***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dwalk31 dwalk31 look at the guy you supported and defended for years being as delusional and divisive as ever

There is literally video footage they released of Roger Stone laying out the strategy prior to the election that no matter what they say they won.

Give it up already, Geeze.

It’s also wild that the secret service was tipped off about the proud boys wanting to kill people on Jan 6th and they literally did nothing to prevent it.
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America.. the whole world... needs to get a live Donald Trump sitting in front of the Jan 6 committee to answer questions, before the midterms. Let the country watch his unhinged ramblings live in HD with no supporting crowd to cheer his idiocy, or back his racism, or support his lies. Let Bennie and Liz and Adam grill the man to well done before Jamie lets the ketchup choppa spray.
We all know damb well Trumpito ignoring that subpoena

yup.. we've already see others from that world ignore them and not face consequences

some of them have been held in contempt, but that's just kicking the can further down the road and they're just waiting for their people to get in power and for shh to go away

it's almost as if some of these folks who are in the thing havent been paying attention to things that have happened
It's reminiscent of how the anti-vax/"vaccine hesitant" crowd would say they wanted to make "an informed decision" about taking the COVID vaccine and then proceeded to consume anti-vax propaganda exclusively.

Let me see if I can put this in the format most familiar to them.


It’s frustrating to me how much mainstream media sanitizes and amplified this nonsense for clicks. I was texting with a former colleague who has, himself, had to draft external communications to banking clients. I pointed out that nothing about that letter seemed legit, he countered that it had been confirmed by Forbes.

But Forbes, in an article repeating the Owens allegation, claimed that The NY Times had confirmed the claim. Googling the Dealbook blog post gave more context. Beneath the click bait headline “JPM severs ties” was the simple claim that they’d closed the account and that was confirmed.

So the grey lady implied, but carefully never states, that JPM initiated the closure and with a rhetorical sleight of hand confuses confirmation of one thing with another. Then Forbes fails to report the context of the Times confirmation and adds even more certainty to the idea that JPM fired Ye.

So even an industry vet with 15 years at a bulge bracket bank was led to believe the claim, even if he has no real idea who Candace Owens is and didn’t even bother to read the source letter with any skepticism.

I doubt he would have given any of it the time of day without having gotten it from Forbes.

"Man closes bank account" is the "dog bites man" of financial stories.

Forbes' gig-economy "contributor network" will have to do a lot better than that for Facebook shares.

How many times are people going to fall for this move?

Trump claims he'll comply under "conditions," ringing Pavlov's bell. Headline mills churn for a few days, mostly accepting Trump's statement at face value.
Trump makes his conditions unpalatable, withdraws, then cites objections real or imagined to sow conspiracy theories that the committee has something to hide and refuses to operate with transparency.

"I was willing to do it! Why didn't they want it to be public?"

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