***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Blinken warned lawmakers Azerbaijan may invade Armenia in coming weeks​

He also said State isn’t planning to renew a long-standing waiver that allows the U.S. to provide military assistance to Baku.


It’s the same reason why German neo Nazis wave confederate flags and Gadsden flags when they are marching in the streets of Germany where public displays of swastikas are illegal.

It’s the same reason why racist cops and villainous plutocrats so often collect Nazi memorabilia.

It’s why the members of the far right in New Zealand, like to do drinking songs about Rhodesia.

Settler-colonial-backing white supremacist want to do three things.

1.) signal a certain global settler colonial solidarity.
2.) intimidate indigenous people nearby or whomever else they consider to be undesirables.
3.) make those two signals in a way that will lessen legal and social culpability (and often lets them make a statement about how they’re the real victims here. e.g. “they’re trying to silence me just because I love history)

What Mast is doing is basically wishing that he could wear a Kyle Kittenhouse or a Derek Chauvin screen print around the Capitol but he knows that expressing his beliefs that way would garner too much backlash so he finds a more indirect, a more cute way to signal which groups of people he sees as fully human and those which he does not. Dude would love to see an other settler colonial States unilaterally besieging and bombing densely populated places inhabited by non white people. For now at least, Mast will have to be content with just Gaza getting flattened.

I don't find this global settler colonial solidarity theory very compelling.

a much more plausible explanation imo;

America is majority Christian nation, where WWII, 911, and the war on terror is one of the most defining historical events, and has historical geopolitical interests in the region.

I don't think you need a global conspiracy of settler colonialists to explain why the US political class would be inclined to support Israel over Hamas.
So stop responding.
The indignity of answering the question is a far lesser affront than the presumptive suspicion the question represents.

It is the attitudinal analogue of "papers, please."

The subtext is, "convince me you're not one of the bad ones. Convince me that you're human."

This is part of the experience of living as a minority in an oppressive society: your very presence is considered suspicious. You are constantly prompted to justify your existence, prove that your intentions are pure, provide assurance that you're not "a threat."

If you were asked if you support looting and riots in 2020/1992, if you were asked if you support terrorism in 2001, if you were asked to sign a loyalty oath in 1943, you were not presented with a question - but a command to roll over, show your belly, and submit.
2020 was wild, and I def wasn’t on the side of the police.

I’d rather have seen every mpd precinct burnt to the ground than all of lake street personally.

Now “luxury” apartments take the place of small businesses.
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