***Official Political Discussion Thread***


President Joe Biden's reelection campaign had a scathing response for Meta, calling it a "greedy, reckless decision" on the company's part and warning against "undemocratic, un-American misinformation" from Trump and MAGA Republicans.

"Restoring his access is like handing your car keys to someone you know will drive your car into a crowd and off a cliff," campaign spokesperson Charles Lutvak told The Hill. "It is holding a megaphone for a bonafide racist who will shout his hate and white supremacy from the rooftops and try to take it mainstream. Without question, it is a direct attack on our safety and our democracy."

Yeah seems like they want Trump to win at this point.

Welp guess were gonna be seeing Fauci again sometime in next 4 years smh

All I can say is if we have another pandemic, the country is 100% FUBAR!! TFG didn't learn a damn thing from the last one and we'll lose even more people because he won't be prepared again. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Jamaal Bowman was unfortunate, but the lesson doesn't apply here. He got primaried with the overwhelming monetary support of AIPAC due to his comments supporting Hamas, with a challenger who was the most popular politician with his constituents. Its a whole other topic but AIPAC is doing that regardless to other DSA candidates literally right now. Its clear they see them as a political threat and are taking steps to primary all of them.

The best chance they have is to go mainstream and hitch themselves to a potential rising Biden, or maybe join:be absorbed by the WFP.

he was losing before the AIPAC money came in.

by jamal bowman style, I mean tough center left primary candidate challenging DSA members.
Jamaal Bowman was probably headed for an L before the AIPAC money dropped.

Absolutely not. They don't care. Trump is white and male and racist and carries himself like all the stuff that is problematic to them (equal rights, a diverse society, an actual meritocracy) is a problem for him too that he will work to eliminate. that's all a bunch of these people need.

And removal of regulations just means selective enforcement of whatever backstop is available shall commence and they imagine they will get whatever they need at whatever time they need it.

If they lose their money, it doesn't matter what any rules or regulations say, they are white and they didn't do anything wrong in their minds, so they therefore should get whatever they want. Same logic they use when they echo that Trump thought he didn't do anything wrong for January 6th, therefore that's reality and he isn't guilty.
So you want a democrat Biden *** kissing contest in here?
YES. **** all the BS, it’s crunch time now. You’re either with me or against me. Ain’t no hand holding and “let’s all come together!” song singing. One side wants to **** me over and the other side doesn’t.

If you’re against me, I’ll be the first to say to go play in traffic. I don’t want ANY positive light on the other side. NONE. I don’t want any “well at least the right ……” blah blah blah. If you support Trump say it with your chest (speaking generally here), and I will point you out and say **** you.

If it’s down to a racist rapist who failed at everything hes done in life vs an old man who needs a nap once every 4 hours, I’m taking the old man. Easy choice. Trump is a sex offender 34 time felon who bankrupts every business he touches. If the democrats had half a brain they’d start and end all political message with that.

No, this message isn’t personally for you. This goes out to any and all Trump supporters. It’s game time. None of this “all come together” BS. **** yall
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