***Official Political Discussion Thread***

There’s no country areas in America that aren’t MAGA country.

Which is annoying because I like the country but I just keep to myself.

Big facts. I’ve lived everywhere in the States besides the west coast and there are rednecks every damn where. :lol:

I always chuckle when folks bash the South (even though I understand why) because once you get outside of some of these larger northern cities, you’re basically in the South when it comes to the mindset of the populace. Hell, I faced more overt racism in Michigan than I ever have in Alabama. Go figure.
There’s no country areas in America that aren’t MAGA country.

Which is annoying because I like the country but I just keep to myself.

Thats true but I don't think people know Oregon or Washington as well as say California where everyone knows central California and the like are MAGA. I've met quite a few people that think all of Oregon is like Portland and it's just a giant hippie nature preserve and have no idea its deep, deep red outside of the I-5 corridor.
Mexico. We went there back in 2018 and fell in love with it. The people, the weather, the culture, the food, etc. I could go on and on about my love affair with that country lol, but we just knew from the first day we stepped foot in Puerto Vallarta that we’d end up there eventually.

But for us it’s perfect b/c of the proximity to the States. Our older kids will still be here, and both of our families have older folks in declining health. So a quick (and kinda affordable) plane ride back is a must. Healthcare is also affordable there, and for anything major we are covered in the U.S. thanks to the VA. And to be honest, it has “American” amenities that we’re used to, and that makes the transition a little easier. There are lots of similarities between Mexico and the U.S. tbh—far more than a lot of folks want to admit. It isn’t perfect and has its issues for sure, but our quality of life will vastly improve. And at the end of the day, what else besides that really matters??

yoo let me know when you get to Vallarta if you want some info! I write for the local paper, I have a podcast spotlighting the area and the remote work scene, I work with businesses in the city, I know where the weed at...happy to help you and the fam have a smooth landing amongst quality folks.

that goes for all of you except one.
To echo cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 just know you have options out there. I’ve done years of research on this **** and I’m still nervous as hell about up and moving outta here. It’s a daunting thing, especially when kids are involved. But I gotta believe that my 11-year old will be better off for it in the long run. The U.S. is a great place with a lot of great people, and it’ll always be home. But I can’t keep ignoring the downward trend and acting like it’s all good. I’d be doing my daughter a disservice if I did that.
All I want to add to this is, if you do intend to keep your citizenship, keep filling out those tax forms and don't forget to vote. Uncle Sam doesn't say anything about those tax forms until it's time to renew your passport, and they hit you with the fines + interest.
that goes for all of you except one.
He ain't leaving anyway. It's not like they make Paula Deen style biscuits overseas.
Libertarians groups have strangely all of a sudden called for "moderation" in regard banning abortion

Reason, the biggest libertarian magazine, which often calls for people to vote for the Libertarian Party posted this...

Principled opposition only seems to ever be a libertarian thing when in affects white men
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People need to shutdown the talking points like this when repugnicans try to peddle their BS.

Don't let these clowns off the hook.

The talking points are being done by both sides here. Abortions because of rape and/or incest are extremely rare (they account for 1% and 0.5% of abortions respectively).

Likewise, late-term abortions are extremely rare. They are more common than abortions due to rape and/or incest but they only account for 1.3% of abortions.
The vast majority of abortions take place at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy and the decision is generally based on the idea that: 1) having a baby would dramatically change the mother’s life (74%); or the idea that the baby is not affordable right now (73%).

A 15 week restriction with exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother seems reasonable based on the data imo.
The talking points are being done by both sides here. Abortions because of rape and/or incest are extremely rare (they account for 1% and 0.5% of abortions respectively).

Likewise, late-term abortions are extremely rare. They are more common than abortions due to rape and/or incest but they only account for 1.3% of abortions.
The vast majority of abortions take place at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy and the decision is generally based on the idea that: 1) having a baby would dramatically change the mother’s life (74%); or the idea that the baby is not affordable right now (73%).

A 15 week restriction with exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother seems reasonable based on the data imo.

I’m 100% behind babies being aborted if they can’t be afforded.

Why do you want people to struggle
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