***Official Political Discussion Thread***

We all knew this but the best part is the entire boomer generation acting like this will benefit them. Got into an argument with my father in law because he said "Trump wants to drill baby drill". And aside from the obvious environmental impact, oil dependency etc. I was like ok so you have some what? Oil Futures you are trying to cash out on? You got a bunch of call options on oil and need the price to sky rocket with all this drilling (that i honestly don't even know if its a trump platform). He doesn't know...just looks at me and says some other non sequitur. "We have been drilling forever we need to keep doing it".

Like idk how people are under the guise that what is great for billionaire corporations is good for you Joe Normal and your life.
The funny part about this is oil production has hit record levels under Biden admin. I can understand Biden not really using this as much as a talking point because it goes against some of his policies towards EV and renewables. But even if democrats shouted this fact at the rooftops, there would be guys like your FIL believing otherwise.
Like idk how people are under the guise that what is great for billionaire corporations is good for you Joe Normal and your life.

That is one issue. The other is your father in law (no offense) sounds like most people and has no idea what is going on (let alone how energy markets work)

If this is true then Joe is done. Up until now he hasn't shown an out of weakness or willingness to even consider dropping out but now he's adding caveats and "ifs"

Report is from this afternoon, and really isn't anything new honestly.


"“If I had some medical condition that emerged. If doctors came to me and said, ‘You’ve got this problem, that problem,’” Biden replied. “But, I made a serious mistake in the whole debate.”

The president also defended his decision to not be a transitional president and to run again, arguing that the divided country caused him to want to stay in the White House.

“Look, when I originally ran … I said I was going to be a transitional candidate and I thought that I would be able to move from this and pass it on to someone else,” the incumbent said. “But I didn’t anticipate things getting so, so, so divided, and quite frankly, I think the only thing, age brings a little bit of wisdom, and I think I’ve demonstrated that. I know how to get things done for the country.”

“There’s more to do, and I’m reluctant to walk away from that,” he added.

The president’s age and health have been in the spotlight since his rocky debate performance last month against former President Trump, during which he struggled to finish his thoughts and spoke in a quiet, raspy voice. The debate prompted calls among Democrats to step aside, which continued Wednesday when Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.) publicly called for him to drop out of the race.

Biden has defended his health and insisted in an interview with ABC earlier this month that the debate was not an indication of any serious condition and said he was exhausted from recent foreign travel."

Video of him in the BET interview
I mean we can conspiracy theory it out and imagine there's some kind of consensus that he should dip and they've gotten him to seed this idea and then they will get some doctor to newly diagnose some pre-existing condition, but honestly any of these over 50 candidates could say "well if a doctor said I had this medical condition or that medical condition, I wouldn't run".

I dunno, it just feels like the interviewer (hadn't seen Ed Gordon in a month of Sundays) asked him yet another "what would it take for you to drop out" and he basically gave the same answer - some health related 'act of god' out of his control.

All I know is, if he does leave, and the "oh he needs to quit so Kamala can run" people in here magically turn into "oh she needs to not run" people...... :smh:
Never thought I’d watch C-Span in my lifetime, but I do for 3-4 hours in the morning every now and then just to hear everyone call in with their takes. Can't watch CNN or MSNBC anymore.
#washed :lol:
Yeah i'm trying to figure out which country in this climate is voting in a black woman as President. They're not even happy with their VP pick for having an Indian wife.
Does that make you BlueMAGA too?

America hates black women, definitely a little skeptical of the polls that favor her over Biden. Imagining the White women that didn't vote for Hilary, voting for Kamala takes my imagination for a spin. Wouldn't bet the fate of the country on it
And she's the only one other than Biden who can claim the last four years as a political accomplishment.

How are Democrats supposed to compensate to being unable to run without the advantage of incumbency, in a political field that gives a natural - territorial - advantage to the GOP? As long as that question isn't answered, I can't justify asking Biden to step down.

As we get closer to the election, Trump will have to reveal the shape his administration will take. It's already started with JD Vance, and if we are gambling, I'm more comfortable gambling that his picks will be repulsive enough that Americans will have no choice but look at the precipice they want us to jump in.

He started swinging the wrecking ball...

TAIPEI, July 17 (Reuters) - Taiwan should pay the U.S. for its defence as it does not give the country anything, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Bloomberg Businessweek, sending shares of Taiwanese chip manufacturer TSMC (2330.TW), opens new tab lower on Wednesday.
"I know the people very well, respect them greatly. They did take about 100% of our chip business. I think, Taiwan should pay us for defence," Trump said in interview on June 25 that was published on Tuesday.

"You know, we're no different than an insurance company. Taiwan doesn't give us anything."

This is an extremely stupid statement, especially since we're nowhere close to meeting the chip demand if we lose access to these producers.
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