***Official Political Discussion Thread***

They should. But I don't think they have the votes. I believe they would have to end the filibuster which we know Manchin and Sinema are railroading.
just do it to get more ammo, look how bad it turned out when the republicans banned gay people from their klan party convention in Texas. even trump called them out.
Here’s your chance to agree with Dwalk31, everyone. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Tough topic, but I feel that a woman should have the right to abort as it is her body
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Guess fam was completely OK with these type of "killings" this whole time without the dire exceptions like rape and putting the mother's health in jeopardy as long as men weren't financially responsible
sabu (1).png

Stop it. The real insults (and threat) you should be looking at are directed towards Delk.
I think if you were really concerned about those insults - which I attended to upon my next visit to the thread - you would have reported those insults.

You did not.

I addressed you as the admin because if I @ you, you say I’m not your concierge” and follow it by sending me a link to the staff directory, lol.
This makes no sense. If you’ve been repeatedly reminded that I’m not the only staff member, and that there are more respectful and efficient ways to get the attention of our team than contacting me individually instead of the team as a whole, referring to me as “the admin” is literally the opposite of the desired takeaway.

I sent you a link to the contact form. We have email support. NikeTalk is a large and active forum. My day to day responsibilities with the site extend beyond moderation. No single person can handle every issue that emerges over the course of any given day. That’s why we have a team.

Once more for those in the back: if anyone comes across as a suspected rule violation on our forums, please click the “report” link beneath the post to generate a report visible to the entire staff.

Surprisingly enough, this is more effective than sending Nelson a DM on Instagram at 4 A.M. or treating my personal inbox like a diaper if you’ve had a bad day.

Dblply’s expressed desire to avoid a warning doesn’t mean anything when his question of why Delk hasn’t been doxxed before stands in the same post. The fact that it’s still up....

It’s kind of hard to make the claim that no action was taken if the user was warned, then suspended from the thread upon repeat offense.

Expressing surprise that someone hasn’t been doxxed yet isn’t the same as actually doxxing somebody. Ask Dwalk31 if he believes that the team and I have been negligent in our efforts to protect his identity.

As he said, he didn’t bother to report that post either and considered the issue resolved, so I don’t know who you think you’re standing up for at this point.

You’re in here often enough to the point where I know I don’t have to @ you.

I visit regularly, but I don’t live here. You’re seriously complaining because I didn’t react to unreported posts in one of our hundreds of active threads within three hours due to prior commitments?

If this is the reaction when I spend a couple of hours in site-related meetings, can you imagine if I'd committed the unpardonable sin of working on something else or - goodness forefend - taking an afternoon off?

I suppose I should be flattered that you’ve come to expect those sorts of moderation response times from NikeTalk, because you certainly don’t on any other platform. I’d be a lot more offended if you expected the place to be an irredeemable cesspool with uncaring ownership like, say, Facebook or reddit.

Don’t worry though, Delk is not mad about it, he’s been name called so often I think he’s used to it.

Are you under the impression that DWalk31 requires the services of an interpreter? He already posted on this topic. I thought he was pretty clear and capable of expressing himself. Didn’t you?

I do appreciate the irony in saying that “he’s been name called so often I think he’s used to it” while calling him out of name.

chef kiss.gif

Your clear concern for his wellbeing is touching.
Should anything similar occur in the future, perhaps you'll take the ten seconds to submit a report.
The problem is, you can sell or shut down a website to opt out of some unpleasant discussions, but opting out of oppression is far more difficult. It's not a fun time to moderate a platform, but it's a very important time to own one, so that its policies need not align with those of big businesses, which may be providing travel and relocation perks but are not, by and large, owning up to their role in financing and enabling these zealots to evade taxes and regulatory burdens.

As I said, better man than me.

I do recognize the importance of communities like this one and am appreciative of the work. I’ve been friends with the owner and main administrator of an online community that I’d guess is about 10% the size of NT and was maybe 25% at its peak. In the two decades that site has been live, he’s shared with me many of the difficulties of keeping that site running somewhat smoothly. I know this is usually fairly thankless.

As we’ve seen.

Thanks for the direct response. And thanks again for doing good work that less, uh inclined, people like me can enjoy and learn and grow from.
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Guess fam was completely OK with these type of "killings" this whole time without the dire exceptions like rape and putting the mother's health in jeopardy as long as men weren't financially responsible
sabu (1).png

Also important to note that post is 10 years old.

I was not a father when I made that post.

Great to see that even a decade ago I acknowledged that it was a tough topic. If you keep strolling that page you see that my positions have been pretty consistent, surprisingly, given the time lapse.

Positions evolve.
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Weird. Becoming a father didn't make me want to take away women's rights. If anything, it made me MORE sympathetic.

Yea, I guess everyone is different. I would have been devastated if my child was aborted absent some medical concern/reason. Like, I couldn’t even imagine it.

But I understand everyone doesn’t feel the same on the issue.
If being a father is your motivation to care about this issue (gross btw) why hyperfocus on abortion? Infinite other things to focus on in the well being of children that doesn't get the same attention. I think people just aren't aware or don't want to admit they are weak minded victims of decades of political programming.
If being a father is your motivation to care about this issue (gross btw) why hyperfocus on abortion? Infinite other things to focus on in the well being of children that doesn't get the same attention. I think people just aren't aware or don't want to admit they are weak minded victims of decades of political programming.

of all the things dude could pretend to care about

the health care system.. educational system.. access to shh.. or what about the state of the world when the time comes for his kids to have kids
If being a father is your motivation to care about this issue (gross btw) why hyperfocus on abortion? Infinite other things to focus on in the well being of children that doesn't get the same attention. I think people just aren't aware or don't want to admit they are weak minded victims of decades of political programming.

Being a father isn’t the reason. Not sure how you arrived there. 10 years of life experience between my post and now has shaped my views.

Yea, the ultrasound visits absolutely created an increased concern for unborn babies (you see heartbeats, legs, arms, head). Our process was during the pandemic, so we had a virtual gender reveal, had a name, etc. I would have been devastated if an abortion decision was made after that absent some medical reason/concern. If that’s different for you, we can just agree to disagree.

Also, I’m deeply concerned about tons of issues that impact children. The polarizing thing tends to be how we solve those problems.

No reasonable person thinks the Uvalde shooting was okay. No reasonable person wants children to grow up in poverty or lack education and other resources. The issue is how do we solve those problems. Just because people have a different opinion on the solution, doesn’t mean they don’t care.

I see the humanity in most of the posters who post in this thread. And if I don’t, I try to see it.
of all the things dude could pretend to care about

the health care system.. educational system.. access to shh.. or what about the state of the world when the time comes for his kids to have kids

All of this stuff is important. It’s absurd to think you can only care about one thing at a time.

Jesus christ…


Sodomy refers to anal or oral intercourse. As explained in this case from Georgia, “Sodomy is defined as any sexual act involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another.”

Traditionally, sodomy has been referred to as a "crime against nature" by various courts and statutes.


Ron DeSantis vetoed a House map his party drew and demand they draw an even worst gerrymander to eliminate two black districts in the state. Even though voters in Florida passed a ballot measure preventing this from happening

Furthermore this is happening....

Because of his actions

He bullied the damn special Olympics for some culture warrior nonsense.

And is regard as a favorite with white supremacists groups in the state.

Let us not forget sending cops to the home of a former health official that he fired. The person that created the Covid health tracker

Rogan is a ******* idiot. No surprise he brushes aside DeSantis racism and cruelty as just being "human". Then starts complaining about left wing people that take issue with DeSantis far right nonsense.

Ahhh to be rich white male and entitled as ****.
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