***Official Political Discussion Thread***

DNC should have elected this man



lololol White people want their country back! " You colored folks done took our nation and made ot fair. Wasn't no need for that! We wants our unfair share back!"
Proudly. I don't like any of your kind that live anywhere outside of major Cali cities, NYC, Seattle, and Honolulu. You illiterate hicks ruin it for everyone
Great! As long as you acknowledge your own blatant hypocrisy, we're all good. 
great job reading what you post.

crib cost 500k and is 1800sq ft.

Sick mansion b.
Have you seen what his debt and reported earning are? There is no way he can afford that price. <<<<<<<HE SOLD OUT>>>>>> Do some research brother........
Bernie had the power, but people and the system blew it :smh:  

He would've blown donald away man

Given how racist this country is and thinks anything resembling socialism is a sin I doubt it and I supported Sanders in the primaries

There's a lot more people who were on the fence that would've mobilized behind him given the lack of baggage he had in comparison."Socialism" wasn't anywhere near as dirty a word as it was before by the end of the primaries

No baggage aside I still doubt highly bernie would have washed Trump this country is not anywhere near progressive enough to make a statement like that and we are seeing it tonight. And I know bernie is not a socialist but in the minds of alot of masses they think he is and these are the same people that where raised to think its parallel with communism. I
He would have got the millennial vote by a lot
Bernie had the power, but people and the system blew it :smh:  

He would've blown donald away man

Given how racist this country is and thinks anything resembling socialism is a sin I doubt it and I supported Sanders in the primaries

There's a lot more people who were on the fence that would've mobilized behind him given the lack of baggage he had in comparison."Socialism" wasn't anywhere near as dirty a word as it was before by the end of the primaries

No baggage aside I still doubt highly bernie would have washed Trump this country is not anywhere near progressive enough to make a statement like that and we are seeing it tonight. And I know bernie is not a socialist but in the minds of alot of masses they think he is and these are the same people that where raised to think its parallel with communism. I
He would have got the millennial vote by a lot

Yea the 3rd party vote would've been just about non existant with Bern in the race :lol:
Also to this Bernie was cheated talk people forget he is not really a democrat he ran as one because he would have a better chance at winning than if he stayed independent so it is no shocker the democratic party would be behind the person who has actually been apart of their party longer and actually represents them more.

Again I supported and voted for Sanders in the primary myself.
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