***Official Political Discussion Thread***

-Millions will lose their health insurance

-Education spending will be cut

-Social programs will be cut

-Our deficit will explode

-Any chance of immigration reform, gone

-Any chance at criminal justice reform, gone

-LBGTQ people might not ever be added to the civil rights act

-Citizen's United is the law of the land

-Roe. w. Wade is on the table

-Voting rights act never getting reauthorized

All of this is pretty much a lock :smh:

Yep. The clock will be rolled back. Absolutely disgusting.
Trump marketed his campaign well with all that MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN stuff. I don't think Hilary even had a slogan, most of her campaign to me seemed like vote for me because the other guy doesn't know what he's doing.
Hilllary might not even be scared about the election L.

it's a reach and prob won't happen but she's gotta be worried this dude as president might step on her throat and appoint a special prosecutor lol
Memphis has a brighter future than her
Sooo what now? Should I be looking to capitalize on the stock crash? Real estate? Relocation? Silver lining somewhere. Not gonna go gentle into that good nite
Senate officially back with the GOP, barring a miracle, Republicans will hold the House, Senate, and Presidency for the first time since 1928. 1928 was the year before the Great Depression in 1929. It's about to get morbidly real folks. 

Trump picks the Supreme Court Justices too :smh: :x
Already was, who gives a damn

Until a couple years ago, Nevada had the strictest drug laws in America. Draconian, even. They legalized medical, and now it's legal recreationally. If friggin' Nevada can do it in such short time, it's definitely an important step in ending marijuana prohibition.

Nah man, I'm not talking about medicinal/legal. People BEEN smokin' out here for the longest. Who gives a **** about smoking weed/doing something weve BEEN doing either way with the president we are about to have? Cmon man.
Trump marketed his campaign well with all that MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN stuff. I don't think Hilary even had a slogan, most of her campaign to me seemed like vote for me because the other guy doesn't know what he's doing.

She also didn't even bother campaigning in Wisconsin, a state the Republican party had abandoned and she assumed was in the bag from the beginning. Welp, looks Wisconsin is going to help decide it. Even if she pulls this out, there will be a lot of lessons learned from her campaign.
Hillary's done man

We can expand in the other thread though for the 18th time
man im messing with you lmaooo

im not really about to have a whose got it worse argument between memphs depay and hillary clinton 
Hilllary might not even be scared about the election L.

it's a reach and prob won't happen but she's gotta be worried this dude as president might step on her throat and appoint a special prosecutor lol

I really hope dude doesn't go through with that debate threat,that's when folks would need to legitimately start to worry/apply for visa's
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