***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A woman was never going to be elected leader of the supposed most powerful nation. This battle was long lost the minute Hillary got the nomination
boy please....Hillary just wasn't a person with a clean record....America dunn read her up and down and know she is fake. They would rather some one real like a Trump, than a two face person like Hillary.
Quick question..When you hear people say 'Yeaaaaa, we're talking our country back!!'

From whom are they talking about exactly?
lolololol I am glad that I sent my daughters to self defense classes when they were kids...white people win this thing, they are going to be bolder than ever. Gotta teach'em at the gun range now, lolololol
The Canada Citizenship and Immigration site has crashed.


via pzf 
Yo this fat cat billionaire is gonna take care of his rich folks
Better believe 1% will take over even more

I really cant fathom whats gonna happen to folks under the upper classes
this feels like the cavs down 3-1 but come back to win in game 7 in a close game... im not counting out the donald :smh:
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