***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Not presidential material with that choice

It's just a joke guys

:x @ no bun.:x
She's the wurst
Until you change your voting rules a third party is neither necessary nor vital, they are a spoiler, pure and simple.

How about this, if you are so concerned about the progressive policy agenda, vote in mid terms, vote for state senators...tell your friends to do the same.

The far right took over the republican party this way, no reason the far left can't do the same.

Until I see Sarandon stumping for people in a state legislator races she can just chill with her spoiler vote. :lol:

Our 2 parties are broken and this election is proof of that.

Voted in MidTerms? Yeah I am a registered Democrat, and voted for Democrats in 2010, 2014. And?
This cycle would have been the PERFECT time for a viable third party candidate to step up

Kind of makes you wonder how that "Bernie is gonna run third party" situation would have played out if it happened
Hey osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh ... You live in Toronto? How are the natives there dealing with the Syrian refugees? Is everything going ok relatively speaking? I never see or hear reports of crazy things happening especially since they took on more than they said they would...

Saw an awesome feature on Crown Pastries in Scarborough that's owned & operated by Syrian refugees that came over in '09 or '10... Their business is doing well...

every thing is cool.

Every once in a while you get some race baiting comments from conservative MP's one of them recently prposed testing immegrants for "canadian values" but that got shouted down pretty quick. but for the most part everything is cool.

But it's different part of the Canadian national identity or at least the story most canadians tell themselves is that we are a generous nation that is commited to peace keeping. This type of thing is easier to sell in Canada, because being thought of as "nice" is a big thing to most Canadians. It's pretty far from the rugged individualism that parts of america likes to sell.

Refgees from other countries that aren't in the news have it way worse, becuase being nice to them doesn't get you international props.
While my mom is not a refugee, nor is anyone in my family, they kind of side eye all of the Syrian refugee love,

because when they came to this country they had to work menial jobs despite, having multiple degress from back home, and no one helped them with ****.

I don't blame them. :lol:
I used to visit Canada for work a lot in my previous role. I've had to help set up call centers including IT set up, training the reps, training management. Stayed up North for weeks at a time. I then managed relationships via telecom so I've dealt with a lot of Canadians & they were always genuinely nice people.

Miss making Tim Horton runs for coffee in the mornings & afternoon... :smokin
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I'm voting for Her.

Jill Stein :pimp:

Yes Sir. :smokin

I want to be on the right side of history.

If I was in a battleground state, I would reluctantly vote for Hillary but I am in CA so my vote doesn't count. I rather have my Presidential vote go to a 3rd party. My parents, friends, and actually quite a lot of people I spoke to are doing the same.

As Susan Sarandon eloquently stated about Hillary...

She does not support the $15 minimum wage.

She shows no support for legalizing marijuana.

She supports TPP.

She has sold fracking and Monsanto.

She supports offshore drilling.

She has no position on the Dakota Access Pipeline.

She opposes the labeling of GMOs.

She opposes the breakup of big banks.

She takes lobbyists' money for campaigning.

She opposes a binding climate treaty.

She supports unconditional military aid to Israel.

It's clear a third party is necessary and viable at this time. And this is the first step in accomplishing this end.

I have debated nearly all of Suzy's objections to Hillary in this thread during the primaries, so I don't feel up to do it again. And to be honest, if I did you probably won't even listen, just point out more things you hate about Hillary. So there may be no point in discussing them.

But I believe that my liberal leanings are no secret by now, and some of those objections are just silly purity test, a lie, or born out of economic ignorance/dishonesty. If left wingers what to fall for Jill Stein bs then that fine. But not even Bernie went down that road.

Jill Stein walks around spewing talking points without even considering the economic results (hello $15 minimum wage and student loan bailout), she does the same with minority issues, she implicitly defend idiots in Palestine and Russia because "you know America is bad too". And uses secondary and tertiary issues as purity test.

If the Greens want to be taken seriously, then need to start acting like adults and make inroads at all levels of government, not trying to play spoiler every 4 years. The party has a few reasonable principled people in it, but for the most are entitled white environmentalist liberal that indulge in voodoo economics, purity test, and tons anti science thinking, and will entertain a good conspiracy theory or two. No wonder they are at each other's throats 24/7/365 in between presidential elections.

American third parties sabotage themselves more than the system works against them. So the idea that some principled third party can be above it all is just not going to happen. Look what happened to the Reform Party. They went from moderate liberal to right wing white supremacist the first chance they had.

Voters need to stop looking for heroes.
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A 15 dollar minimum wage is stupid. You wanna earn more money then get a better ****** job
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This cycle would have been the PERFECT time for a viable third party candidate to step up

Kind of makes you wonder how that "Bernie is gonna run third party" situation would have played out if it happened
he would've just split the democratic party and trump would've def won
A 15 dollar minimum wage is stupid. You wanna earn more money then get a better ****** job

Dude, no it is not, and it is not that simple. I wish less people would be so cold heart to other citizens/workers

The America worker has been getting more productive, but has not enjoyed the same level of share prosperity it once did.

Dismissing the issue like you do is the kinda thinking that allows corporations to finesse their workers. Because different workers get finessed in different ways, I would hope everyone would be interested in all workers get a fair deal.

-The problem with $15 minimum wage is because it is probably to high for areas with smaller economies to support. The economy in NYC and the economy in the boonies of upstate NY State are not the same.
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Not presidential material with that choice

It's just a joke guys
Reads like a sex pun. Other than children who eats hot dogs with no bread/bun? Your just order a sausage.

Hot dog no bun = Just the D. Smash session during lunch for Trill? :nerd:
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I have debated nearly all of Suzy's objection to Hillary in this thread during the primaries, so I don't feel up to do it again. And to be honest, if I did you probably won't even listen, just point out more things you hate about Hillary, move the goal post on me. So I'm not really in interested in that back and forth.

But I believe that my liberal leanings are no secret by now, and some of those objections are just silly purity test, a lie, or born out of economic ignorance/dishonesty. If left wingers what to fall for Jill Stein bs then that fine. But not even Bernie went down that road.

Jill Stein walks around spewing talking points without even considering the economic results (hello $15 minimum wage and student loan bailout), she does the same with minority issues, she implicitly defend idiots in Palestine and Russia because "you know America is bad too". And uses secondary and tertiary issues as purity test.

If the Greens want to be taken seriously, then need to start acting like adults and make inroads at all levels of government, not trying to play spoiler every 4 years. The party has a few reasonable principled people in it, but for the most are entitled white environmentalist liberal that indulge in voodoo economics, purity test, and tons anti science thinking, and will entertain a good conspiracy theory or two. No wonder they are at each other's throats 24/7/365 in between presidential elections.

American third parties sabotage themselves more than the system works against them. So the idea that some principled third party can be above it all is just not going to happen. Look what happened to the Reform Party. They went from moderate liberal to right wing white supremacist the first chance they had.

Voters need to stop looking for heroes.

And here comes all the attacks. Just in time and paid for by the HIllary 'I am with Her" Campaign.

Cornell West said it best when he was attack by Bill Maher for supporting Jill.

A minimum wage job is not supposed to be a permanent job. It's just how you support yourself until you get a better job, go through school, etc

At least that's what it supposed to be

You raise it that high and ppl just never going to be content to move on.

Not to mention that employers will just react and either create more layoffs and/or pass the extra cost to consumers.

Its just stupid all around.
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This cycle would have been the PERFECT time for a viable third party candidate to step up

Kind of makes you wonder how that "Bernie is gonna run third party" situation would have played out if it happened
It has to be a legit 3rd party not just a viable 3rd party. Not some group right of the republicans or left of democrats.

Bernie leading a 3rd party this cycle would've just split the Democratic vote. They either just merge and compromise or and up cannabilizing each other.

Pretty much the same if Donald decided to run as a 3rd party of he wasn't the nominee.
I have debated nearly all of Suzy's objection to Hillary in this thread during the primaries, so I don't feel up to do it again. And to be honest, if I did you probably won't even listen, just point out more things you hate about Hillary, move the goal post on me. So I'm not really in interested in that back and forth.

But I believe that my liberal leanings are no secret by now, and some of those objections are just silly purity test, a lie, or born out of economic ignorance/dishonesty. If left wingers what to fall for Jill Stein bs then that fine. But not even Bernie went down that road.

Jill Stein walks around spewing talking points without even considering the economic results (hello $15 minimum wage and student loan bailout), she does the same with minority issues, she implicitly defend idiots in Palestine and Russia because "you know America is bad too". And uses secondary and tertiary issues as purity test.

If the Greens want to be taken seriously, then need to start acting like adults and make inroads at all levels of government, not trying to play spoiler every 4 years. The party has a few reasonable principled people in it, but for the most are entitled white environmentalist liberal that indulge in voodoo economics, purity test, and tons anti science thinking, and will entertain a good conspiracy theory or two. No wonder they are at each other's throats 24/7/365 in between presidential elections.

American third parties sabotage themselves more than the system works against them. So the idea that some principled third party can be above it all is just not going to happen. Look what happened to the Reform Party. They went from moderate liberal to right wing white supremacist the first chance they had.

Voters need to stop looking for heroes.

And here comes all the attacks. Just in time and paid for by the HIllary 'I am with Her" Campaign.

Cornell West said it best when he was attack by Bill Maher for supporting Jill.

Dude you move the goal post on me every time we have a back and forth. Go read our last couple of exchanges, you can't even keep your talking points straight most of the time. I can write essay's and they will be dismissed. So please, you can throw weak "shill" shade out but you just upset that I disagree with you.

And have you ever been to Green Party events? So a couple black people support Stein that changes the overwhelming make up of the Green Party, which are white liberals. And the feuds within the Green Party are no secret.

And yes, Jill Stein is shallow on specifics. She can't even point to research like many Dems do, and instead of talking about the many systemic issues facing minorities, she most of the time she just talks about movements that are known at the time. She strong language doesn't mean she understands the issues.

You shade him a lot, but you and Ninja use very similar debating techniques.
A minimum wage job is not supposed to be a permanent job. It's just how you support yourself until you get a better job, go through school, etc

At least that's what it supposed to be

You raise it that high and ppl just never going to be content to move on.

Not to mention that employers will just react and either create more layoffs and/or pass the extra cost to consumers.

Its just stupid all around.
Oregon's working on a system like this. Within the next few years, the 2 largest metro areas will have $15 min wage, the next tier of economic size will have like $14 I think, and the final tier will have a $12.50 min wage or something. My numbers are probably wrong because I'm not taking the 2 minutes to look it up, but a higher min wage is more than necessary at this point in large metro areas. I make a decent amount of money, nothing great or worth bragging about, but I cant even afford a ******* one-bedroom apartment in Portland proper. How do you expect those making $12 and supporting families to do so? Employers aren't going to slash jobs, this is brought up every time a min wage increase is debated. And prices for products won't go up anything noteworthy. If record corporate profit margins might be reduced to barely less than record margins, so be it.
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the only thing is how will other wages be adjusted? for example i do drafting and design for a telecommunications company here in california and some dude flipping burgers wants to get paid $15 an hour right off the bat while im getting $20 an hr?

wouldnt prices on things be increased as well?
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Dude you move the goal post on me every time we have a back and forth. Go read our last couple of exchanges, you can't even keep your talking points straight most of the time. I can write essay's and they will be dismissed. So please, you can throw weak "shill" shade out but you just upset that I disagree with you.

And have you ever been to Green Party events? So a couple black people support Stein that changes the overwhelming make up of the Green Party, which are white liberals. And the feuds within the Green Party are no secret.

And yes, Jill Stein is shallow on specifics. She can't even point to research like many Dems do, and instead of talking about the many systemic issues facing minorities, she most of the time she just talks about movements that are known at the time. She strong language doesn't mean she understands the issues.

You shade him a lot, but you and Ninja use very similar debating techniques.

Actually I was intrigued by her VP pick... Ajamu Baraka

But I know.. the Democratic Party stance on 3rd parties are...

'throw away vote'

'might as vote for Trump'

what else?
A minimum wage job is not supposed to be a permanent job. It's just how you support yourself until you get a better job, go through school, etc

At least that's what it supposed to be

You raise it that high and ppl just never going to be content to move on.

Not to mention that employers will just react and either create more layoffs and/or pass the extra cost to consumers.

Its just stupid all around.
Oregon's working on a system like this. Within the next few years, the 2 largest metro areas will have $15 min wage, the next tier of economic size will have like $14 I think, and the final tier will have a $12.50 min wage or something. My numbers are probably wrong because I'm not taking the 2 minutes to look it up, but a higher min wage is more than necessary at this point in large metro areas. I make a decent amount of money, nothing great or worth bragging about, but I cant even afford a ******* one-bedroom apartment in Portland proper. How do you expect those making $12 and supporting families to do so? Employers aren't going to slash jobs, this is brought up every time a min wage increase is debated. And prices for products won't go up anything noteworthy. If record corporate profit margins might be reduced to barely less than record margins, so be it.
I'm going to be an a-hole right now and say that people making minimum wage shouldn't be starting families in general
However, the current minimum wage isn't enough for a young person starting his life off living in a major city by him or herself.
A minimum wage job is not supposed to be a permanent job. It's just how you support yourself until you get a better job, go through school, etc

At least that's what it supposed to be

You raise it that high and ppl just never going to be content to move on.

Not to mention that employers will just react and either create more layoffs and/or pass the extra cost to consumers.

Its just stupid all around.

-It doesn't matter if they weren't meant to be a minimum wage job, a fair wage is a fair wage, if someone lacks ambition that is their problem, but that doesn't mean the America worker needs to be screwed because we have a couple lazy folk. But you ever wonder that maybe people don't make more they can't afford adequate food, transportation, healthcare or job training to move to the next level.

Maybe people should not be staying at the same level or their lives. But then the minimum wage is too low, people can't even use them to get to the next level.

-Dude, there is someone called inflation, $15 today is not going to have the purchasing power of $15 tomorrow. Even then, even the working poor deserve to got kill themselves just to put a roof over their head and food in their stomach. I mean just look, we have a low minimum wage, are people moving up the socio-economic ladder like crazy? No they aren't, they are living in economic despair.

-Yes, their will be job loss, and or prices will increase. BUT, you have to think of it in a system. If we pay people more, they will be more productive (which can help drive down prices) and they will demand more goods and services that will create more jobs.

Having a low minimum wage is a stupid high, having one to high is a bad idea, having a fair one is great idea.

America is not operating in the great or bad area right now. We're being stupid right now just telling the work poor "pick yourselves up by your bootstraps", because look around famb, that plan is failing and failing badly.
While I know it's not the case, people shouldn't be starting families with minimum wage jobs. It should be just enough for you to support yourself, put yourself through school, hustle to get that better job, etc.

Yea I understand the concept of inflation. So you're saying the dollar is that low now that 15 is fair? 15 is a lot.
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