***Official Political Discussion Thread***


**** me. Dems blew a chance to take the whole thing. Just because they couldn't get over Hillary being the nominee :smh: :lol:

you're da one with da smug "better vote for Hillary" to all da bernie voters when they knew they got screwed...even before they knew about wikileaks with da superdelegates. they said "eff that Beeya beeya"

some even voted for Trump.

I voted for Bernie, and donated to his campaign lil man

Sit your *** down
Like I said from top to bottom, the most epic L in history

All the media and the DNC did was convinced how great they were

Huffington Post (which is garbage btw) gave Hilary over 98% chance to win

Can they be anymore foolish?

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Lets this be a lesson learned.

settle down

Most in the media were are making reasonable predictions based on data, the data was not good.

Do not overreact to a "black swan" event, you could spend your whole life waiting for second one that never comes.
I'm not here to agree about not voting :lol:,they should've voted for the sake of the country and worry if their end of the bargain held up after tbh. Just saying that at the end of the day,it's the party's job to work for their bases vote and not take it for granted

The Dems wanted Hillary to get the nomination, I'm not refuting that but to suggest they didn't work to earn the vote of those Progressives is disingenuous. It came down to the simple fact they didn't like Hillary. They'd rather let the most progressive agenda in the parties history go to waste cause their champion wasn't the standard bearer. That's why they'll continue to not get their stuff implementing. The progressives fate is tied to the Democratic party, they need the resources to get it out there. Same on the GOP with their factions, but for all the intelligence that the left it supposed to have, they can't seem to grasp that simple fact.

Everyone across that aisle lost period,to give more blame to one wing of the base or another is counterintuitive at this point imo
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Too late for that now. This is von a be more of a one year later thing when all the ppl that voted for him are no longer in denial and are in just as bad situations or worse off.
Mine is based on American history.
This sounds good but there's no point in taking initiative to vote of you don't understand the voting process or the consequences of your vote. I mean q6 years later and it happens again and ppl are still out in the streets complaining about the popular vote vs. electoral college.

I said it before but you're just making it easier for pollsters to dock.ent who wasted their vote compared trying to figure out the amount of ppl who didn't vot and their information (age, sex, race/ethnicity, etc.).

I mean just look at the swing states not finished tallied when it was 218 to 244 where Donald was leading by a few hundred or thousand votes in each state. Then look at the info now of the ppl who didn't vote compared to 2012 or 2008 and then the ppl in those states that voted 3rd party.
To me swaying those that voted 3rd party really isn't that much harder to sway those who didn't.

I will reply when I get home.

I wanted to state in the meantime that 3rd party votes to be rebellious is unacceptable.

But voting 3rd party because you believe in the campaign is ok in my book.

It is up to the 2 majority parties to appeal to 3rd party voters to gain their vote by highlighting their wants or be in solidarity at some extent.

Additionally, I heard this election being coined a "whitelash". I think this election was also a "blacklash" lead by the "well informed" African Americans aka what Killer Mike was referencing in that TMZ interview.

The encouragement to vote in the African American community was lead by LeBron James and Jay Z a week or two before the election :smh:

Bottom line. Dems didn't want Hill to win with that type of support.
3rd party voters aren't to blame.

Get over it.

Clinton won the popular vote.

Blame this swing state BS.
im still waiting for u to own this.


I'm not American, so the picking as nothing to do with me.

They have primaries, they voted, Hilary won. If there was a better candidate they should have ran in the primary.

Also I have said multiple times before this, that Hilary is a bad candidate, I felt she would lose to Rubio or any replacement level republican.

and I've said that people irrationally hate her, and that automatically makes her a bad candidate.
Killer Mike is usually on point, but he was talking that ******** as of late.

**** me. Dems blew a chance to take the whole thing. Just because they couldn't get over Hillary being the nominee :smh: :lol:

you're da one with da smug "better vote for Hillary" to all da bernie voters when they knew they got screwed...even before they knew about wikileaks with da superdelegates. they said "eff that Beeya beeya"

some even voted for Trump.

I voted for Bernie, and donated to his campaign lil man

Sit your *** down

kiss my sweet Dominican tushy and enjoy this crow buffet im slathering all over this thread.

your liberals suffered da worst defeat in US political history.

ya made Goldwater look like a professional :lol:

Clinton outspend Trump 20 to 1 damn near...and had da Media in her pocket and still lost. i wish i could jump off your NT screen and laugh in your face in person for being da incredible douch alllllllllllll year building up to this.


it feels sooooooooo good reading about your political anguish...i wish i could bottle it up and save it for a rainy day :lol:.
Obeezy with the you know y'all done ****** up right face


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Claim: Hillary is way ahead of Trump in the polls. It's over.

Reality: pollsters like Reuters are stacking Dems in the polls to skew the results. Furthermore, Trump's social media numbers (For what social media is worth. I recognize much of it is BS) are far superior to those of Clinton. HRC even had to buy Facebook likes, Twitter followers and Hil PAC pays online trolls to confront the opposition online.

Trump: 10,000,000+ FB likes, Clinton 5,000,000+ FB likes
Trump: 11,000,000 Million followers on Twitter
Clinton: 8.34 Million+ followers on Twitter
Also on this wonderful website...


And this dude starts off with...
Well, well, well. You were dead wrong/ :lol:

Not to single you out because your buddies drank the Clinton/MSM kool-aid, too. Next time you'll be wiser.

**** me. Dems blew a chance to take the whole thing. Just because they couldn't get over Hillary being the nominee :smh: :lol:

you're da one with da smug "better vote for Hillary" to all da bernie voters when they knew they got screwed...even before they knew about wikileaks with da superdelegates. they said "eff that Beeya beeya"

some even voted for Trump.

I voted for Bernie, and donated to his campaign lil man

Sit your *** down

kiss my sweet Dominican tushy and enjoy this crow buffet im slathering all over this thread.

your liberals suffered da worst defeat in US political history.

ya made Goldwater look like a professional :lol:

Clinton outspend Trump 20 to 1 damn near...and had da Media in her pocket and still lost. i wish i could jump off your NT screen and laugh in your face in person for being da incredible douch alllllllllllll year building up to this.


it feels sooooooooo good reading about your political anguish...i wish i could bottle it up and save it for a rainy day :lol:.

Dude I freely admit Dems took an "L". Not the first "L" i have taken in my life, won't be the last.

I guess it is the curse of having ambition. I dunno

Anyway, like I said, you're in for a master class in econ and civics.

You ain't eem know it.

-----And you need to chill with the homoerotic stuff Ninja; frotting, talking about men kissing your ***, talking about Donald's dong.

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Also this idea that cultural issues are decided by elections where most Americans don't vote is funny.

There are policy implications to be sure.

But just like it was dumb for liberals to think that there was some horse **** post racial harmony when Obama was elected. It would be similarly stupid for conservative to think they are now in control of cultural discourse. :lol:
Hillary lost because white men from both parties didn't want a female president (just my opinion). Also they been needed to get rid of the electoral college, let the candidate who garners the most votes win.
Tired of hearing about the electoral college..

Its like blaming the refs for making the correct call

If there is no electoral college, candidates will just sit on the coasts
Hillary lost because white men from both parties didn't want a female president (just my opinion). Also they been needed to get rid of the electoral college, let the candidate who garners the most votes win.

Naa the country is definitely ready for it imo. I feel like someone like Warren could've won this kind of election.

Speaking of, has she said anything about running for party leadership/2020?
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Tired of hearing about the electoral college..

Its like blaming the refs for making the correct call

If there is no electoral college, candidates will just sit on the coasts
Population in the middle of the country is higher than both coasts combined. LA and NY combined only make up about 4% of the US population.
Claim: Hillary is way ahead of Trump in the polls. It's over.

Reality: pollsters like Reuters are stacking Dems in the polls to skew the results. Furthermore, Trump's social media numbers (For what social media is worth. I recognize much of it is BS) are far superior to those of Clinton. HRC even had to buy Facebook likes, Twitter followers and Hil PAC pays online trolls to confront the opposition online.

Trump: 10,000,000+ FB likes, Clinton 5,000,000+ FB likes
Trump: 11,000,000 Million followers on Twitter
Clinton: 8.34 Million+ followers on Twitter

Well, well, well. You were dead wrong/ :lol:

Not to single you out because your buddies drank the Clinton/MSM kool-aid, too. Next time you'll be wiser.

Yeah OK.. I along with 59 million Americans were all wrong. I have no issues admitting that and my life continues, and actually after Wall St. closed yesterday and today.. my investment portfolio is actually looking great which was my main concern with a Trump presidency. Yeah I am pissed but I am over it and knowing the next 4 years seeing this tool Trump make a disaster of the US is gonna be great.

NOW hell I don't even need to be patriotic or stand for that stupid national anthem at NBA/NFL games and gonna make sure all my recent high school graduate relatives NOT enlist in the military. So yeah congratulations to Trump for making us all UNPATRIOTIC! Hell I might even burn the American flag in my BBQ tonight just to make ya Trump supporters happy! :D
Of all progressives, Warren would do the worst IMO.

She is not as likable as Bernie, she won't connect with white males like Bernie, she doesn't have the record on women's rights like Hillary, and had no traction in minority communities. And she has no other high level political talents like debating or orating.
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shouldnt have said you where wrong because if i learned anything in the last 6 months about voting patterns is that i know absolutely nothing :lol:

my case

even after trump became the elvis presley of the rust belt and baffoon/moneyball'd his way torwards billions in free tv time . the republican turnout was still less than 2012.

The closest we ever got to 70 million blue votes up to this point was obamas first term. Youre argument about the obama coalition is very true but bernie penetrated through that obama 3rd term talk primarily by arguing that obama let down the progressive movement and in losing showed the blueprint (in my opinion) of how to run a democratic campaign in the future..

the problem with bernie is you close your eyes and you can picture with a mustard stain on his shirt

sanders vs clinton = OJ simpson case

Nobody on the winning side was trying to ran that thing back
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kiss my sweet Dominican tushy and enjoy this crow buffet im slathering all over this thread.

your liberals suffered da worst defeat in US political history.

ya made Goldwater look like a professional

Clinton outspend Trump 20 to 1 damn near...and had da Media in her pocket and still lost. i wish i could jump off your NT screen and laugh in your face in person for being da incredible douch alllllllllllll year building up to this.


it feels sooooooooo good reading about your political anguish...i wish i could bottle it up and save it for a rainy day
PLEASE explain to me the benefits of voting 3rd party and how it helped in this election.

You have dudes in here basically saying you HAVE to vote for a certain candidate even if you disagree with that candidate, otherwise your vote is a wasted/spoiler vote. What happened to voting for who YOU want to vote for? Stop blaming third parties for Trump winning and start blaming the inbred hicks who voted for him and the lazy fat @$@ dudes that can't spend 5 minutes of their day to go vote


It really does take 5 minutes to vote, including most plac where you can vote being not far at all from people's homes.
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