use that term VERY loosely) who is a lunkhead. I can at least respect Shapiro for using big boy words.
I don't watch or read CNN (or at least I try not to) but this ridiculous headline came up on my feed and I wanted to see if it was as bad as it looked.

Who the **** cares what republicans think about the nominee? We're just going to ignore how republicans handled the past 4 nominees (dating back to Garland)?

(yes, the article is as bad as the headline)
Never listened to a Rogan podcast outside of a few clips I've seen posted.

So, in essence, the Joe Rogan podcast is Soma for the lay person to make them feel smart mixed in with other bizarre crap? :lol:

Rogan is to the alt-right what fake talk show hosts are to infomercials.



looking for family friendly books on the genocide of 6 million people.

Setting aside - to whatever extent it's possible - the premise that "foul language" and unclothed bodies represent the most upsetting aspects of the Holocaust, I'm getting mixed signals here:
is the Republican platform for or against cartoon mouse nudity?

Jordan Peterson dropped an all-time banger on his show...

Just when I think Twitter's algorithmic "more tweets" suggestions couldn't possibly get any less relevant, they have to go and do something like this....


and TOTALLY redeem themselves.
Setting aside - to whatever extent it's possible - the premise that "foul language" and unclothed bodies represent the most upsetting aspects of the Holocaust, I'm getting mixed signals here:
is the Republican platform for or against cartoon mouse nudity?

only because of their uproar i had to go look up what the hell this is actual for and it’s simple to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Disneyland Paris

that’s it.. like acting like Minnie ain’t got a million and 1 outfits already

a company came up with another mechanism to sell more of their products and republicans getting worked up

as I am not American, dwalk31 dwalk31 explain this to me as it was always my understanding republicans were supposedly business/corporate friendly
You know who really surprised me? Joe Rogan. Loved Fear Factor but dude is a white supremacist through and through.

His podcast is just a place for people to espouse the most ignorant views while he nods his head and jokes around with them.

He invites people like Milo and Gavin Mciness on and then pretends like they dont say things to incite but merely to educate.

Everyone who's not right-leaning is an ideologue who can't think for themselves, muslims are genetically inferior to whites, blacks need to stop whining.

It's 4chan level nonsense dressed up in a prettier package where they use bigger words and "facts" to help back up their bigoted arguments.

He and Sam are one of the most dangerous kinds of supremacists. The kind that paints their views as moderate and reasonable while it's everyone else who's a supremacist. BLM? Black supremacists. Feminists? Female supremacists. LGBT? Liberal? Muslim? All whiny, intolerant, supremacist ideologues.
I don't believe him to be an active agent of white supremacy but I do believe him to be the kind who doesn't SEE how they help to uphold it.


"I don't like Trump, but Hillary...."

"Police shootings are bad, but BLM......"

"I believe in equality, but feminists......"


The kind where they toe the line and maintain a safe enough distance that if some **** happens they wont get caught up.

They'll claim they're not for the white male status quo but when anyone who's not a white male has an issue they'll talk about what a non-issue it is.

Dude says more than enough code words and phrases to be under heavy suspicion but makes sure to let people know before he says them that he dislikes what they dislike too. He'll say his views dont align with that of certain guests, but then continue to invite them and their ilk to propagate those views to his listeners. He's a half-stepper.

My 2017 take on Joe Rogan. It's funny to see everyone writing articles now asking "What happened to Joe Rogan and his podcast?" when the JRE has ALWAYS been like this. Crazy it took people this long to notice.
Rogan, like the Ben Shapiros of the world, are what dumb people think smart people sound like. They shout down everyone when they bring legitimate arguments, and the trained seals in their audience lap it all up. Thing is, Shapiro isn't dumb. Rogan is a roided-out former reality host/"comedian" (and I use that term VERY loosely) who is a lunkhead. I can at least respect Shapiro for using big boy words.

yah they are not comparable at all.

ben shapiro is a robot that just regurgitates the most extreme conservative position on a subject
usually in the most inflammatory way possible.

you can't really listen to Ben Shapiro without fundamentally agreeing with him.

while this is certainly a path to fame and fortune,
it's not really the same audience as a Joe Rogan.
Peterson is what dumb people think smart people sound like and it’s not a party connected thing. It’s just what dumb people think. It’s the Dennis Miller effect. Word salads said confidently and acted upon as if they make perfect sense to everyone but the listener. When reality is it’s a bunch of words strung along most of them being adjectives or not used in their proper context. Basically they are saying meaningless things. Which both allows people to feel smart to support them and ignore any nonsense they say that they don’t agree with. They are pick and choose philosophers. Michael Eric Dyson does this… especially in his books.

Joe Rogan is the leader of people who don’t even like people smarter than them (because they think that means they are scheming to get there stuff or even worst trying to contribute to society) and prefer the advice of people they would like to drink a beer with or eat a meal with. People who follow him are easily peered pressured into bad decisions and untrusting of the government because the government might be ran by people smarter than them (aka schemers). The left doesn’t really have this type of person, but the left is a lot more diverse so it’s harder to have a mental empty vessel like Rogan gain a massive following. I can’t think of anyone whose operated in this space outside of maybe Church leaders.

Shapiro is just a white conservative version of Dr. Umar. Their appeal is they say things that support a certain (usually ethnic based) perspective. They don’t come off as smart, just opinionated and their followers like their opinions. These types regularly get ****ted on by smarter more sane people but it doesn’t matter because people watch them for their opinions.

With that said all three of these idiots are modern public intellectuals and it’s a major reason why everything seems dumb downed.
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