***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Dude just like last time there will be a ton of people that ignore the warnings, downplay how ****ed up Trump is gonna be, then indirectly blame Joe Biden for everything.

Even the trolls that pop up in here are gonna celebrate Trump winning so they can mock liberals. Then go ghost and talk that "I don't support this" talk even he starts the crazy ****.
Like I said when Trump ran the first time, minorities that support him better have a plan B that includes living outside the US, because he won't make it comfortable for them here.

Want to change the US foreign policy stance to be more pro-[insert your group]? Become politically indispensable. Folks look at AIPAC today and forget that at the beginning of WWII, the US worshipped Nazi sympathizer Henry Ford and turned away a boat full of Jewish refugees.

Speaking of AIPAC:

Already, Bush, Bowman, Lee, and Omar have drawn primary opponents for their safe blue seats for the 2024 cycle, thanks to strenuous recruiting efforts from AIPAC, which has already begun making expensive, incendiary ad buys against those members, according to reporting in the Associated Press, the Intercept, and Jewish Insider.

Bush is facing St. Louis prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell, who was running for Senate until late October. Bowman is facing 70-year-old Westchester County executive George Latimer. Lee is facing perennial candidate Bhavini Patel. Omar is facing a rematch with Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels, former Illinois congressional candidate Sarah Gad, and military vet Tim Peterson. Jewish Insider has reported that AIPAC is still feverishly recruiting for a challenger for Tlaib as well, and is reportedly still looking for primary challengers for Pressley and Ocasio-Cortez.
Biden may talk about wanting a two-state solution, but he sure won't achieve it with an Israeli government that supports these folks:

You said, “Settlement is the way to return to Zion”?

Yes. It’s the end of the dispersion and the beginning of the revival of the Jewish nation in this homeland.

What are the borders of that Jewish nation?

The borders of the homeland of the Jews are the Euphrates in the east and the Nile in the southwest. [This would include the territory of multiple Middle Eastern countries as well as the territory that Israel controls today.]

There’s a Palestinian slogan that has become very controversial: “From the river to the sea,” which means from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It’s controversial because it would include all the land that currently makes up Israel. But you’re saying from the river to the—

What is controversial?

Palestinians sometimes use the slogan “From the river to the sea.” But what you’re saying is that from the river to the Nile is the Jewish homeland, correct?

Of course. If someone decides to invent a new religion today, who will decide the rules? The first nation that got the word from God, the promise from God—the first nation is the one who has the right to it. The others that follow—Christianity and Islam, with their demands, with their perceptions—they’re imitating what existed already. So, why in Israel? They could be anywhere in the world. They came after us, in the double sense of the world.

For decades, Daniella Weiss has been one of the leaders of Israel’s settlement movement. Weiss became involved in settlement politics in the wake of the 1967 war. In the early seventies, her family moved to the settlements in the West Bank and she later served for a decade as mayor of Kedumim, a community in the north. She has also been arrested numerous times, including for assaulting a police officer and interfering with an investigation into the destruction of Palestinian property. More recently, she has been affiliated with the Nachala settlement organization, which helps younger settlers establish illegal outposts in the West Bank, an initiative that’s controversial even among the settler community. (Weiss is a neighbor and an ally of Bezalel Smotrich, the extremist minister of finance, who has said that the Palestinian people do not exist and that Palestinian communities need to be erased; he also lives in Kedumim.)
At first I found this funny

I was gonna laugh it off completely, until one of my younger cousins messaged me about it

Biden better not have banned menthols yet. I think I might need one after I talk to her...


It’s all 100% true.

Last time I got my medical card, I had to pass to pass a test by putting my hand next to a paint swatch of Ecru and show them an old college ID.

When I applied for free crack pipes, I was told not to bother because I had to fail the brown paper bag test.

The media does not report any of this. Thank you were revealing the truth, Senator.

4 million for the county's public health officer to resign?! This is the equivalent of the Jimbo buyout in College Station. :rofl: :rofl::lol:

So many people believe that since Trump supporters have made their support of him their entire identity that not seeing Biden shirts, hats and other trinkets means he doesn't have supporters. **** is wild.
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Ultimately, the right is going to always be opposed to most civil servants because they really do believe that government is a general conspiracy of their social inferiors to get a far bigger share of the pie than they would get under a minarchist state. The right sees most government jobs as sinecures to be doled out to racialized and gendered others.

But I’m still glad that there’s people who can make the technocratic and utilitarian argument in favor of a well compensated and effective civil service.

When left unchecked, the notion that there’s all this “waste, fraud, and abuse” and in the vague state “bureaucracy,” sounds appealing to less engaged voters.
Ultimately, the right is going to always be opposed to most civil servants because they really do believe that government is a general conspiracy of their social inferiors to get a far bigger share of the pie than they would get under a minarchist state. The right sees most government jobs as sinecures to be doled out to racialized and gendered others.

But I’m still glad that there’s people who can make the technocratic and utilitarian argument in favor of a well compensated and effective civil service.

When left unchecked, the notion that there’s all this “waste, fraud, and abuse” and in the vague state “bureaucracy,” sounds appealing to less engaged voters.

John Oliver had a piece earlier this year talking about how since they removed negotiators and other types of checks at the pentagon that the providers have been ripping the government off with 50+% margins. Where they should be getting 10-15% max.
This guy has a great channel on YT. He usually gets a lot more Arabs to get both perspectives in his older interviews.

Lots of mixed reactions here. Biased, unbiased, extreme, etc.

1:40 min and 21 min mark gave the best answer imo


:rofl: :rofl:

We might be cooked brahs

Fam I'm good friends with a white American Twitch streamer from Kentucky, who does vote Dem in every election. Same ages as me, 29.
Good guy, strongly anti-racist and anti-homo-/transphobia etc but very very ignorant. He has said he always votes Dem because he thinks Republicans are nutty racist zealots.

So one day a while back, he's streaming and poses a question about Trump's criminal charges.
I replied and brought up both "Jan 6th", "attempted insurrection", and this man had no clue what I was talking about. Literally had no idea anything happened at the Capitol, the whole thing had to be explained to him.
Dude does not read any newspapers or watch any news media.

At least that wasn't the worst part. He also admitted in that stream that he doesn't season his chicken.
There is no way he didn’t know about Jan 6th, that’s impossible. He probably was feigning his ignorance of Trump’s influence on it.
There is no way he didn’t know about Jan 6th, that’s impossible. He probably was feigning his ignorance of Trump’s influence on it.
Nah I've known the guy for years, he really is that ignorant. At some point he seemed to vaguely recall some details but he literally does not consume news, ever.
Dude also had to ask "what's a special counsel"
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