***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I have to know, was young Juju always this much of an absolute moron? At this point he’s basically a demented drunk roleplaying as a lawyer. Surely he must’ve had some semblance of a brain back in his prime?

An old supervisor of mine back in job during high school went to undergrad with him and was a loose acquaintance of his back then. He said he was looney back then too. People really couldn’t stomach him according to a loose description of him.
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Guess fam was completely OK with these type of "killings" this whole time without the dire exceptions like rape and putting the mother's health in jeopardy as long as men weren't financially responsible
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If you’re of the belief that life begins at conception and abortion is murder, no matter when it occurs, then rape exceptions constitute killing a child for someone else’s crime.

By what measure, though, are we to accept that life begins at conception? As it cannot be established, from any medical/scientific standpoint, that an embryo is capable of experiencing suffering, we’re essentially left with tautological religious arguments about the “soul.”

If it’s your belief that life that late-term abortions should be limited, that was the status quo under Roe.
You didn’t need to blow up stare decisis for that.

The only reason to do this would be to permit outright bans and the Draconian criminalization of common reproductive healthcare procedures.

Taken in concert with their renewed push to uphold sodomy laws, this is primarily about enforcing the religious notion of sex as a purely procreative act, the consequences of which will overwhelmingly impact women.

It can’t be about “protecting children” if you’re trying to ban contraception. It can’t be about “families” if you’re trying to ban IVF and prevent same-sex couples from marrying. It can’t be about “killing” if you support the death penalty and worship assault rifles.

Delk using his kid as a reason why he wants to control women's bodies

Nasty work :smh:

If being a father is your motivation to care about this issue (gross btw) why hyperfocus on abortion? Infinite other things to focus on in the well being of children that doesn't get the same attention. I think people just aren't aware or don't want to admit they are weak minded victims of decades of political programming.

It’s especially hard to take in the context of his “evolution” on protecting the George Zimmermans of the world from Internet commentary through unctuous concern trolling about due process.

Parents might be more inclined to agree with young DWalk:

:wow: :rofl: Question? Are you still in high school? Middle school maybe? Zimmerman was 28, carrying a weapon... and killed a 17 year old high school student. It wouldnt matter if TM was strung out, bumping Wacka Flocka naked and selling crack. He was unarmed... GZ could've/ shouldve just called the cops if he felt a "suspicious" individual was in the neighborhood... He followed the kid around... I'm sure u think he followed him with no intention to confront him right? In ur scenario GZ was following but didn't ever plan on catching the "suspect" :wow: Ur scenario sounds ridiculous... Sounds like GZ is a sick individual who knew the law from his classes, and acted in a way, where he honestly felt he could kill someone and get off on a loophole.

Not a single “allegedly” to be found.

I miss this DWalk31, before he became a rent-seeker. He seemed like a decent guy.

As I said, better man than me.

I do recognize the importance of communities like this one and am appreciative of the work. I’ve been friends with the owner and main administrator of an online community that I’d guess is about 10% the size of NT and was maybe 25% at its peak. In the two decades that site has been live, he’s shared with me many of the difficulties of keeping that site running somewhat smoothly. I know this is usually fairly thankless.

I appreciate the sentiment and I certainly can’t argue with you about your characterization of this work as “fairly thankless.”

After all, we just saw someone attempt to lodge a series of complaints because they saw a rude comment that wasn’t removed in under ninety minutes. Wait until they discover the rest of the Internet.

Don’t sell yourself short, though, especially if you’re performing any of the other thankless tasks out there that tend to result in harassment. If you’re not game for this particular sort of punishment, that’s entirely understandable. When we started the site, I was still a teenager and had no idea what I was really signing up for.

It’s going to take all of us working through our own communities, organizations, and institutions to effect the desired change.

In the words of the great Dorothy Height,
“I want to be remembered as someone who used herself and anything she could touch to work for justice and freedom.”

This just happens to be one of the things that was within reach for me.
:wow: A totally human, not obfuscating, clear, concise reaction from Delk. That's crazy, didn't know that existed. I wonder if he remembers that person. Kinda like how I wonder if Clarence Thomas remembers siding with Black Panthers and a life before white women.
Not a single “allegedly” to be found.

I miss this DWalk31, before he became a rent-seeker. He seemed like a decent guy.

Same fight; different approach.

I sure told that anonymous poster on the internet a decade ago…but George Zimmerman still free.

Yet the same types of arguments I was making have probably been used to lock 1000s of black men that look like me in cages around the country during the same time.

Sad really.
:wow: A totally human, not obfuscating, clear, concise reaction from Delk. That's crazy, didn't know that existed. I wonder if he remembers that person. Kinda like how I wonder if Clarence Thomas remembers siding with Black Panthers and a life before white women.
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

Imagine citing "conservative judges" as a selling point when nobody's more responsible for racist mass incarceration or "Southern Justice."
After all, we just saw someone attempt to lodge a series of complaints because they saw a rude comment that wasn’t removed in under ninety minutes. Wait until they discover the rest of the Internet.
How about one a few hours after you most likely read it and let it slide? You feel insulted to be called “the admin” I can imagine what a fit you’d throw if I were to hit you with.....
Man shut up
How about one a few hours after you most likely read it and let it slide? You feel insulted to be called “the admin” I can imagine what a fit you’d throw if I were to hit you with.....

For years Dwalk has used the same talking points over and over to respond to people in here. He had to he warned multiple time with some of his most egregious trolling now he has settled into these struggle attempts to grab the moral high ground. Nearly every regular in here knows this. That is why I told him to shut up, he is not engaging in good faith disagreement he is just trying to work people up with the same type of post he has made for some time now.

If you felt my post broke the rules then either block me or report me. I dunno why I'm being brought into your back and forth with Meth to be honest.

But it really seems as If Meth upset you some time ago, and these posts right now is your attempt to air your general grievance with him.
For years Dwalk has used the same talking points over and over to respond to people in here. He had to he warned multiple time with some of his most egregious trolling now he has settled into these struggle attempts to grab the moral high ground. Nearly every regular in here knows this. That is why I told him to shut up, he is not engaging in good faith disagreement he is just trying to work people up with the same type of post he has made for some time now.

If you felt my post broke the rules then either block me or report me. I dunno why I'm being brought into your back and forth with Meth to be honest.
Thanks for the backstory on Dwlk, Rusty.
Yeah, your insults to him are breaking the rules and I know you know that. I know you have the facts to shut his arguments down so why not do that instead of lowering yourself hurl insult. Better yet, practice the advice you’re giving me on just hitting the block button on Delk? And no, I’m not dragging you into this. I didn’t even expect you to reply, mearly point out to meth how he allows insults to others stand even after he’s read them.
Thanks for the backstory on Dwlk, Rusty.
Yeah, your insults to him are breaking the rules and I know you know that. I know you have the facts to shut his arguments down so why not do that instead of lowering yourself hurl insult. Better yet, practice the advice you’re giving me on just hitting the block button on Delk? And no, I’m not dragging you into this. I didn’t even expect you to reply, mearly point out to meth how he allows insults to others stand even after he’s read them.
I have responded to him in detail on numerous occasions over the years. I won't be dragged down the rabbit hole again for your sake.

If my post are breaking the rules, IMO report them. I am perfectly fine with facing the consequences of my actions. You want discuss a specific point I made, cool I'm game. But like I told other regular posters that lecture me on things they don't like about my behavior, I don't care.

But cool, good to know I'm not being including in you letting you whatever hard feelings you have toward Meth out.
I have responded to him in detail on numerous occasions over the years. I won't be dragged down the rabbit hole again for your sake.

If my post are breaking the rules, IMO report them. I am perfectly fine with facing the consequences of my actions. You want discuss a specific point I made, cool I'm game. But like I told other regular posters that lecture me on things they don't like about my behavior, I don't care.

But cool, good to know I'm not being including in you letting you whatever hard feelings you have toward Meth out.
This has been going on for years? Just hit’em with the ignore button. I’m sure that would bother him more than anything my dude. Like I said before, I don’t expect you to reply anymore on this. Cool? Cool.
How about one a few hours after you most likely read it and let it slide? You feel insulted to be called “the admin” I can imagine what a fit you’d throw if I were to hit you with.....

Now you’re lobbying for “shut up” to be reclassified as an Internet felony? Another horrific crime committed in broad daylight that you never bothered to call in?


This really isn’t accomplishing what you think it is.

But it really seems as If seems Meth upset you some time ago, and these post right now is your attempt to relitigate that situation

Yeah, it’s obviously unprincipled caviling on his part.

His main problem with NikeTalk is that he doesn’t run it. I didn’t ban Khufu exactly when he wanted me to in 2020, so now the rest of the community has to pay for it indefinitely.

I’m not sure what it has to do with politics, aside from it being a crude form of lobbying.

If he had a real problem with these violations, he could make use of the report feature to alert the entire moderation team. Instead, he just has a problem with me and he's trying to drag it into a thread I frequent.
He could've at least chosen the Wizards thread. It's less active and we're even more accustomed to disappointment there.

Thanks for the backstory on Delk, Rusty.
Yeah, your insults to him are breaking the rules and I know you know that. I know you have the facts to shut his arguments down to so why not do that instead of lowering yourself hurl insult. Better yet, practice the advice you’re giving me on just hitting the block button? And no, I’m not dragging you into this. I didn’t even expect you to reply, mearly point out to meth how he allows insults to others stand even after he’s read them.

So it’s now your position that “shut up” is a high offense, and negligent of me to allow such posts to stand?


Okay, I guess we’re doing this.

Shut up the both of you.
Man shut up. You failed hard already :lol:
Shut up....Castro street boy.

Take care, now. Drive home safe.
Methodical Management Methodical Management its still an insult (not high level felony like you exaggerate). My question is how do you decide when it’s crossing the line. Someone calls someone else a troll and you’re compelled to type up a “reminder”. Does accusing someone of trolling a higher offense? Just wondering.

Thanks for your faux concern on my commute home. I hope your Wizards do better.
Methodical Management Methodical Management its still an insult (not high level felony like you exaggerate). My question is how do you decide when it’s crossing the line. Someone calls someone else a troll and you’re compelled to type up a “reminder”. Does accusing someone of trolling a higher offense? Just wondering.

Thanks for your faux concern on my commute home.

So, are you requesting warnings for your self-described rule violations then - since you're suddenly so concerned about a single instance of "shut up" being overlooked?
So, are you requesting warnings for your self-described rule violations then - since you're suddenly so concerned about a single instance of "shut up" being overlooked?
Mine are few to random arguements over the years where as some regulars in here have several more just in this thread and to the same person. How many insults pop up for rusty? How about the whole site?

To be fair, telling delk to "shut up" is sometimes the most appropriate response to the nonsense he types. 🤷🏾‍♂️
See? It’s common.
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Mine are few to random arguements over the years where as some regulars in here have several more just in this thread and to the same person. How many insults pop up for rusty? How about the whole site?
I thought you said...
Thanks for the backstory on Dwlk, Rusty.
Yeah, your insults to him are breaking the rules and I know you know that. I know you have the facts to shut his arguments down so why not do that instead of lowering yourself hurl insult. Better yet, practice the advice you’re giving me on just hitting the block button on Delk? And no, I’m not dragging you into this. I didn’t even expect you to reply, mearly point out to meth how he allows insults to others stand even after he’s read them.

Why must I still be included in your petty complaints even after Meth showed you to be a hypocrite in regards to the use of "shut up"?

Dude, just let it go.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford You don’t have to respond. You’ve already told me how you feel about it and I didn’t report your posts, just pointing them out the meth.

letsgetit22 letsgetit22 It’s on the verge of bullying when it’s done to the same person. Hate his posts? then just hit ignore, no? Thats what the staff usually tells us to do.
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