***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The primaries are done, so it’s not the voters.. so it would be the party’s delegates going against the votes

But the people advocating for a change, I’d hope, have a plan for this whole thing to actual happen and be able to realistically accomplish in just over 100 days

And if these people have a single person in mind, great.. but if they don’t, it seems obvious the further mess being created with just over 100 days to go

The replacement has to be Kamala. Anything else would look ridiculous. Who is more qualified than the VP?
Unfortunately those bombs are being sent regardless. Clearly the plan is they won’t use them on Gaza.

What pray tell do you think they plan to use them for seeing as Israel has been bombing Gaza into oblivion?


What do they have in common?

I know! These white guys all understand that no one just falls from a coconut tree. We all exist within the context of all in which we live and that came before us
The replacement has to be Kamala. Anything else would look ridiculous. Who is more qualified than the VP?

I think it’ll be Kamala too but I feel bad because she’s not going to beat trump. America didn’t vote Hilary Clinton in, I don’t see them voting a black woman as president, even if the opponent is trump.

the only other candidates and newsome and whitmer. If I was either of them, it would make way more sense to run in 2028 than to run a shortened campaign now, especially when the Democratic Party doesn’t seem to have a plan. Why risk your future election campaigns when you know the chances to win this one are slim?

I don’t see trump losing this November. Sucks, but this is the America we’re in. I blame the Democratic Party for not cooking up better candidates post Obama.
The replacement has to be Kamala. Anything else would look ridiculous. Who is more qualified than the VP?
If that's the case, why all the ruckus? She's already on the ticket!

If Biden is to be 25th'd, she won't have to go through the steps of satisfying the donors and reassure an electorate that doesn't know her well. The transition is assured.

This is why I keep saying this controversy is a waste of time. Every minute spent speculating on Biden's replacement is time not spent reaching out to voters and informing them about the consequences their choice. Dems need to act like they have the better platform.
I think it’ll be Kamala too but I feel bad because she’s not going to beat trump. America didn’t vote Hilary Clinton in, I don’t see them voting a black woman as president, even if the opponent is trump.

the only other candidates and newsome and whitmer. If I was either of them, it would make way more sense to run in 2028 than to run a shortened campaign now, especially when the Democratic Party doesn’t seem to have a plan. Why risk your future election campaigns when you know the chances to win this one are slim?

I don’t see trump losing this November. Sucks, but this is the America we’re in. I blame the Democratic Party for not cooking up better candidates post Obama.

Or we could just blame the shameless Americans who are ok voting in a criminal grifter into office
I think it’ll be Kamala too but I feel bad because she’s not going to beat trump. America didn’t vote Hilary Clinton in, I don’t see them voting a black woman as president, even if the opponent is trump.

the only other candidates and newsome and whitmer. If I was either of them, it would make way more sense to run in 2028 than to run a shortened campaign now, especially when the Democratic Party doesn’t seem to have a plan. Why risk your future election campaigns when you know the chances to win this one are slim?

I don’t see trump losing this November. Sucks, but this is the America we’re in. I blame the Democratic Party for not cooking up better candidates post Obama.

I don't think we're getting a clean election season in 2028 if Trump wins. I don't think folks understand.

The Heritage Foundation is currently wargaming scenarios to usurp power if Trump doesn't win this year. What makes you think the GOP won't modify the electoral process to entrench their power once they have the WH, the Supreme Court, and Congress?

Y'all should look at the BS that is being pulled in states with a red trifecta; they have been redistricting and passing laws to deny Democrats access to political power. This is coming to DC too.

I don't think we're getting a clean election season in 2028 if Trump wins. I don't think folks understand.

The Heritage Foundation is currently wargaming scenarios to usurp power if Trump doesn't win this year. What makes you think the GOP won't modify the electoral process to entrench their power once they have the WH, the Supreme Court, and Congress?

Y'all should look at the BS that is being pulled in states with a red trifecta; they have been redistricting and passing laws to deny Democrats access to political power. This is coming to DC too.

I’m only speaking in terms that it would be hard to come back and have a legit shot in 2028 as a candidate if you are thrust into this 2024 nomination (with <4 months to go) and lose.

I think Gretchen would’ve beat trump this time if they rallied behind her and identified her earlier as the nominee with no infighting/backlash . I’m not saying she can’t win now, but if she lost now she might not get the same chance in 2028. Idk it makes sense in my head :lol:
Much has been said about how algorithmic social media has contributed to divisiveness - but not enough attention has been paid to the ways in which it's generating a convergence towards nihilism.

In previous cycles, I've written at great length about my frustrations with non-intersectional forms of "leftism", like "White Socialism."

A refusal to compromise isn't inherently radical - nor is compromise inherently reasonable.

One's ability to refuse compromise and engage in brinksmanship, however, is heavily influenced by privilege.

While socioeconomically insulated slacktivists and cause-hopping oppression tourists who self-identify as leftists routinely threaten to abandon the world to autocracy unless their primary issues are centered, I reject the false equivalence and "both sides" framing of this as if leftists and centrists engage in this in equal measure or to equal effect.

Outside of MAGA, no group has been more radical and uncompromising than centrists/moderates. How often have you seen a leftist say, in effect, "okay Boomers: give us what we want or your Social Security gets it"? It doesn't happen.
Pick an issue that people with empathy care about: healthcare, climate change, education, criminal justice reform, whatever. Centrists' position on most of these subjects is essentially, "either nothing fundamentally changes or good luck with White Christian Nationalism." Meanwhile, leftists have consistently pared down their ambitions to achieve incremental progress or simply protect vulnerable groups from further harm.

In that sense, it's not strictly a "both sides" issue - that leftists and centrists both need to stop screwing around and agree that "some genocide" is the mature, responsible path forward. It isn't. It's unconscionable.
But if we're to oppose it "by any means necessary," that includes voting.

The prospect of minimizing harm and working towards a future in which the desired reforms are possible requires it.

Voting and direct action are not mutually exclusive - but they are linked. Voting for the best available candidate - even if that candidate is in many ways disappointing - neither prohibits you from nor absolves you of responsibility to engage in direct action.
Even if you feel that working through government is a dead end, allowing a Republican to take power, however, can - and in this case almost certainly will - limit your ability to otherwise make a meaningful difference.

A conservative Supreme Court - particularly one so brazenly partisan - would be highly unlikely to invalidate Anti-BDS laws. In 2021, Republicans passed a spate of anti-protest laws in reaction to BLM and police reform activism. Given the chance, they will do the same to inhibit campus protests: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/republicans-campus-protest-law-order.html

A Republican-controlled Senate and Justice Department would likely result in the passage and enforcement of a bill similar to H.R. 6090, which would classify criticism of Zionism as a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Trump even went so far as to promise that, if elected, he'd deport pro-Palestinian protesters.

You can rest assured that Netanyahu supporters will continue voting to implement such measures, and they would love it if the rest of us didn't.

Sitting out an election does not "teach the Democrats a lesson," because it is voters who choose each party's candidates in primary elections - not non-voters. The people who will suffer most from a Biden loss will be the most vulnerable - not the most responsible for the administration's failures and certainly not the most privileged.

In the words of Audre Lorde, “There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”

Republicans efforts to roll back civil rights will not end with abortion, and those most harmed by their anti-abortion measures are decidedly not rich White women.

Anyone who genuinely cares about displacement should stand aghast at Republican policies on immigration, housing, and climate change.

Even segregation could be back on the menu:

While I believe that voting Uncommitted in this year's Democratic Primary sent a necessary message to the Biden administration and will hopefully influence future policy, I will not allow my righteous anger to curdle into a destructive, self-defeating nihilism - especially when there is so much else at stake here.

If we genuinely want better candidates then we have to vote for them.

In this case, that includes voting to prevent minority rule by White Christian Nationalists.

Those who would sit by comfortably on the sidelines as innocents are made to suffer are demonstrating privilege, not purity.

I deeply resent the idea that it will be leftists - not Biden himself, not centrists, not conservative bigots or tax-dodgers - who would bear the blame of condemning this country and its most vulnerable residents to ruin.

Genuine leftists will vote to minimize suffering - and then go back to organizing and engaging in direct action.

Just gonna bring this back right quick

This is basically what the pod save America folks said what happened, Democrats were running far ahead of Biden in their races are going to distance themselves from him.

Not sure if this is true but this is what I fear. Biden is just surrounding himself with yes men and he is running out of defiance at this point.

This is basically what the pod save America folks said what happened, Democrats were running far ahead of Biden in their races are going to distance themselves from him.

Yup. Biden is Hace Frio in the purple seats up for grabs. They want off this sinking ship. A super majority is a worst case scenario :smh:


George Clooney is a rich white celebrity and is still more in touch with black American voter opinion than certain sneaker forum copium addicts. 🤔

They are asking the wrong question. People can have concerns about Biden and also not want him to leave the race with no succession plan in place.

The question they need to ask is if it is elites that think the best path forward is for Biden to quit with no succession plan in place. Then ask if it is a smart idea to spend every day criticizing Biden without also offering a succession plan.

That's like asking do you have concerns about giving LeBron a huge contract over 40 years old, everyone says yes. Then you say ok, that means everyone agrees with firing/cutting LeBron from the team. What?
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