***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People need to shutdown the talking points like this when repugnicans try to peddle their BS.

Don't let these clowns off the hook.
That chick was talking about "Democrats support abortion up to delivery."

How does that even make sense?

These people paint Democrats as caricatures to scare their voters, but it seems that they really are the dog that caught the car this time.
That chick was talking about "Democrats support abortion up to delivery."

How does that even make sense?

These people paint Democrats as caricatures to scare their voters, but it seems that they really are the dog that caught the car this time.

But it’s the same scary caricature that is behind the statement that the other side wants to see women get raped and forced to have babies.

How does that even make sense?
yoo let me know when you get to Vallarta if you want some info! I write for the local paper, I have a podcast spotlighting the area and the remote work scene, I work with businesses in the city, I know where the weed at...happy to help you and the fam have a smooth landing amongst quality folks.

that goes for all of you except one.
Why are you trying to get him caught up with the cartels :lol:
I’m 100% behind babies being aborted if they can’t be afforded.

Why do you want people to struggle

I don’t want people to struggle. In a perfect world, no one would struggle.

I don’t think that people who will struggle deserve to die. And that’s my issue with killing unborn babies for that reason.
The talking points are being done by both sides here. Abortions because of rape and/or incest are extremely rare (they account for 1% and 0.5% of abortions respectively).

Likewise, late-term abortions are extremely rare. They are more common than abortions due to rape and/or incest but they only account for 1.3% of abortions.
The vast majority of abortions take place at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy and the decision is generally based on the idea that: 1) having a baby would dramatically change the mother’s life (74%); or the idea that the baby is not affordable right now (73%).

A 15 week restriction with exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother seems reasonable based on the data imo.
Na **** that. Her body, her choice. Mind your own business.
Na **** that. Her body, her choice. Mind your own business.

Choices about what you can do with and to your body are regulated by laws—tons of them.

This is especially true when decisions about what you do with your body impacts the lives of others. This conversation has long been about the point at which the state has a legitimate interest in the right of the unborn baby. Even under Roe, the right to an abortion was not limitless. I honestly think people don’t realize that.
Choices about what you can do with and to your body are regulated by laws—tons of them.

This is especially true when decisions about what you do with your body impacts the lives of others. This conversation has long been about the point at which the state has a legitimate interest in the right of the unborn baby. Even under Roe, the right to an abortion was not limitless. I honestly think people don’t realize that.
You're not teaching me anything. Again, mind your own business. Women should be able to make the choice for themselves. Period.
You're not teaching me anything. Again, mind your own business. Women should be able to make the choice for themselves. Period.

I respect your opinion.

Unborn babies deserve to live after 15 weeks absent a health concern for the mother, the pregnancy being the result of a rape and/or incest in my opinion.

Voters in individual states will decide which opinion they agree with and the state laws will reflect the differing opinions.
Choices about what you can do with and to your body are regulated by laws—tons of them.

This is especially true when decisions about what you do with your body impacts the lives of others. This conversation has long been about the point at which the state has a legitimate interest in the right of the unborn baby. Even under Roe, the right to an abortion was not limitless. I honestly think people don’t realize that.
And this has never been about "oh we have to save the unborn babies!" That's the bull**** they feed the ignorant and people like you fall for it. It's a clump of cells that would plop on a table if taken out of the woman. It's not "a baby." No, it's always been about keeping a white majority. That's the entire reason the white dominant party is so adamant about it.
Have you looked at the polling? The majority of Americans support abortion bans after 15 weeks, with the exceptions I listed. But don’t take my word for it:

You should read past headlines. Also, polls like this are very flawed. They are representative of WSJ readers that clicked on their Twitter poll. They aren't going door to door in urban areas.

Although more respondents supported than opposed the 15-week ban, a majority of voters said abortions should be legal in all or most cases.

Fifty-five percent supported the legality of abortion in most cases, 30 percent said it should only be legal in cases of rape, incest or health of the mother, and 11 percent said it should be illegal in all cases.
surely this topic about abortion is a pretty heated topic with a substantial supporters and non-supporters. parenthood is really a scary thing and justifying certain actions due to unpreparedness, economic reasons, social welfare, acceptance, fear, etc....shouldn't be given some leeway on a potential crime to be committed. dehumanizing a fetus to validate abortion is sick much so as some women saying "my body, my choice". so what makes it different than a woman abandoning their child or reckless endangerment or infanticide? some people are trying to redefine or use technicalities to make actions "justifiable". point is, there should be a fine line on what should be considered as justifiable or something that is considered as criminal. so it's basically a case to case basis. but redefining a growing living organism inside of you as something disposable is just setting a bar too low as a human being. there is no winning for both sides and both are in the losing end. is abortion a solution? if so, what is it exactly a solution for? convenience for one's own life just because the person couldn't contain themselves getting shagged? or is it because for medical condition that would result to endangering both the lives of both living individuals?

I'm sure that others here have a different mindset possibly due to differences of cultural/social/political/religious background and form their own moral compass. others don't think or feel the same way but we as a society are trying to set a standard that is acceptable to the majority and agree to get us all in unison of what is right. it is a continuing battle and we can only hope that we don't devolve into something worse.

just to cool of some heads here, I'd like to share this video......
surely this topic about abortion is a pretty heated topic with a substantial supporters and non-supporters. parenthood is really a scary thing and justifying certain actions due to unpreparedness, economic reasons, social welfare, acceptance, fear, etc....shouldn't be given some leeway on a potential crime to be committed. dehumanizing a fetus to validate abortion is sick much so as some women saying "my body, my choice". so what makes it different than a woman abandoning their child or reckless endangerment or infanticide? some people are trying to redefine or use technicalities to make actions "justifiable". point is, there should be a fine line on what should be considered as justifiable or something that is considered as criminal. so it's basically a case to case basis. but redefining a growing living organism inside of you as something disposable is just setting a bar too low as a human being. there is no winning for both sides and both are in the losing end. is abortion a solution? if so, what is it exactly a solution for? convenience for one's own life just because the person couldn't contain themselves getting shagged? or is it because for medical condition that would result to endangering both the lives of both living individuals?

I'm sure that others here have a different mindset possibly due to differences of cultural/social/political/religious background and form their own moral compass. others don't think or feel the same way but we as a society are trying to set a standard that is acceptable to the majority and agree to get us all in unison of what is right. it is a continuing battle and we can only hope that we don't devolve into something worse.

just to cool of some heads here, I'd like to share this video......

You really view this as a person?

surely this topic about abortion is a pretty heated topic with a substantial supporters and non-supporters. parenthood is really a scary thing and justifying certain actions due to unpreparedness, economic reasons, social welfare, acceptance, fear, etc....shouldn't be given some leeway on a potential crime to be committed. dehumanizing a fetus to validate abortion is sick much so as some women saying "my body, my choice". so what makes it different than a woman abandoning their child or reckless endangerment or infanticide? some people are trying to redefine or use technicalities to make actions "justifiable". point is, there should be a fine line on what should be considered as justifiable or something that is considered as criminal. so it's basically a case to case basis. but redefining a growing living organism inside of you as something disposable is just setting a bar too low as a human being. there is no winning for both sides and both are in the losing end. is abortion a solution? if so, what is it exactly a solution for? convenience for one's own life just because the person couldn't contain themselves getting shagged? or is it because for medical condition that would result to endangering both the lives of both living individuals?

I'm sure that others here have a different mindset possibly due to differences of cultural/social/political/religious background and form their own moral compass. others don't think or feel the same way but we as a society are trying to set a standard that is acceptable to the majority and agree to get us all in unison of what is right. it is a continuing battle and we can only hope that we don't devolve into something worse.

just to cool of some heads here, I'd like to share this video......

I hope you get banned from this thread for posting a clip from Friends

That is nasty work
etc....shouldn't be given some leeway on a potential crime to be committed. dehumanizing a fetus to validate abortion is sick much so as some women saying "my body, my choice".
Killing a human is not always a crime according to our laws. The Christian religion itself is not consistent about the act of killing: sometimes it condemns it, sometimes, it condones it (and the Bible has stories of God sanctioning child murder, as far back as Exodus). Anyway you look at it, qualifying abortion as a crime is a stretch.

Furthermore, going down the path of qualifying fetal death as a crime opens the door to a whole host of issues: pregnant women smoking and drinking and being active and falling (all legal activities that can endanger the fetus) could possibly get them charged. How do you differentiate between miscarriage and abortion in order to decide whether to punish the mother?

so what makes it different than a woman abandoning their child or reckless endangerment or infanticide?

The laws usually apply to persons. A fetus doesn't enjoy full personhood until birth. It's after they're born that they get a name, they count on the census, they get assigned to a society (citizenship) and get all the rights and responsibilities that come with it, etc... Personhood is the main difference between born and unborn humans.
you ask a question and you turn into a raging psycho when you didn't like the answer. nice work. take your own words, put in on sideways and stick it up you candy butt.
It's literally an elephant embryo. You can't tell the difference between a glob of elephant cells or a glob of human cells but you want to force a woman to carry it until it forms into a baby. You're clearly ignorant on this subject so sit down and stop trying to tell others what they have to do. It doesn't affect you. It's none of your business. Until it's formed to the point of being able to survive without the mother, the mother gets to make the decision, not you.
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