***Official Political Discussion Thread***

it's stupid but it doesn't matter, no random veteran ever thought "I'd love to be a teacher but my lack of a degree is stopping me."

they get veteran preference to a million government jobs that are gravy. why would they go teach? :lol:
Does that preference automatically extend to their spouses? That to me is the kicker and the real target this is aimed at and like Desantis it’s stupid and not something that would hold up to scrutiny nationally.

I don’t think “own the Dems” will work in 2024 it’s not 2016 where you have both Obama resentment and Hillary propaganda helping.

Is he saying sleeping with really drunk women is the woman's fault because feminism made them get date raped? Did the Supreme Court write this opinion?
I fully support people, including black people, loving and marrying whomever they want. Regardless of race

But this brotha really gonna marry into that family. Damn

But then again, judging by the hairline and khakis, mans might be buttery too
The man has custom braces and not custom grillz…. Just saying
I honestly believe that the most "masculine" virtue to a large sector of men is obsessing about masculinity being under attack

And it is not even hardcore conservatives

I saw this play out a lot in the Kevin Samuels thread on here

… and the Bill Cosby thread, and the Lia Thomas thread, and anywhere bitter middle-aged singles whine about women’s choices and the betrayal of “modern men.”

There’s a vast ecosystem catering to and preying upon the insecure men whose fragile self-worth is largely bolstered by their masculinity. A common, central feature in the “pick up artist,” incel, and cultural reactionary circles is the attempted reification of gender roles. Sexism is predicated in an absolutist male/female binary, which naturalizes inequality. (E.g. Female mammals nurse their young, therefore a woman’s place is in the home and it is the primordial duty of croissant-shaped men reeking of Axe Body Spray, with genetically modified flesh festering in their bowels and back hair sewn into their scalps to rant on the Internet about what’s “natural.”)

While it’s not the exclusive province of conservatives, it’s certainly become a gateway/affinity community.

Perhaps more than anything else, contemporary conservatism has committed itself to the grievances of those for whom dominance is considered a naturally-ordained birthright, now besieged by modernity. It is, in their minds, the “natural order” for husbands to rule over wives, the White race to oversee all others, children to obey their elders, etc.

In conservative circles, as in the manosphere, dominance hierarchies are both natural and inevitable. Any attempt to subvert these hierarchies, then, is perceived as an attempt to invert them, thus framed as “kill or be killed,” “dominate or be dominated.”

Men denied their right to dominate women claim they’re being “feminized.” White people denied their right to dominate claim they’re being “replaced.” Oppressors discouraged from oppressing claim oppression.

Anything that might blur or ignore the old boundary lines is perceived less as a threat than an attack.
… and the Bill Cosby thread, and the Lia Thomas thread, and anywhere bitter middle-aged singles whine about women’s choices and the betrayal of “modern men.”

There’s a vast ecosystem catering to and preying upon the insecure men whose fragile self-worth is largely bolstered by their masculinity. A common, central feature in the “pick up artist,” incel, and cultural reactionary circles is the attempted reification of gender roles. Sexism is predicated in an absolutist male/female binary, which naturalizes inequality. (E.g. Female mammals nurse their young, therefore a woman’s place is in the home and it is the primordial duty of croissant-shaped men reeking of Axe Body Spray, with genetically modified flesh festering in their bowels and back hair sewn into their scalps to rant on the Internet about what’s “natural.”)

While it’s not the exclusive province of conservatives, it’s certainly become a gateway/affinity community.

Perhaps more than anything else, contemporary conservatism has committed itself to the grievances of those for whom dominance is considered a naturally-ordained birthright, now besieged by modernity. It is, in their minds, the “natural order” for husbands to rule over wives, the White race to oversee all others, children to obey their elders, etc.

In conservative circles, as in the manosphere, dominance hierarchies are both natural and inevitable. Any attempt to subvert these hierarchies, then, is perceived as an attempt to invert them, thus framed as “kill or be killed,” “dominate or be dominated.”

Men denied their right to dominate women claim they’re being “feminized.” White people denied their right to dominate claim they’re being “replaced.” Oppressors discouraged from oppressing claim oppression.

Anything that might blur or ignore the old boundary lines is perceived less as a threat than an attack.

from the party that claimed all that “small government” stuff and state rights stuff

they sure do care a whole lot about personal decisions being made by adults on themselves

and now they’re openly discussing divorce like these old rich white dudes ain’t 2-3 marriages deep

but that aspect of the issue won’t be touched, just like say viagra, vasectomies and/or breast augmentations and other deemed acceptable body modifications
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