***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People in here citing low turnout to keep themselves blameless. Lol..


That's why she lost doe.

Trump got less votes than Romney. It wasn't the Republican surge that carried him to office, it was a Democratic withdrawal
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Dems apparently wanted to groom him after the 2012 DNC,don't know whatever happened with him but he got lost in the background of the administration. He'd sure as hell be a better bet than Howard Dean :lol

Dems are going to pick someone safer and more moderate that hopefully doesn't have the baggage Hillary had. Progressives nuked their own movement for the immediate future.

Once again,Julian Castro :lol. He's a safe/moderate Dem

I don't believe your last line at all either given the amount of voters who stayed at home/went 3rd party
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People in here citing low turnout to keep themselves blameless. Lol..


That's why she lost doe.

Trump got less votes than Romney. It wasn't the Republican surge that carried him to office, it was a Democratic withdrawal

No I know low turnout was a problem.

My post was in reference to third party voters who reference this to make themselves feel better.
you wrong.

the future of any successful platform by the democratic party in the foreseeable future will be at the very least have to be disguised as progressive. not sure how you're not seeing this bruh.


Nobody ever believed that hillary was as far left as she claims and THERE lies the problem.

Those people are stupid.

Politicians generally attempt to do what they say in public.

Politicians are far more likely to lie in private than lie in public.

Thank you.

If you're a progressive and stayed home, you let a great platform take a major L
Look we can **** on 3rd part voting all day, it's fish in a barrell.

but 3rd party didn't really cost Clinton the election.

The real problem is NOT voting.
sure they are... :rolleyes

unlike Obama kissing enviro wacko rings, Trump gonna do what Trump wants, he owes interest groups absolutely nothing that doesn't put American interest FIRST

so trying to make the environment safer is a bad thing? okay buddy lol

and stop acting like Trump is not beholden to anyone this is just straight up not true. he been in bed with politics/ politicians for YEARS and you think this is gonna change him? get real

reclassification of carbon dioxide as a "climate crisis matter" to basicaly tax industries indefinitely is not protection of da environment.

and Trump defeated da democrats, liberals, conservatives, da WHOLE media intelligencia, pollsters, race hustlers, radical feminists, and people who create stupid "isms" like "islamaphobia" and personal favorite "heterosexist"

:lol :{

he owes no one nothing
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Trump gonna do what Trump wants,

Come on now. Trump is too stupid to run the Presidency on his own accord so obviously he's gonna let his Republican cabinet deal the executive administration duties.

Negotiate NAFTA? Let Pence do it... cause I am sure Trump has a more pressing issue like a golfing lesson.

Travel to China for trade summit? ah let Ivanka take care of it.. he has a massage at 11am and a Breibart interview at 3pm.

Everyone knows Trump doesn't handle the day to day operations for his businesses... he needs to have others handle it. Trump is nothing more than the face of the business. You know this.

:rolleyes @ talking bout Trump gonna do what Trump wants.. yeah OK!

This might actually be entertaining for 4 years! :rollin

No more defending Obama.. cause now the Nation, and the Media is gonna attack and ridicule the idiot Trump for all his failures!
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Once again,Julian Castro :lol. He's a safe/moderate Dem

I don't believe your last line at all either given the amount of voters who stayed at home/went 3rd party

The likelihood of them ever getting a platform like they just had is slim to none. And that's because they didn't care enough to vote for it when it counted.

**** me. Dems blew a chance to take the whole thing. Just because they couldn't get over Hillary being the nominee :{ :lol
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Once again,Julian Castro :lol. He's a safe/moderate Dem

I don't believe your last line at all either given the amount of voters who stayed at home/went 3rd party

The likelihood of them ever getting a platform like they just had is slim to none. And that's because they didn't care enough to vote for it when it counted.

I'm not here to agree about not voting :lol,they should've voted for the sake of the country and worry about if their end of the bargain was held up after tbh. Just saying that at the end of the day,it's the still party's job to work for their bases vote and not take it for granted
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Dems apparently wanted to groom him after the 2012 DNC,don't know whatever happened with him but he got lost in the background of the administration. He'd sure as hell be a better bet than Howard Dean :lol

Dems are going to pick someone safer and more moderate that hopefully doesn't have the baggage Hillary had. Progressives nuked their own movement for the immediate future.

Once again,Julian Castro :lol. He's a safe/moderate Dem

I don't believe your last line at all either given the amount of voters who stayed at home/went 3rd party
Ummm, progressives aren't really in any position to be purity testing candidates right now.

The Dems went progressive, and people didn't show up to support it.

The movement is gonna get some well deserved backlash within the left.

**** me. Dems blew a chance to take the whole thing. Just because they couldn't get over Hillary being the nominee :{ :lol

you're da one with da smug "better vote for Hillary" to all da bernie voters when they knew they got screwed...even before they knew about wikileaks with da superdelegates. they said "eff that Beeya beeya"

some even voted for Trump.
Like I said from top to bottom, the most epic L in history

All the media and the DNC did was convinced how great they were

Huffington Post (which is garbage btw) gave Hilary over 98% chance to win

Can they be anymore foolish?

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Lets this be a lesson learned.
I've already accepted to agree to disagree with you Rust :lol

We both have different ideas of things progressive related,that platform still won the popular vote
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Just barely caught up man, yall put in work... a lot of **** going down and its only the beginning anyone try to disrespect me or my family due to race is catching these hands, luckily i leave in socal were we voted for hillary so its not likely but possible smh
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I'm not here to agree about not voting :lol,they should've voted for the sake of the country and worry if their end of the bargain held up after tbh. Just saying that at the end of the day,it's the party's job to work for their bases vote and not take it for granted

The Dems wanted Hillary to get the nomination, I'm not refuting that but to suggest they didn't work to earn the vote of those Progressives is disingenuous. It came down to the simple fact they didn't like Hillary. They'd rather let the most progressive agenda in the parties history go to waste cause their champion wasn't the standard bearer. That's why they'll continue to not get their stuff implementing. The progressives fate is tied to the Democratic party, they need the resources to get it out there. Same on the GOP with their factions, but for all the intelligence that the left it supposed to have, they can't seem to grasp that simple fact.
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