***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Gotta say, HRC is the most dissapoting politician ever. She literally lost to the least qualified oppenrnent in history. Incredible man
It's astounding that you're all still spouting that same rhetoric that not even 24hrs ago you swore would have Hillary diddy bopping into the White House.

Definition of insanity. And I can't even gloat because I genuinely feel bad for you guys.
Gotta say, HRC is the most dissapoting politician ever. She literally lost to the least qualified oppenrnent in history. Incredible man
Patriotism doesn't feed you, house you, heals you, or educate you.

You have just given a proven con man the reins to the US. I hope you enjoy the ride, the trade wars, social insecurity, and everything else that usually comes with demagogues.

I don't need handouts I work hard to make my country great, for my non Caucasian children. They know that there is no limit to what they can become in life because they are not mentally imprisoned, or disenfranchised.
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Bernie need to take a more significant role in the leadership of the party..

Hillary is a worker, but a terrible candidate that no one really likes.. put her behind the scenes in an organizational role

But you need people with a better feel.. bill was just a likeable dude, maybe he doesn't have that real feel for the ground on an organization (the great player being a terrible coach thing)

But there needs to be hard re-evaluation.. Obama will be extremely popular in the next 4 years when people realize what they are missing

Part of the reason why I'm fascinated by what his next moves will be now that he'll be the last Dem president for the time being. He still has the bully pulpit on his side for a few more months and might be able to carve out an even longer lasting legacy.

For the country and party, he has to play a huge role and be visible.. need to start identifying 2020 candidates now.. Hillary needs to take a back seat, but she has the infrastructure in place, which is also huge

But I'm curious to see what happens on both sides.. cause don't forget a ton of GOPs weren't with trump
anyone put the mj crying face on hillary yet?

wheres the mj crying face on america I know we made that already 
It's astounding that you're all still spouting that same rhetoric that not even 24hrs ago you swore would have Hillary diddy bopping into the White House.

Definition of insanity. And I can't even gloat because I genuinely feel bad for you guys.
Im outta reps but will get ya back for this
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