***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Do not believe it. Remember when he staged this

It was the reaction of the Secret Service agents. They acted like they wanted the shooter to try one more time.

How did they not push that man's head as low as they could? Instead, they gave him the time to pose.

It seems real though. I really hate the kind of energy this man has brought to politics.
Hate all this both sides and no room for violence rhetoric. Dems should hammer down hard on reap what you sow.

In a perfect world, I’d agree with this.

But the electorate is by and large dumb as rocks. They’d take that as being mean and unsympathetic. Never mind that Trump himself has endorsed violence since forever. Never mind that his base were the ones looking to take out politicians on January 6th. Never mind that they openly mocked Pelosi’s husband when he was damn near killed.

Gotta play the politics game even though it would be very easy (and correct) to talk about chickens coming home to roost.
I saw a headline that said that over the last few days, some combination of "Trump x 2025 project" was the most searched for phrase on Google. I also think in the last few days, Trump's connection to Epstein was starting to get some shine. Now, because of this expertly failed "assassination," you can bet that Trump will avoid the damaging scrutiny that was surely coming his way.

When this orange face orangutan wins the election, American carnage 2.0 will be for the record books.

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