***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Remember how in yesteryear the politician having a news conference the day after getting convicted of a crime would come out and announce they were dropping out of the race for public office generally, much less the presidency?

Nah this idiot is gonna damn near nail himself on a cross and act like he's owed the presidency as an apology
We know they aren't going to put him in jail, so give him a high vis shirt that says felon, a grab stick with garbage bag and make him go pick up garbage for hours on end every day for bout 4-500 hours of community service.

Yeah but he better have a legit case. I don’t see them doing him any political favors.

Exactly. It's not like the evidence didn't show everything he did wrong. And can you even appeal due to bad council? I have a good feeling his appeal won't go anywhere.

One question? Does he have to be there for the appeal or is it only his lawyers that will be there?
Exactly. It's not like the evidence didn't show everything he did wrong. And can you even appeal due to bad council? I have a good feeling his appeal won't go anywhere.

One question? Does he have to be there for the appeal or is it only his lawyers that will be there?

You can appeal based on ineffective assistance of counsel, but it’s a difficult standard to prove. He’d have to show both objective deficiency (I didn’t watch the case but I understand his defense attorney was a former federal prosecutor? Unlikely he was particularly deficient) and that the deficiency was prejudicial. I haven’t followed the nitty gritty details of the case, but I imagine they may challenge the jury composition, probably the judge’s objectivity, and then sufficiency of the evidence. All such claims are going to be tough to show…

Appeals are generally written with the potential, but not requirement, for oral argument. I’d imagine he’d go for an oral argument but I dont know if he’s required to. It may depend on the state and idk NY’s rules.
We know they aren't going to put him in jail, so give him a high vis shirt that says felon, a grab stick with garbage bag and make him go pick up garbage for hours on end every day for bout 4-500 hours of community service.
This is actually a great idea. I guarantee he rather rot in a jail cell than have to pick up trash off the side of a highway.

Please sentence him to 1000 hours of community service! :lol:
This is actually a great idea. I guarantee he rather rot in a jail cell than have to pick up trash off the side of a highway.

Please sentence him to 1000 hours of community service! :lol:
1000 hours of community service + house arrest for 6 months when not performing his service should carry us through the election without Trump getting a chance to do a single klan rally 8)
This is actually a great idea. I guarantee he rather rot in a jail cell than have to pick up trash off the side of a highway.

Please sentence him to 1000 hours of community service! :lol:
That's what I'm saying.. he'd HATE to have to do that in front of everybody 🤣
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