***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You would think any democrat nominee should easily defeat who the republicans have with the garbage he's been saying but nah. It's sad that these are the 2 choices we had for this election.

Any other republican runs away with this election. You're right, sad no matter how you look at it.
More of the fact that Trump's campaign ran with the "Corrupt" label and it stuck. Not even liberals wanna vote for her.

DESPITE the fact that the FBI investigation was inconclusive twice.
Like the FBI was actually going to do anything about her 
Yikes. Even with CA negating like 3 states, I still see trump up with WI/MI.

This will likely go all night and the winner only winning by a bakers dozen. I'm calling it quits.

We survived many other questionable reigns, so whoever it is, I will strap up my boot straps and do what I gotta do
This is too much im going to sleep. If i stay up I'll be tempted toh ave a drink and one drink will turn into 20.
It's almost as if, after the NBA Finals, God said "okay, Ohio, that's enough good stuff outta you for awhile."
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