***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Political affiliation doesn't matter to a racist
That's not necessarily true.

According to you and Rusty, anyone who would vote for Trump is at worst, a racist, etc., and at best, tolerant of racism, etc. Correct?

So, if I were a psychic racist who wanted Trump to win, why would I want to suppress black Trump voters? I wouldn't, I would only want to suppress black Hillary voters.

So, in this hypothetical scenario where I'm a psychic racist, political affiliation WOULD matter to me.

I just want to know if Rusty is a hypocrite or not, that's all.
Ninja right now:

Ninja when the result start rolling in on election night:
Political affiliation doesn't matter to a racist

That's not necessarily true.

According to you and Rusty, anyone who would vote for Trump is at worst, a racist, etc., and at best, tolerant of racism, etc. Correct?

So, if I were a psychic racist who wanted Trump to win, why would I want to suppress black Trump voters? I wouldn't, I would only want to suppress black Hillary voters.

So, in this hypothetical scenario where I'm a psychic racist, political affiliation WOULD matter to me.

I just want to know if Rusty is a hypocrite or not, that's all.
LOOOOL. Trolling hard today I see. Keep at it buddy.
Political affiliation doesn't matter to a racist

That's not necessarily true.

According to you and Rusty, anyone who would vote for Trump is at worst, a racist, etc., and at best, tolerant of racism, etc. Correct?

So, if I were a psychic racist who wanted Trump to win, why would I want to suppress black Trump voters? I wouldn't, I would only want to suppress black Hillary voters.

So, in this hypothetical scenario where I'm a psychic racist, political affiliation WOULD matter to me.

I just want to know if Rusty is a hypocrite or not, that's all.

Before you try to paint me as anything, let me explain some basic math to you:

Black people, off all backgrounds, vote overwhelmingly Democrat. So if your, as a GOP candidate, can suppress any number of black people, chances are (by a good amount) the other side is losing more votes than you. Voter suppression is about costing your opponent more votes, than it costing you. That makes the demographics of the total voting bloc more in your favor, increasing your chances to win.

If you want the Republican to win, from a cost benefit standpoint, it is better if as many black people as possible don't vote, because it will disproportionately hurt the Democrat.

This is why Republicans do so well in low turnout elections, and Dems do better in high turnout ones. It is all about how the demographics of the voting population differ. In other words, Republicans do better when less black and brown people vote, so they try their best to is diificult for black and brown people to vote. To hell with party affiliation.

Before you try to take shots. Make sure your gun is load pa
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worry about turn out for your crook rusty instead of how im feeling, cuz Hillary lookin flabby & sick :lol:
Political affiliation doesn't matter to a racist
That's not necessarily true.

According to you and Rusty, anyone who would vote for Trump is at worst, a racist, etc., and at best, tolerant of racism, etc. Correct?

So, if I were a psychic racist who wanted Trump to win, why would I want to suppress black Trump voters? I wouldn't, I would only want to suppress black Hillary voters.

So, in this hypothetical scenario where I'm a psychic racist, political affiliation WOULD matter to me.

I just want to know if Rusty is a hypocrite or not, that's all.
the same way that trump wouldn't want to kick out a black pro-trump rally attendant....

oh wait...
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worry about turn out for your crook rusty instead of how im feeling, cuz Hillary lookin flabby & sick :lol:

We shall see Edwin, we shall see

Until then, keep popping them Trump brand delusional pills, maybe Rico can come to the Heights and check on you....

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I'm genuinely not trolling or taking shots, I'm simply asking questions and having follow-up discussions. 

I don't view myself as having a huge stake in this election. I've never voted before, I'm not voting this election, I'm quite "over it" to be frank. Still entertaining to watch all the fireworks on CNN, but I don't really care about the outcome anymore.

If Hillary gets elected, I'm gonna shake my head in disappointment at the American people and then... move on with my life because I've never perceived any significant changes in my quality of life from POTUS to POTUS.

If Trump gets elected, I'm gonna sit back and watch the ensuing **** storm on CNN and Facebook/Twitter, laugh, and then... move on with my life because I've never perceived any significant changes in my quality of life from POTUS to POTUS.

Call me a worthless American if you must, I'm just trying to convey the message that I'm no longer trying to change minds on NT. I'll live with America's decision.
Weak early voter turnout among African-Americans hurts Clinton in Florida
Black voters cast ballots in higher numbers in 2012 for Obama
By MARC CAPUTO 11/01/16 05:37 AM EDT
Hillary Clinton has a black voter problem in the nation’s biggest battleground state.
After the first full weekend of in-person early voting ended Sunday, African-American turnout failed to meet expectations — or historic precedent — leaving top Democrats and activists fuming or worried that Clinton’s campaign isn’t living up to the hype in Florida.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/states/flor...ns-to-early-voting-polls-106931#ixzz4OtmBGPOK
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*sniff* smelled like cooked turkey is earlier then Thanksgiving this year :lol:
SANFORD, North Carolina—Democrats here have a problem. To win the state for Hillary Clinton and their statewide candidates—Roy Cooper for governor and Deborah Ross for Senate, in particular—they need high turnout from black voters, on par with what Barack Obama managed in 2008. Almost every black American who comes to the polls in North Carolina is a vote for the Democratic ticket. When you add black turnout to Clinton’s performance among college-educated whites, you take the state off the board for Donald Trump, which puts the White House out of reach, too.
But black voters aren’t turning out the way they did in 2008—at least, they’re not in early voting. They aren’t even turning out the way they did in 2012, when Obama fell short of a majority in the state. Clinton still leads North Carolina, edging out Trump by an average of 3 points, but that’s a little too close for comfort for her and the campaign.


*sniff sniff*

Hearing how they want to impeach her even before she's sworn or blocking all her potential nominations is actually makes me giddy. It'll turn off centered people against the right for a whole generation. **** is hilarious because the republicans are digging their own graves honestly. The young people don't want a disfunctional government and the older crowd is on their way out year by year anyway.
Ninja still info dumping and spamming the thread?

just for you...

The furor over the FBI probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails is helping Donald Trump among independent voters in key swing states.

In Wisconsin, a state that for months has been seen as safe Democratic turf, a new Marquette Law School poll released Wednesday found a shift in independent voters’ views. Many moved toward Trump after the FBI said Friday it was again probing Clinton’s use of a private email system for government business.

In Florida, a new CNN/ORC survey of Florida voters had Clinton up 2 and Quinnipiac had her up 1. Trump was leading among independent voters, 46-40, Quinnipiac found.

In Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac gave Clinton a 4-point edge, while CNN/ORC had her up 5. Clinton was ahead by 4 with independent voters, Quinnpiac said.

In North Carolina, Trump was up 45-38 among independents, Quinnpiac said. Clinton led overall by 3. Quinnipiac’s polls were conducted Thursday through Tuesday.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article112106442.html#storylink=cpy

:nerd: [emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]9203[/emoji]
Ninja, you know when I see you post and it's long as **** I just scroll past it mad fast right? :lol: I ain't even peep the titles of w/e articles you quoting.

I just bring it up cuz you did a whole lot of it the last page.

Are you saying ya papi Donald had erectile dysfunction when he attempted to rape a 13 yr old? :nerd:

If so how would you know? :nerd:
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Ninja, you know when I see you post and it's long as **** I just scroll past it mad fast right? :lol: I ain't even peep the titles of w/e articles you quoting.

I just bring it up cuz you did a whole lot of it the last page.

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Donald Trump More Trustworthy Than Hillary Clinton, Poll Finds
Melissa Chan @melissalchan
46% of likely voters say Trump is more honest and trustworthy than Clinton

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Donald Trump Runs for President: A Look Back
More voters trust Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, according to a new tracking poll released Wednesday.

The Republican presidential nominee leads his Democratic rival on honesty and trustworthiness by eight points in a Washington Post-ABC News poll, which found 46% of likely voters saying Trump is more honest and deserving of trust.

That’s considered a wide lead for Trump since the two White House hopefuls were tied on the same question the last time a Post-ABC poll asked voters in September. The poll comes after the FBI reopened an investigation into Clinton’s private email server, having found more emails on the private computer of senior aide Huma Abedin.

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Hillary Clinton Runs for President: A Look Back
The same poll, conducted Friday through Sunday, found Trump and Clinton neck-and-neck in overall voter preferences, with 46% of those surveyed saying they support Clinton and 46% backing Trump.

However, polls of polls still give Clinton a slight lead over Trump nationally. The RealClear Politics polling average for Oct. 22 to Nov. 1 shows Clinton ahead by a margin of 1.7 percentage points, with 47.2% support.

The latest Post-ABC survey interviewed 1,773 people and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 points.

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