***Official Political Discussion Thread***

how come the electoral polls have Mitt a head of Obama but you guys are calling it a Win for Obama?

serious question as i dont have a clear understanding of how electoral votes work

Because the race is still close and the west coast polls haven't come in yet.

West Coast almost always votes democratic. Cali alone is worth 55 electoral votes, including oregon and washington, its like 70 something all together.

That's why they keep talking about Romney HAS to win FL, OH, VA, and NC. Because there's basically no chance of him winning the west coast.

Hope that helps.
how come the electoral polls have Mitt a head of Obama but you guys are calling it a Win for Obama?

serious question as i dont have a clear understanding of how electoral votes work

Florida is looking like it's Obama's.. And in 10 mins Cali, Oregon & Washington polls close.. Those three West Coast States is 74 electoral votes.
Just to simplify even more, the west coast is projected to be all for Obama, so although they are currently tied, it's likely that Obama has a big lead.
This picture from CNN made me lol

"dat mass" potential right here
It crucial for Mitt to take Ohio (18)  or FL ( 29)

without those, I can't imagine mitt getting close to 270 with the west states get counted for
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And he isn't getting either. 100% sure he isn't getting florida and pretty sure he isn't getting Ohio.
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And it won't even be close. I mean, Romney lost some really crucial states.

What crucial states has he lost so far. I agree I think Obama will win but to say its not close isnt true. The crucial states are ohio, fl, and Virginia and not a single one of those has been called by any network yet
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Some people are saying Fl could come to within 10K votes which means an automatic recount ie a repeat of 2000.

You are right, however it doesn't seem like he can get that margin down to 10k.

And even with Florida, It doesn't add up. It still won't be enough.
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