***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bernie had the power, but people and the system blew it :smh:  

He would've blown donald away man

Given how racist this country is and thinks anything resembling socialism is a sin I doubt it and I supported Sanders in the primaries

There's a lot more people who were on the fence that would've mobilized behind him given the lack of baggage he had in comparison."Socialism" wasn't anywhere near as dirty a word as it was before by the end of the primaries

No baggage aside I still doubt highly bernie would have washed Trump this country is not anywhere near progressive enough to make a statement like that and we are seeing it tonight. And I know bernie is not a socialist but in the minds of alot of masses they think he is and these are the same people that where raised to think its parallel with communism. I
He would have got the millennial vote by a lot

Yea the 3rd party vote would've been just about non existant with Bern in the race :lol:
Gary Johnson pretty much ruined Hillary's chances of getting Florida :lol: smh
So this is what years of gerrymandering and gutting of voting rights acts get you...:smh: :smh:
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guys give me a quick summary what did hillary do so wrong?

what would be the reason people wouldnt vote her?

im not too into politics but i cant stand donald trump but he looks like hes gonna win?
Most Latinos are White when you really think about it.
After everything wring he could've did this fool still has a legit chance to pull this off and he very well may smh
Bernie had the power, but people and the system blew it 

He would've blown donald away man

Given how racist this country is and thinks anything resembling socialism is a sin I doubt it and I supported Sanders in the primaries

There's a lot more people who were on the fence that would've mobilized behind him given the lack of baggage he had in comparison."Socialism" wasn't anywhere near as dirty a word as it was before by the end of the primaries
No baggage aside I still doubt highly bernie would have washed Trump this country is not anywhere near progressive enough to make a statement like that and we are seeing it tonight. And I know bernie is not a socialist but in the minds of alot of masses they think he is and these are the same people that where raised to think its parallel with communism. I
He would have got the millennial vote by a lot
He would have done better with the millennial vote but the minority voted (which he didn't do well to get in the primaries would factor in then) not enough to wash trump
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Bros what the ****. Someone check wikileaks and Russia. No ******* way this should be this close.
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If Trump wins, he really has to show what he is able to do. It could be very embarrassing, but will be interesting for sure. 
Son, we had George W., twice. Trump would prolly be an upgrade.
We would be out that trilly debt in a week (might have to file a chapter 11, but eff it. By any means neccessary)

Oh yes, let's not pay off American bond holders and jeopardize their retirements. Yeah, nothing could go wrong....

Trying to apply microeconomics principles to macroeconomics here...
 [h1]well actually, it's the official Trump hating thread.[/h1]
why do you think that is?

NT argues over EVERYTHING... there's always 100 different opinions on the most petty of things 

why is it you think 95% of the thread is anti-Trump? 

shouldn't that tell you something
trump is going to win its inevitable... cali wont even matter because trump will reach 270 before their votes come in
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guys give me a quick summary what did hillary do so wrong?

what would be the reason people wouldnt vote her?

im not too into politics but i cant stand donald trump but he looks like hes gonna win?

More of the fact that Trump's campaign ran with the "Corrupt" label and it stuck. Not even liberals wanna vote for her.

DESPITE the fact that the FBI investigation was inconclusive twice.
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