***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Aside from the first sentence, everything I stated is true. It’s now a state’s rights issue. There’s no state that will have a law that prohibits abortion in every case.

Reasonable laws will have exceptions for health of the mother, rape, and incest. Any that don’t will have laws that I personally disagree with. I’ll commit both time—and money—to helping women that fall within those exceptions terminate their pregnancy if they live in states that don’t have those exceptions.

With that being said, I’ve been unabashedly pro-life. I think that there’s a reasonable discussion to be had related to the point at which an abortion becomes more like murder and when it isn’t. I think 15 weeks is generally agreed upon on both sides.
This entire post is spin for you not to look like the jackass everyone else sees you as in regard to this subject

Doing what you swore other people would do.
The differences between Delk and Susan Collins is small

-Both swear they are pro choice
-Both support putting conservative judges on Federal benches that undermine reproductive rights
-Both don't use cocoa butter

I don’t swear I’m pro-choice. Like I said, I’ve been consistently pro-life.
Like any matter of importance, I simply don't care about your opinion of me
I know what you mean. When I don't care about someone's opinion, I definitely continue the conversation.

Walt no I don't do that at all. But "Whatever, man," do what works for you.
You just come of as just another dude that freaks out when his hot take isn't coddled.
Your false assumption is showing. Again. No? Cool: What was my hot take again?

Your every post in this conversation is a status quo groupthink rehearsal. I know, I know: you need to convince everyone reading you don't care. You said that already. Freethought is hard, I get that.

Ironic, a troll in the midst of being coddled self-appointing as an authority on who is trolling and needs to be coddled. That's rich.

If I'm to take your post literally, can you tell me what you think is evil about, for example, the Green party?

Its best accomplishments are measured by how many votes they syphon from the Democratic party in order to help the GOP stay in power. Its candidates have been funded by GOP groups at the state level; its national leader disappeared after having been pictured with Putin in 2016, who is definitely not about green energy (his main exports are oil products and coal). The jury is still out regarding her role in the Russian's scheme to influence American elections that year.

I am not stating the Democratic party is owed votes; I am saying that, due to the nature of the country's electoral system, a party or candidate doesn't need to earn 50% of the vote to be elected; they just need the highest percentage to win: it could be 10%, or it could be 40%. The basis of minority rule is baked into our institutions, and we can only change these rules by playing by them until we get the kind of majority that would make it possible to amend the constitution, and make our electoral system less representative of the land and more representative of the people.

In the face of the danger for civil rights that the GOP represents, all these smaller parties could have formed a coalition with the Democratic party if they cared about the erosion of our institutions. This is what happens in other democracies: when extremists get too close to power, other parties temporarily get together to push back because they understand the consequences of letting that extremist party get hold of the power. This is exactly what senators King and Sanders (independents) have done by caucusing with Democrats to thwart the threat of the extreme right.

We haven't seen much of that with the Green and libertarian parties though; they've been all too happy to play spoiler in the name of FrEeDom, even though there is no realistic way they'll get a candidate in the White House (or enough of them in the Senate or House to bring forth another perspective). So, they are either ignorant of the system they want to rule, its mechanisms, and its fragility (not good), or they are just as complicit in keeping the status quo in favor of Republicans.
I know what you mean. When I don't care about someone's opinion, I definitely continue the conversation.

Walt no I don't do that at all. But "Whatever, man," do what works for you.

Your false assumption is showing. Again. No? Cool: What was my hot take again?

Your every post in this conversation is a status quo groupthink rehearsal. I know, I know: you need to convince everyone reading you don't care. You said that already. Freethought is hard, I get that.

Ironic, a troll in the midst of being coddled self-appointing as an authority on who is trolling and needs to be coddled. That's rich.

I said I didn't care about your opinion of me. I have said plenty of times on NT I don't care about people's personal opinion of me, good or bad. But you made some terrible points, that I felt needed push back. Then instead of engaging with the pushback you just shut down and clutched your pearls.

So you are just a freethinker trying to drop knowledge on us group thinkers, even though your points made sense, the important thing is that people were not nice enough to you.

And how dare other people think you might be a libertarian. Because it is not like us in here have ever heard anything like this before

wavycrocket wavycrocket Based Jesus Based Jesus we may owe this free thinker an apology.

Thank you. Wouldn't that be an indictment on Russian collusion, though, not Green itself?

So you are just a freethinker trying to drop knowledge on us group thinkers, even though your points made sense, the important thing is that people were not nice enough to you.

And how dare other people think you might be a libertarian. Because it is not like us in here have ever heard anything like this before

wavycrocket wavycrocket Based Jesus Based Jesus we may owe this free thinker an apology.
Aaah, yes, the ol' tag team effort groupthinkers default to. Classic. 🤣

Where did I say anything about people not being nice enough?

Is it really THAT hard for you to avoid falling in love with your own interpretations? The speed at which you're showing you go from assumption to fact is Sonic level.

Also, I never said anything about dropping knowledge. I literally started by just answering 2 questions, factually. All the assumptions have nothing to do with me. Answering questions =/= dropping knowledge.

Aaah, yes, the ol' tag team effort groupthinkers default to. Classic. 🤣

Where did I say anything about people not being nice enough?

Is it really THAT hard for you to avoid falling in love with your own interpretations? The speed at which you're showing you go from assumption to fact is Sonic level.

Also, I never said anything about dropping knowledge. I literally started by just answering 2 questions, factually. All the assumptions have nothing to do with me. Answering questions =/= dropping knowledge.

Low information contrarianism is a hell of a drug
why excuse the Green Party for the role they played in it
Agreed. I offered no excuse. I asked a question. Wouldn't that article and what it reveals be an indictment on Russian collusion? Asking that question does not excuse the Green party, but the question does remain unanswered.

Are you sure you're not libertarian?
Positive. Am I sure that people have the ability to think outside of their Republikkkan or Demokkkrat groupthink mentalities and be wrong about who they think people are, people who oppose their beloved party?

No, no I'm not sure about that at all. Actually I'm positive that people largely refuse to do that.

Libertarians are as freethinking as 'non-denominational' xtians are non-denominational. Libertarianism itself suffers from herd mentality, too.

There’s no state that will have a law that prohibits abortion in every case.

Reasonable laws will have exceptions for health of the mother, rape, and incest.
Really? The ruling isn't even 24hours old and multiple states have already canceled every single abortion appointment.
Like I said, not serious
Like I said, you don't speak for anyone but yourself and no one is responsible for your interpretations. Worth noting: it takes a certain amount of hubris for someone to constantly insist that their interpretation is gospel.

Like I said, you don't speak for anyone but yourself and no one is responsible for your interpretations. Worth noting: it takes a certain amount of hubris for someone to constantly insist that their interpretation is gospel.

This post makes no sense

So your criticism of me is that I believe my opinion/argument is correct.

Well dammit, how dare I think that way. :lol:
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