***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ninja was right.

no, this just means that there are dumb uneducated idiots who believe in flashing antics. people who only care about material things because they are self centered they could care less about how their perception is viewed

What pisses me off the most about this situation is the amount of people who thought Hillary was GREEN just off her name.

Just off who her husband WAS and the folklore that surrounds him.

So many minorities tho though it was going to be a cake walk because it was Bill Clinton term 3

The whole Bill being the "first black president" narrative was all too alive and well this cycle man :smh:

People put too much into it :smh:

They thought nobody would vote for trump, pushed Bernie to the side because "Bill's coming back!"

Bill ain't running for presidency. Bill isn't about to do anything for you.

And then people proceed to not vote, troll the polls, and run to social media to vent :smh:

I'm still confused how this happened.

Did people really change their minds on her in the past few weeks? Or was it all just against her from the beginning?
Nah this is what we were laughing at the Drumpf guys for, that "silent majority" was real and turned out in droves. White people in particular sent a loud and clear message tonight and there were even more blacks and Latinos that joined in. It truly is astounding. I'm speechless. 
wonder if Bill is lowkey happy she lost....

besides being trill Bill in the white house with zero stress

dude kinda saves face as not looking like his wife's *****

like "i'm still the only president in this house"
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California ain't taking this slander after today
We got the democrats 55 electoral votes
All gone to waste
they blew a 3-1 lead in the finals...

after bragging about the best season ever....

warriors will hold that L forever.
We're really gonna live in a world where a proud neocon like John ******* Bolton might be dictating the US's foreign policy again...thought folks would've learned the first time
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The sweep is easily the most alarming thing about tonight. Trunp can have the White House, but letting the Repiblicans run the table is not the look. :smh:
Donald Trump :lol: Donald ****** Trump.

Bruh I'd rather have Donald Duck. this **** is a disaster.
No, it means that Obama was a failure and his legacy was smoke and mirrors. She should have ran against him. Americans DO NOT like where the country is. And tying her to his legacy did not help. It just added to all the baggage she came with.
While the Republican party has their problems the Democrats are looking at a situation where only charismatic qualified black candidates will be viable for them from here on out.

Minorities weren't enthused with Bernie like that.
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@ninjahood you were right bro

This whole thread has been an exact representation of the media - Trump supporters are dumb, ignorant, racist, naive, etc. Hillary's got this. Ninja got bashed and many made it certain Trump was gonna lose.

Look who's winning now

Anyone looking at the evidence present, it was clear Clinton was going to win

Nearly early poll was off. Expecting Clinton to win was expecting the rational outcome.

Ninja made the irrational got and guessed right.

At the end of the day he was right though.
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