***Official Political Discussion Thread***


I can't fathom how some of these people even come up with this nonsense. You don't need to be a Kamala Harris supporter to find it distasteful. I wonder if they're even aware of what she was up to when she was dating Montell.

good to see a georgia republican going against party lines and supporting kamala.

but the double standard is blatant –republicans screamed "political violence!!" when biden mentioned "bullseye" and trump in the same sentence..but probably won't care about duncan saying "time to purge trump from our system."
Travis ain't MAGA

At one point he was following a bunch of MAGA/conservative nonsense pages on IG. Swifties were talking about it given Flatback’s outward activities.

She’s born into a rich conservative family…

Edit: Homeboy was liking a bunch of Sage Steele’s Trump posts.


Back to the DEI talk, let's not kid ourselves about how plenty of "privileged" folks got ahead thanks to legacy admissions and the good ol' boys' club. Cut the crap.

These MF have me sounding like I'm some far-left liberal. 🙎‍♂️

Does anyone think George W. or Donnie T. would have been more than a used car salesman if they're parents weren't who they were? But you can't use logic with people that put out that kind of stuff.
At one point he was following a bunch of MAGA/conservative nonsense pages on IG. Swifties were talking about it given Flatback’s outward activities.

She’s born into a rich conservative family…

Edit: Homeboy was liking a bunch of Sage Steele’s Trump posts.


It's weird that conservatives all love UFC
Like i didnt know it was a meeting spot for them.

If someone does not know the context: Evangelicals, military industrial complex, boomers having romantic memories of early kibbutzim, Settler colonial solidarity, etc.

How could a scene like this not make people antisemitic or at least more receptive to conspiracy theories about Jewish people being “puppet masters.”

Israel represents itself as a Jewish state, it gets massive amounts of unconditional aid from the US, it gives itself leader a very rare honor of a Congressional address by a foreign leader, and then virtually ever Congressperson applauds slander against their own constituents.

And TBH, I’d imagine that that is one of Netanyahu’s goals with this spectacle. He wants Synagogues to get attacked. He wants American Jews to feel unsafe and therefore move to Israel.

He’s such a scum bag and our “representatives” are enabling him.
Her greatest athletic accomplishment is coming tied for 5th in an ncaa final

She just so happened to tie with lia Thomas and got a right wing grift career out of it

So if lia Thomas isn’t there, she still comes 5th

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