***Official Political Discussion Thread***

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford You don’t have to respond. You’ve already told me how you feel about it and I didn’t report your posts, just pointing them out the meth.

letsgetit22 letsgetit22 It’s on the verge of bullying when it’s done to the same person. Hate his posts? then just hit ignore, no? Thats what the staff usually tells us to do.

How about you just drop all this pointless hypocritical complaining you are doing instead.
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RustyShackleford RustyShackleford All I’m asking for is for you all to ease up on that guy regardless if you agree on his politics. I don’t agree with them myself but it verges on bullying. I spoke with a fellow member who was seeing a psychiatrist and it made me cringe to see some of the comments he was getting from members here. It wasn’t related to him seeing one, just ridicule on another subject in a different thread. That can’t be good for them since we don’t know their state of mind.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford All I’m asking for is for you all to ease up on that guy regardless if you agree on his politics. I don’t agree with them myself but it verges on bullying. I spoke with a fellow member who was seeing a psychiatrist and it made me cringe to see some of the comments he was getting from members here. It wasn’t related to him seeing one, just ridicule on another subject in a different thread. That can’t be good for them since we don’t know their state of mind.
Methodical Management Methodical Management after he finally sends RustyShackleford RustyShackleford to ban camp and turns over da reigns to jrose5 jrose5 to run things.

Mine are few to random arguements over the years where as some regulars in here have several more just in this thread and to the same person. How many insults pop up for rusty? How about the whole site?

I thought “shut up” was an insult and therefore a rule violation, not “an insult if you do it more than an unspecified number of times that excludes me and includes people I don’t like.”

Why don’t you take a few days, collect yourself, figure out a point, and then email it to our support staff for their consideration?

In the meantime, if you come across any more suspected rule violations, hit the report button to bring them to the attention of our moderation team. If you think I’m overlooking something, this gives every other moderator and administrator the opportunity to review it.

Now, if you don’t mind, I think everyone else here would much rather discuss urgent political issues, of which there are many.
dwalk31 dwalk31 shame on you if you’re really out here trolling this thread.

I’m actually not in here trolling. In the past, I’d say “yikes” or “:smh: wow” to highlight repeated hypocrisy, but I was told that was a form of trolling so I stopped.

Now, anyone who people disagree with is labeled a troll. The term is near-meaningless—at least in this thread.
If it’s your belief that life that late-term abortions should be limited, that was the status quo under Roe.
You didn’t need to blow up stare decisis for that.

I actually agree. All of the same restrictions could have been accomplished without formally overturning Roe. Roberts’s concurrence outlined this.
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