***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I tried to tell people that Hill was a weak candidate and Bernie was better, but they used the Hillary had 3 mil more votes than Burn. Hill aint looking too good.
Well to be fair, her trust is way down compared to when she was going at it with Bernie.
I thought this Trump BS was a guaranteed win for Hilary.
Guess not.
trump realized that the less he says, the more people will support him. he hasnt been too involved in the news since the last debate 
Who ever wins this election will be a one term president.

I also believe this now...

The fact that it's razor thin,show's just HOW much of the country is solidly against her

You would think any democrat nominee should easily defeat who the republicans have with the garbage he's been saying but nah. It's sad that these are the 2 choices we had for this election.
Florida literally can't make up its damn mind. Go for Bush for two terms, then Obama, now Trump lol
Bernie had the power, but people and the system blew it :smh:  

He would've blown donald away man

Given how racist this country is and thinks anything resembling socialism is a sin I doubt it and I supported Sanders in the primaries

There's a lot more on the fence voters/independents that would've mobilized behind him given the lack of baggage he had in comparison."Socialism" wasn't anywhere near as dirty a word as it was before by the end of the primaries. IMO
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I know that...and big cities report later so that oculd be a potential flaw.


I presume the NYT is adjusting the odds based the demographics of each counties, and which counties are left that might sway results. that have reported. No?
Not really, they're literally doing it based on how the determination is going. Let her get VA and PN in her column and watch the odds go the opposite way. The rural areas are reporting first, she's closed the gap in WI in half in the last 2 minutes because Milwaukee is reporting more votes now. 
If Trump wins, he really has to show what he is able to do. It could be very embarrassing, but will be interesting for sure. 
Son, we had George W., twice. Trump would prolly be an upgrade.
We would be out that trilly debt in a week (might have to file a chapter 11, but eff it. By any means neccessary)
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Bernie had the power, but people and the system blew it 

He would've blown donald away man
Given how racist this country is and thinks anything resembling socialism is a sin I doubt it and I supported Sanders in the primaries
There's a lot more people who were on the fence that would've mobilized behind him given the lack of baggage he had in comparison."Socialism" wasn't anywhere near as dirty a word as it was before by the end of the primaries
No baggage aside I still doubt highly bernie would have washed Trump this country is not anywhere near progressive enough to make a statement like that and we are seeing it tonight. And I know bernie is not a socialist but in the minds of alot of masses they think he is and these are the same people that where raised to think its parallel with communism. I
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