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The Kanye/Candace JP Morgan **** is obviously fake :lol:. Bots & Candace Owenes pushing the “non woke bank” Thiel app, Glorfii as an alternative.

Step 1: Claim to be unfairly “canceled”

Step 2: Direct to “alternative”

It’s the same damn Grift…EVERY! Single! Time!

Conspicuously absent in that purported notice is a date.

In a September 22nd interview with CNBC, Kanye said, “I’m moving my money over from JPMorgan to Bank of America, possibly, because I go and move $140 million over to JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon never calls me."

So former Nazi-financier Chase Bank is supposedly closing Ye's account (possibly at his request), and now bots (and people who act like bots) are citing this, of all things, as proof of some nefarious Jewish banking conspiracy.

And yet, the marks who reliably buy into this nonsense fancy themselves independent thinkers.

I left the Democratic Party because I am a free thinker.....also, I am endorsing a far right candidate for Federal office....

Secure that bag Tulsi, the world is yours baby girl

Of course you'd have a bog-standard liberal take on public hangings.
Dumb, but a chuckle.

And yet, the marks who reliably buy into this nonsense fancy themselves independent thinkers.

It’s frustrating to me how much mainstream media sanitizes and amplified this nonsense for clicks. I was texting with a former colleague who has, himself, had to draft external communications to banking clients. I pointed out that nothing about that letter seemed legit, he countered that it had been confirmed by Forbes.

But Forbes, in an article repeating the Owens allegation, claimed that The NY Times had confirmed the claim. Googling the Dealbook blog post gave more context. Beneath the click bait headline “JPM severs ties” was the simple claim that they’d closed the account and that was confirmed.

So the grey lady implied, but carefully never states, that JPM initiated the closure and with a rhetorical sleight of hand confuses confirmation of one thing with another. Then Forbes fails to report the context of the Times confirmation and adds even more certainty to the idea that JPM fired Ye.

So even an industry vet with 15 years at a bulge bracket bank was led to believe the claim, even if he has no real idea who Candace Owens is and didn’t even bother to read the source letter with any skepticism.

I doubt he would have given any of it the time of day without having gotten it from Forbes.
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