***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i dont necessarily get it either i mean neither of the 3rd party candidates are in a legitimate party. they literally have 0 influence over anything and are fighting a 2 sided battle. until there is a legitimate 3rd party working from the ground up starting at the local level and building off that to make themselves a political presence to be taken seriously, then there really is no point in going the 3rd party route 

This right here, especially since they aren't out here in midterms and local elections in most cases. They're only role is to play spoiler, and every time it's to the detriment of the Democratic party. Just look at the GOP the Tea Partiers/alt-right/traditional conservatives vote regardless cause they know the stakes and they want their platform to get pushed regardless of the messenger. But progressives have an elitist attitude that if it's not their guy/lady message be damned.
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MLK statue behind Trump looks like he's giving him the Westbrook :lol:

The president can't pass major reform unilaterally buddy. :lol:

The far right bout to treat Trump like a puppet.

sure they are... :rolleyes

unlike Obama kissing enviro wacko rings, Trump gonna do what Trump wants, he owes interest groups absolutely nothing that doesn't put American interest FIRST
Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line

Gore, Kerry and Clinton didn't inspire people enough, so we let idiots in through the door.

I mean after 2000, a new generation of Dem voters still need to learn the apathy lesson the hard way. Geez
This right here, especially since they aren't out here in midterms and local elections in most cases. They're only role is to play spoiler, and every time it's to the detriment of the Democratic party. Just look at the GOP the Tea Partiers/alt-right/traditional conservatives vote regardless cause they know the stakes and they want their platform to get pushed regardless of the messenger. But progressives have an elitist attitude that if it's not their guy/lady message be damned.
exactly the republicans always know who they are voting for point blank period. liberals and dems feel like they need some divine force to make them go out and support which pisses me off add to the fact that most americans in this country are idiots. it just hurts fam
sure they are...

unlike Obama kissing enviro wacko rings, Trump gonna do what Trump wants, he owes interest groups absolutely nothing that doesn't put American interest FIRST
so trying to make the environment safer is a bad thing? okay buddy lol

and stop acting like Trump is not beholden to anyone this is just straight up not true. he been in bed with politics/ politicians for YEARS and you think this is gonna change him? get real
The president can't pass major reform unilaterally buddy. :lol:

The far right bout to treat Trump like a puppet.

sure they are... :rolleyes

unlike Obama kissing enviro wacko rings, Trump gonna do what Trump wants, he owes interest groups absolutely nothing that doesn't put American interest FIRST

A ******* master class, a master class in civics is what you're in for.


And nice dodge on the reconciliation question. Knew you were caught, didn't you
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sure they are... :rolleyes

unlike Obama kissing enviro wacko rings, Trump gonna do what Trump wants, he owes interest groups absolutely nothing that doesn't put American interest FIRST

so trying to make the environment safer is a bad thing? okay buddy lol

and stop acting like Trump is not beholden to anyone this is just straight up not true. he been in bed with politics/ politicians for YEARS and you think this is gonna change him? get real

A OG muscle care era bout to be back b. Ninja needs wants to drive around gas guzzlers, none of that Prius ****.
The president can't pass major reform unilaterally buddy. :lol:

The far right bout to treat Trump like a puppet.

sure they are... :rolleyes

unlike Obama kissing enviro wacko rings, Trump gonna do what Trump wants, he owes interest groups absolutely nothing that doesn't put American interest FIRST



As you were saying Ninja....
Yes, in a perfect world we should vote for who we want to vote for. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world; we live in a two party system. Do I like Hillary? No. Do I like Trump? Hell no. Does Johnson have any chance of winning?. F*** no. Selling my soul to the Democrats >>>>> letting Trump win.
Villaraigosa running for California governor. I believe his end goal is to make a run at U.S. president.
People in here citing low turnout to keep themselves blameless. Lol..


It's like if ten people witnessed an accident and no one helped, and then you deflect the blame off of you, saying 'don't look at me, there's 9 other people who could've helped'
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Yes, in a perfect world we should vote for who we want to vote for. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world; we live in a two party system. Do I like Hillary? No. Do I like Trump? Hell no. Does Johnson have any chance of winning?. F*** no. Selling my soul to the Democrats >>>>> letting Trump win.

Somebody gets it. But selling your soul is a bit hyperbole. It's just voting lol.
you wrong.

the future of any successful platform by the democratic party in the foreseeable future will be at the very least have to be disguised as progressive. not sure how you're not seeing this bruh.


Nobody ever believed that hillary was as far left as she claims and THERE lies the problem.

Those people are stupid.

Politicians generally attempt to do what they say in public.

Politicians are far more likely to lie in private than lie in public.
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I'm gonna just say it, voting 3rd party is the same as not voting or voting for Harambee. Come at me.
Dems apparently wanted to groom him after the 2012 DNC,don't know whatever happened with him but he got lost in the background of the administration. He'd sure as hell be a better bet than Howard Dean :lol:

Dems are going to pick someone safer and more moderate that hopefully doesn't have the baggage Hillary had. Progressives nuked their own movement for the immediate future. If the white vote is going to be as strong as it was this role combined with continued efforts by the GOP to suppress the minority vote, that's what's going to be focused on, the need to win. Not catering to a wing of the party that of again they don't get their way will abandon their own message.
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