***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Maybe because the worst president ever was in office prior to the last election? :lol:
i honestly feel like the last election was bigger...for some reason the aspect of automatically having a new president because the prior president was coming off a 2 year term really was stronger.

It was definitely a bigger deal

-America was finally getting rid of Bush
-A black dude was running
-And the economy went boom

2008 was a historic election.
Why in 2012, in the age of all these technological advancements are we STILL having so many issues with people voting, voting machines, etc. :smh:

It really doesn't make sense why people in some places are reading ballots by hand to record the results :smh:
I wouldn't agree with that. Philly yes, of course. I'd say the rest of PA leans more right though.
Including all of Pennsylvania's major cities including Wilkes Barre, Scranton, hazelton, and Pittsburgh. Romney will have a much more difficult time getting pa than Obama.
Why in 2012, in the age of all these technological advancements are we STILL having so many issues with people voting, voting machines, etc.

It really doesn't make sense why people in some places are reading ballots by hand to record the results
Dat voter suppression.
its so weird how were supposed to be the UNITED States of America yet, we are all so divided -- man im worried for all of our futures going forward.
2 terms will allow Obama to finish what he started in 2008. People of America must realize that prosperity takes time.

Romney's plan seems unrealistic, and it will require 2 terms for Romney to fulfill his promises. MARK MY WORDS!

Facts show that Obama has created more private sector jobs & our economy has showed recovery.

If we change presidents every 4 years, nothing will get done in this country.

Personally, I think Romney will send us back to the old Bush policies that got us into the mess we are in.

Vote Obama.

Sometimes I believe people's impatience with Obama is effected by the "Magical Mystical Negro" stereotype in Hollywood/media.

Julius F. Wrek
Maybe because the worst president ever was in office prior to the last election? :lol:

Bush wasn't all that bad he carried the USA back from the worst attack it has ever faced. That takes great leadership. McCain would have been the best bet for president but he messed up by picking Palin :x

Yes there was a recession but, that isn't the first time a recession has happened and lets face it we are still in a recession after 4 years of a new president.

I'm really not into politics to be honest but ever since I have graduated from college and have been handling my own finances etc. I have taken more notice to what is going on.
2 terms will allow Obama to finish what he started in 2008. People of America must realize that prosperity takes time.
Romney's plan seems unrealistic, and it will require 2 terms for Romney to fulfill his promises. MARK MY WORDS!
Facts show that Obama has created more private sector jobs & our economy has showed recovery.
If we change presidents every 4 years, nothing will get done in this country.
Personally, I think Romney will send us back to the old Bush policies that got us into the mess we are in.
Vote Obama.

The thing with Obama is that he hasn't progressed while in 4 years, people want to see progression. It also did not help that whenever he spoke about what he needed to do in the next 4 years, Romney would counter with well why has it taken so long to get started?

Romney is a businessman and people want to see the economy get better, create jobs for the unemployed and the older people don't want to see capital gains taxes rise because they rely on a lot of dividend income. Another 4-8 percent or whatever it is will really hurt them. Without this Obama Care plan and if he extended Bush's tax cuts he would have sealed this election at the beginning of the year.

That is a big target market of the 8-10 percent unemployed plus the old timers.

I don't even know what the heck I'm saying though. Just speaking for fun hah.
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it took bush eight years to **** it all up..

but they expect Obama to fix it in four. 
That's all relative, when Bush was president I was getting yearly raises, since Obama has been president I haven't gotten a single pay raise.. Been stuck at the same pay scale for the past 4 years, but yet, utilities,etc,etc keep rising... so if you'd ask my opinion, I'd say it Obama f*k'd it up.. just sayin'..
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it took bush eight years to **** it all up..

but they expect Obama to fix it in four. 
That's all relative, when Bush was president I was getting yearly raises, since Obama has been president I haven't gotten a single pay raise.. Been stuck at the same pay scale for the past 4 years, but yet, utilities,etc,etc keep rising... so if you'd ask my opinion, I'd say it Obama f*k'd it up.. just sayin'..
Blame your boss for not getting a pay raise.
That's all relative, when Bush was president I was getting yearly raises, since Obama has been president I haven't gotten a single pay raise.. Been stuck at the same pay scale for the past 4 years, but yet, utilities,etc,etc keep rising... so if you'd ask my opinion, I'd say it Obama f*k'd it up.. just sayin'..

Read your first three words.

Always kills me when nobody talks about the do nothing/obstruct everything Congress and blame this President for the "lack of progress".

Julius F. Wrek
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