***Official Political Discussion Thread***

No, the point was to point out...

... it's actually really simple...

... the point was simply to point out that more than 1 party supports a woman's choice.

"You're implying things based on my understanding that I demand you answer for!" is a HUUUUUGE problem in political discussion. I'm aware.

Who were you informing that was unaware of this -- during a discussion about 2 parties?
Imo of anyone deserves score

It's Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the people who enabled her incredibly narcissistic and selfish decision to not retire.

But even that is a waste of time given that she's dead.

Even if she retired it still would be 5-4 and roe vs wade would be overturned. Yes she was selfish but that is not that reason this was overturned.

I have major issues with the Democratic Party but they are so disadvantage politically that they have to over perform in nearly every election or it could ignite the begining of another bad outcome. I hate Joe Manchin, with a passion, but the left needs him right now. If things were fair and he was the 57th Senator, I would be screaming for the Dems to kick him out of the caucus

Today's bad news was the compounding result of the 2000, 2014 and especially 2016 elections.

I wish they could be better, I wish they were geography advantaged like the Canadian Liberals, I wish things fell certain ways so the Supreme Court was liberal and would foil all this conservative cruelty. I wish the VRA was still in effect.

But I don't live in that world, so I don't have time to entertain these harebrained political schemes that will surely end in a even bigger disaster and leave the American left in an even more abysmal place that Labor in the UK.

People are angry, and I understand, but so is everyone so your anger doesn't validate your hot take. This situation is serious.

Even if she retired it still would be 5-4 and roe vs wade would be overturned. Yes she was selfish but that is not that reason this was overturned.
Nah, Roberts would be the deciding vote and in his concuring opinion he said the court should have just moved viability back to where Mississippi wanted it 15 weeks.

So conservatives get a major victory but now the massive one they got today
He left out the part where those kids can go to hell after they're born.
Hot Wheels should double down on his pro-life stance and make sure every kindergarter is provide one M&P556 with a fully loaded 30rd mag on the first day of school. If Texas really values the life of children and wants to stop school shootings, that is.
I am fine with the hot takes as they are just a way of venting about a terrible result. I am proud that people are angry and mad as it gives me hope that we still have good people in America. Vent today but spur yourself to real action tomorrow. It's like when your favorite sports team loses (I can't say I've felt this way as my teams always win) on a controversial call or play. The reactions range from blaming the players for not taking care of business before the bad call, blame the refs (the proper target), blame the coaching staff, blame whomever. Once the blame game is done there is always next season for things to work out. Today's result isn't the end if we don't let it be. We can turn this around.
I have major issues with the Democratic Party but they are so disadvantage politically that they have to over perform in nearly every election or it could ignite the begining of another bad outcome. I hate Joe Manchin, with a passion, but the left needs him right now. If things were fair and he was the 57th Senator, I would be screaming for the Dems to kick him out of the caucus

Today's bad news was the compounding result of the 2000, 2014 and especially 2016 elections.

I wish they could be better, I wish they were geography advantaged like the Canadian Liberals, I wish things fell certain ways so the Supreme Court was liberal and would foil all this conservative cruelty. I wish the VRA was still in effect.

But I don't live in that world, so I don't have time to entertain these harebrained political schemes that will surely end in a even bigger disaster and leave the American left in an even more abysmal place that Labor in the UK.

People are angry, and I understand, but so is everyone so your anger doesn't validate your hot take. This situation is serious.
Canadian liberals have a different problem of splitting the vote with a second left party.

That's why american dreams of forming a different left wing party seem extra dumb to.me.

Youll split the vote AND be geographic disadvantaged..

Worst of both worlds.
Canadian liberals have a different problem of splitting the vote with a second left party.

That's why american dreams of forming a different left wing party seem extra dumb to.me.

Youll split the vote AND be geographic disadvantaged..

Worst of both worlds.
America not having a parliamentary system would make that worst of both worlds even worst.

After 2000, why people still on the left entertain third parties is beyond me
Who were you informing that was unaware of this -- during a discussion about 2 parties?
Everyone who thought there were literally only 2 parties. I don't know who those peole are. I just know that people largely think there are only 2 parties, you know, the whole 'lesser of 2 evils' thing.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: The log cabin republicans are in shambles.

In his separate opinion, Thomas acknowledged that Friday’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization does not directly affect any rights besides abortion. But he argued that the constitution’s Due Process Clause does not secure a right to an abortion or any other substantive rights, and he urged the court to apply that reasoning to other landmark cases.

Thomas wrote, “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.
I just KNEW darthska darthska was a libertarian. It is not surprising at all :lol:
He's not, though, but like I said:
I know how this plays out with whatever response I have next, too.
I knew branding me to whatever party someone wants me to be was next, and Libertarian is the most convenient label, requiring the least thought or effort. People love to label what they mock.

None of this is new. Then if I mention how intolerant the left typically is despite preaching tolerance, I have a copy pasta response for what follows that: "Yeah, I'm not gonna be tolerant of anyone supporting racism and misogyny." That's not what happened, but that's where this goes next.

Again, that I expected it doesn't negate the disappointment.

He's not, though, but like I said:

I knew branding me to whatever party someone wants me to be was next, and Libertarian is the most convenient panel, requiring the least thought or effort. People love to label what they mock.

None of this is new. Then if I mention how intolerant the left typically is despite preaching tolerance, I have a copy pasta response for what follows that: "Yeah, I'm not gonna be tolerant of anyone supporting racism and misogyny." That's not what happened, but that's where this goes next.

Again, that I expected it doesn't negate the disappointment.


I could’ve wrote this for you. Very much on brand. Surface level response. Also heavily expected.

Do better.
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