***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Dems all feel f'ed right now. They feel like dudes in handcuffs hiding face

Repub triple threat

Big ups to Ninjahood. You battle all these liberals here and you won B. Congrats muhahhahah

President Trump to all your NT liberals!!!!

Shoutout to the Rusty will his sidekick the Belgium speaker hahahahah!!!
After a president Trump, this country definitely does not need someone like Kanye as a president.

Would be not good.

As much as I love Kanye's music, I hope that it was just a joke 
Why are people congratulating other posters like it's pound after a hard fought intensive game? No I still don't agree with his views and many of the things he said.
It's hilarious reading all your stupid *** comments. Plenty of Mexicans and blacks voted for Trump because they saw through the bs. Racist? Because Americans, real Americans, understand you can't just take everyone from other countries who want to come here, regardless of their race or ethnicity. I wonder if all the big talking jerkoffs will follow through on their promise to move out. Move to Mexico and see how much government aid you get. Burn the Mexican flag, see what happens. Be an illegal down there and see how you get treated. Clinton? She called black men "super predators". Sexist? He put a woman in charge of one of his biggest projects in the late 70's/80's. That was his money, you think a sexist is letting a woman handle his business? Clinton? She attacked and slandered the female victims of Bill. Smh. And let's be honest here, I have friends who came to this country legally, from India, China, Russia and Africa and they all are happy as **** with this outcome. They actually want to be American. Paid tons of money, spent years going thru the process. They we're pissed that millions of people illegally just poured in, got government services and the red carpet treatment. I guess they are racist too right? It's about resources people. And Mexico will be paying for that wall, we will just cut the massive foreign aid we give them. We're a joke because we let millions of unskilled people pour into our country and strain our social services. We're a joke because we're so politically correct we lost what made us, US. We're a joke because we're taking people in from countries who want to kill us, from their own press releases, and not vetting them at all. The Pentagon/DOD admitted that months ago. It's common sense. What the **** is wrong with you all? None of us are trying to go back to our country of origin because it's better here, period. Stop whining, buck up and get grinding. Green is the color that matters most in this country. I'm wondering how many people are gonna riot. good luck.... you're gonna need it. They'll be handing out L's with all the free lead you can take. Let's see if all that big talk will be backed up, its a wrap, they just called it. What are you gonna do?
Trump. Put some respeck on the name. I'm outee 5,000 *******
America will just have to learn the hard way.

Trump beat all the pollster, I'll give him that.

Now he has to beat decades of economic thoery.
Btw, Bout to go eat of these cats in the morning. 1.3K in bets. I will be like the IRS tomorrow muhahahahabah!!
that's the next step in the global insurrection against globalists.
The EU will crumble...for the better.
I'm not going to discuss the problems and benefits of the EU in great detail.

But arguing that the current climate of fear-mongering, xenophobia and extreme nationalism is "for the better" seems strange to me.
After a president Trump, this country definitely does not need someone like Kanye as a president.
Would be not good.
As much as I love Kanye's music, I hope that it was just a joke 

That's a joke he's not running watch it be his next album or watch the thrown 2. Dems have a lot of work to say in the next 24 months
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