***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Y'all letting a right winger fool y'all with his both-sides nonsense

Given what he has said about trans people, immigrants, Jews, Ukraine, and black people his preference is clear.

He wants Trump back

Every damn time, a person says they aren’t ideological and they just call things like they see them and use “common sense,” you know you’re dealing with someone who is a devotee of the “Turner Diaries.”

Every damn time, lol.
Democratic politics has largely become an exercise in well compensated, advanced degree holding, homeowners, telling the people who fetch their coffee and who have 5 roommates in two bedroom apartment to vote for said homeowners’ favored ballot line or else things could get worse.

And said homeowners are absolutely f—ing right on this question but it is still alienating for people, largely shut out of any kind of real future, or prosperity, or stability to have to give up on being able to use the ballot to create structural change and instead must settle for preventing their lives from simply getting worse. And anytime those shutout people complain about this, someone with 100 times more net worth calls them stupid, racist, sexist, ignorant, selfish, and shortsighted for even considering voting on a different ballot line than their crappy boss, landlord, or chief of police.

I don’t know any good solutions to that dilemma. It’s a dilemma caused by the fact that the GOP has so many structural advantages that the Democratic Party has to amass coalitions so large that it has to include people and groups with diametrically opposed material interests. It’s also exacerbated by geographic polarization. It’s hard to tell the more marginalized and marginal voter that voting for the Democratic Party will bring about their liberation, when every rich and powerful person whom they have actually met in person and who has diminished their quality of life also votes Democratic.

I don’t envy the politicians who have to navigate these internal contradictions within the Democratic Party’s vast coalition.

I think this is way too doomerist.

Homeowners interests tend to win because homeowners vote a lot and make up a majority of the populace.

But as the success of the YIMBY movement has shown.
Even home owners can be pursuade out of regressively self interested policy preferences.

so I don't think the contradictiona are that grave.
I'm not gonna get baited into another name calling back and forth.

But given what you have said on NT I think you are clearly right wing, generally uninformed about politics, and hold a lot of bigoted views.

People can make up their own minds about you, and about my opinion about you.

Your tantrums are not gonna stop me from calling out obvious buffoonery, from anyone.

Deal with it, or go subtweet me in another thread like usual. Whatever makes you feel better.
I think this is way too doomerist.

Homeowners interests tend to win because homeowners vote a lot and make up a majority of the populace.

But as the success of the YIMBY movement has shown.
Even home owners can be pursuade out of regressively self interested policy preferences.

so I don't think the contradictiona are that grave.

From a position of comfort, I can agree and can recognize that things can change for the better, they can change for the better sooner than expected, and crucially change can come from unexpected sources.

In the housing crisis specifically, YIMBYism and its close relative urbanism will eventually win out even without major revolution or even major legislative reforms at the top. Non real estate capital and the state, are getting fed up with coalitions of incumbent homeowners ******ing economic growth (and therefore potential profits) and the local tax base, respectively. Moreover, as cheap gasoline becomes less and less likely to return to North America (and it will get cheaper), the NIMBY social safety valve of low wage workers commuting in from far away (where housing is cheaper), will become less and less viable and even many NIMBYs will soon become YIMBYs as there idyllic coastal and suburban towns, currently being declared “full” or “overpopulated” can suddenly find room for lots more housing and a great deal of low income housing at that. Suddenly, “shadows,” “neighborhood character,” and “traffic” suddenly won’t be a problem when the servers, warehouse workers, nursing home workers, nannies, maids, baristas, gardeners, and civil servants stop driving in from 100 miles out everyday to serve our affluent NIMBYs.

But if you are paying 50% of your income for half a bedroom in some crappy apartment, it’s hard to have that degree of patience, optimism, and political flexibility/pragmatism.

And on my obtuse point, it’s not a good look that this happens to people in States run by Democrats, in a city run by Democrats, and the landlord/slumlord is a Democrat, your boss is a Democrat, the owner of the company is a Democrat, and every powerful person in your life is a Democrat and they all have their hand in your pocket, it makes people far less receive to the very sound counter arguments that A.) the Democratic Party/coalition has a lot of internal variety, and B.) the Republicans really do sabotage and undermine efforts to improve the majority of worker’s material conditions.

And I don’t mean to single out the Democratic Party. In general, not living your values (or appearing to not do so) gives people an excuse not to engage with your arguments, even if those arguments are sound.
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OMFG fam :lol:

If this current system is beneficial to you & you enjoy the process then Vote, why is it such an issue that everyone doesn't align with that. i mean this is the most important election of our lifetime coming up :lol:, and whenever you have the chance to vote for a corpse you should never think twice.

Not like we have 40+ years of evidence to make a smart decision off of or anything
My man, you posted a video where the creator is knocking democratic leadership because what, Dems didn't do anything to make it easier to vote when the other party is literally gutting the Voting Rights Act while the Dems were trying to protect it? It was clown ****.

"....vote for a corpse...."
Whether people like it or not, presidential elections in the US are 2 person races. One corpse has been trying to implement policies that help the country while the other is a walking indictment who wants to strip citizens of their rights and can't talk for 2 minutes without lying about something. It's as simple as that.
OMFG fam :lol:

If this current system is beneficial to you & you enjoy the process then Vote, why is it such an issue that everyone doesn't align with [something that significantly affects people's lives].
A true mystery for the ages indeed.
My man, you posted a video where the creator is knocking democratic leadership because what, Dems didn't do anything to make it easier to vote when the other party is literally gutting the Voting Rights Act while the Dems were trying to protect it? It was clown ****.

"....vote for a corpse...."
Whether people like it or not, presidential elections in the US are 2 person races. One corpse has been trying to implement policies that help the country while the other is a walking indictment who wants to strip citizens of their rights and can't talk for 2 minutes without lying about something. It's as simple as that.
He's out here talking about a corpse (yes age is important) when both candidates are old and Trump is a lobotomized cult leader who'd find a way to fail an IQ test.
He's not even good at crime anymore. His classified document charges are some of the absolute dumbest ways to get indicted that anyone could come up with, much less the charges related to his even more delusional coup attempt.
Do you think she's wrong about anything that she was talking about?
Very interested in the responses you get because when i stated these folks were nuts and would continue their physical assault on American institutions until they then turned their sites to other American people, i was laughed off...told these folks were too old, out of shape, and dumb to do anything like that.

And while I realize she's saying a person in a position of power will do this and not the people following this person, who do we think is going ti carry out this person in power's orders? It aint gonna be the person in power....
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