***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Can you explain this more?

How does this change things for those folks? I’m being dead serious too.

It just means more ridiculous MAGA memes. It’s not gonna sway undecided voters or people leaning towards Biden to vote for him. Now these rednecks will go to further lengths of worshipping this worthless POS.

It’s weird that MAGA Musk endorsed him after this. It’s also weird he endorsed him like we didn’t know he was a MAGA. It’s also also weird he endorsed him after Trump Euphoria’d him.
Imagine he gets elected and bans guns now

i don't understand how this happening is going to give him the w.

Worked for Raegan…Rallied people to push him to an overwhelming second term win…People by and large despise this type of violence and anybody sitting on the fence might lean right as a result 🤷‍♂️

As an aside, there has to be a very real concern that somebody tries for Biden out of some twisted sense of revenge :smh:…This country is totally broken y’all…
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