***Official Political Discussion Thread***

so happy i live in NYC if I was in the middle of america somewhere I would be legit scared following this
That doesn't change anything

There ain't no president of NYC. Y'all aren't some separate country.

The same trash ***** will be your president too.
I'm not talking about him i'm talking about his bigot supporters..definitely less in NYC where i'm at 
lol the media was so bias against Donald and he still owns em 

people surprise Florida went with Donald? Really 
So someone who isn't jumping to insane conclusions please give me an unbiased answer on what is actually going to happen?

Trump is going to end up winning. What people don't realize is that there are two americas. Rural america and americans that live in metros on the coast. The people living on the coasts fail to realize that americans that live in the fly over states actually hold weight when it comes to elections
This was an actual question on an exit poll in South Carolina. This country has regressed back into the 1800's

via tariq nasheed
When trump wins Michigan wisconsin and north Carolina it's officially over. California Nevada no longer matters.
Middle class
Disabled people
Non Caucasian people

Oh my god god help us if trump wins
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