***Official Political Discussion Thread***

serious note though, I think Kamala has a real chance. The community will rally behind her. I know the black women will at least fasho.
Never mind. Maybe ppl won’t go for the okie doke this time. However I agree with someone who said twitter isn’t real life. I agree cuz most of twitter either is too young to vote or probably don’t vote lol smh. Still not a bad candidate. I’m off voting for Trump. I did more research
Never mind. Maybe ppl won’t go for the okie doke this time. However I agree with someone who said twitter isn’t real life. I agree cuz most of twitter either is too young to vote or probably don’t vote lol smh. Still not a bad candidate. I’m off voting for Trump. I did more research

His Russian accent wasn't covered up by the AI
That 6.67% of the US population.

That's 22 million people. That's way more than the margin by which elections are won (10s to 100s of thousands).

It's silly to outright dismiss these platforms.
You think 22m people log into twitter in the US daily? It’s under half that monthly when you filter out the bots, not to mention (and I know this is probably a shock), but the majority of twitter users aren’t following politics. lucky to get half the country voting. 1 in 30 might be generous with the overlap.

Twitter is for diehard politico male types (2/3 male), and you see it in the content and hot takes. Most of it never filters to the general voting public cause they’ve got better things to do than refresh their feed all day long than cheerleading politicians.
Grifters tryna pull Kamala's black card

Ngl that JD Vance guy has turned me all the way off. He reminds me of the kid in school growing up I absolutely didn’t like. Back in 08 middle school guys like him were trying to tell me Obama and Osama was the same person. Like bro…you’re racist.
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