***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) retrieved multiple White House record boxes last month that were improperly kept at former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago property, The Washington Post reported.

The boxes reportedly contained important records of communication, gifts and letters from world leaders, which, according to the Post, is a violation of the Presidential Records Act.

The newspaper added that the boxes retrieved from the Florida estate included correspondence with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as well as a letter from former President Obama to Trump.

The Post noted that recent administrations have all had some Presidential Records Act violations, including the use of unofficial email and telephone accounts as well as the destruction of emails.

But a source told the newspaper that the transfer to Mar-a-Lago was "out of the ordinary ... NARA has never had that kind of volume transfer after the fact like this."

Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov penned an open letter in which he blasted Putin's 'criminal policy of provoking a war' despite Russia not facing any 'critical threats'.


Ivashov, the chairman of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly who previously served as Putin's chief of military cooperation in the Ministry of Defence, fears Russia will become a 'pariah of the world community' if an invasion is launched.

He said: 'As for external threats, they are certainly present. But, according to our expert assessment, they are not currently critical, directly threatening the existence of Russian statehood and its vital interests.

'On the whole, strategic stability is maintained, nuclear weapons are under reliable control, NATO forces are not building up, and they are not showing threatening activity.

'Therefore, the situation that is being whipped up around Ukraine is, first of all, artificial, mercenary in nature for some internal forces, including the Russian Federation.'

He argues that Ukraine has a right to self-defence as an independent nation, and the international backlash to the annexation of Crimea 'convincingly shows the failure of Russian foreign policy'.

He continued: 'Attempts to "love" the Russian Federation and its leadership through an ultimatum and threats of the use of force are senseless and extremely dangerous.

'The use of military force against Ukraine, firstly, will call into question the existence of Russia itself as a state; secondly, it will forever make Russians and Ukrainians mortal enemies.

'Thirdly, there will be tens of thousands of dead young, healthy men on one side and on the other, which will certainly affect the future demographic situation in our dying countries.

'On the battlefield, if this happens, Russian troops will face not only Ukrainian military personnel, among whom there will be many Russian guys, but also military personnel and equipment from many NATO countries, and the member states of the alliance will be obliged to declare war on Russia.'
So free community college is scrapped from the BBB plan? Joe gotta throw Manchin under every bus moving forward. That's gonna be a back breaker for Dems when you lose the already-questionable youth vote.

The conservative right is scary as **** right now

So-called reasonable conservatives are turning MAGA out of fear and wanting short term political gain

And conservative white people are rejecting them because they are not unhinged enough
Haley gotta be sick knowing that her political career is pretty much a wrap.

She's already pissed off the redhats. The "moderates" don't really rock with her either.

She still thinks she's gonna be someone's running mate.

She's sick knowing Kamala Harris took the "First South Asian VP" (and first woman VP) title away from her.
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