***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You have a long resume of racial ignorance and trolling on NT. You love getting a reaction out of people and mock them when they get upset.

So I find it quite funny that you you're so upset by my post, which don't reach the level of some of the nonsense you have posted on this site.

What's wrong, upset a minority is not giving you the undeserved respect you feel you are due?
Ive never been upset once. I disagree with you,  you talk about my gfs family and call me a bigot, rinse repeat. 

Again, I dont want, care for , or need your respect, regardless of your ethnicity. That is you projecting again.

People can actually think some of your views are a little crazy or extreme without being members of the kkk, or a sell out or a traitor. Your ego wont see that tho.

Yeah , im that evil racist in a multiracial relationship, who grew up idolizing shawn kemp, volunteered thousands of free coaching hours to troubled youth and knew the words to entire public enemy albums before half this thread was born. 

I often agree with ninja because I think he's right but what your lefty conspiracy brain thinks is ........

"obviously tt supports ninja because he is a unknowing tool of white supremacy and tt is evil and wants to see minorities suffer even tho their success hurts him in no way and even possibly benefits him"

I def feel we can post in the same thread without having to log jam it with the same back and forth.

Im already off making anything but fun or shoe related threads from here on out.

I will give you the respect, of politely disagreeing with statements you make, that I happen to find faulty.

I expect nothing in return
take your white privilege somewhere else fam
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-This is real rich. Yeah dude, this proves it, everyone was so wrong about you.

-You slick talk, act completely tone deaf about race issues (and refuse to learn, to make matters worst you act smug about it), and mock others all the time; yet you think that is giving respect?

Man spare me that nonsense.

You got got a small dose of your own medicine and you didn't like the taste.
You speak as tho I was born to be your student or need to be educated because you believe you are so right.

I just watched you gloat for weeks and the take the biggest L ive ever seen. Sorry if I question your judgements, lord knows you enjoy making them.

If I mock people calling me a bigot, it is what it is.

Spare you? God now you are speaking like a King 

Rusty let it set in bro, I dont owe you anything, I dont hate you personally, I wish no harm on anyone.

If 8 people came at you sideways with racist accusations and gf talk you might talk a little slick too.
At this point I would rather have Pence being president, at least he won't say stupid **** when it comes to foreign relations
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Aluminum Tea learned how to play victim well from Reacho. And the label of bigot fits you every well from your post content even pre-dating you whining about your gf's parents.
I'd rather have the half eaten turkey sandwich in my fridge for president tbh

Aluminum Tea learned how to play victim well from Reacho. And the label of bigot fits you every well from your post content even pre-dating you whining about your gf's parents.
Every white supremacists has the same fall back position: "I work with black people," "My first high school girl friend was East Indian," "I play basketball with Asians," I listen to rap," "My church group helped build houses in Costa Rica." Congratulations, you guys have proven that you are not racial separatists, most white supremacists are not racial separatists.

Most misogynists have no problem being in proximity to women (in fact it is that lack of proximity that fuels MRA groups). Just because you don't join a Monastic Order doesn't mean that you still have issues with women being treated as full and equal citizens. Just because you don't make your black co workers drink from different drinking fountains doesn't mean that you didn't vote for a man whose political career is based on paranoid, white identity politics.
Ben Carson named secretary of HUD...yikes.

Won't be too many longtime DC residents by the end of Trump's tenure. More folks gonna be pushed out of the city at an even more alarming rate.
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This guy nominated Ben Carson when Carson himself has said he's unqualified

Where does the buffoonery end? 
Aluminum Tea learned how to play victim well from Reacho. And the label of bigot fits you every well from your post content even pre-dating you whining about your gf's parents.
Bruh...way to come in and chirp the exact chirp I predicted on the last page.

There has to be a dozen people at least using the "call a bigot, then call an actor " play from the lefty handbook.

Its actually the only play you have left
What the hell are ben carson's qualifications for this position. Urban equals black equals ben carson? Terrible :lol:

I did not know much about what was going on with the north dakota pipeline. Feel like the media has ignored it generally in favor of 24/7 trump. Still not an excuse to not self educate. The problem seems to go deeper than i thought with the drinking water issues. Looks like the army corps of engineers are saying it must be re routed.

Not real concerned with the taiwan call. Obama was reaching out to the ayotollah and the media pretty much shrugged. Seems like an overreaction.
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Bruh...way to come in and chirp the exact chirp I predicted on the last page.

There has to be a dozen people at least using the "call a bigot, then call an actor " play from the lefty handbook.

Its actually the only play you have left
And the "calling someone a bigot or racist is all you guys have left" is straight out of the rightwing playbook of denial.

If you have a long history of posting borderline racist remarks and all sorts of other bigotry then you shouldn't be surprised if you're called out on it. Especially on a forum like NT which technically forbids such rhetoric.

Ninjahood for example is called a bigot and a racist because he consistently parrots white supremacist talking points and displays all the characteristics of a bigot. His stance on the LGBT community alone is enough to award him the title of bigot. Not only has he tried to establish a narrative that the LGBT community supports NAMBLA, he has also explicitly said he does not give a damn about their civil rights. He supports overturning gay marriage and the GOP's First Amendment Defense Act, which would remove discrimination protections the LGBT community has fought for and result in businesses being able to legally deny service to gays under the guise of religious freedom.

Having a negative view towards homosexuality does not necessarily make someone a bigot, but when you try to paint the community as pedophiles and advocate stripping them of multiple civil rights it should not surprise anyone that they are seen as a bigot.

His stance on LGBT rights is just one tiny example of Ninja's years-long history of bigotry on NT.

If you have such a problem with being called a bigot, perhaps try showing more empathy and educate yourself on systemic racism and how it affects people of color in various areas of society such as the job market and the criminal justice system. Instead, you support Ninja's white supremacist talking point that systemic racism is just a leftist fable.

Countless scientific studies, statistics and facts argue against that. And neither of you two have taken the time to just educate yourselves on what is fairly simple science. Both of you have been reprimanded on multiple occasions by admin Meth for engaging in bigotry and diet-racism, perhaps it's time to take his advice. In doing so, you might find yourself being able to participate in discussions you would otherwise be excluded from due to ignorance on the subject matter.
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And the "calling someone a bigot or racist is all you guys have left" is straight out of the rightwing playbook of denial.

If you have a long history of posting borderline racist remarks and all sorts of other bigotry then you shouldn't be surprised if you're called out on it, especially on a forum like NT which technically forbids such rhetoric.

Ninjahood for example is called a bigot and a racist because he consistently parrots white supremacist talking points and displays all the characteristics of a bigot. His stance on the LGBT community alone is enough to award him the title of bigot. Not only has he tried to establish a narrative that the LGBT community supports NAMBLA, he has also explicitly said he does not give a damn about their civil rights. He supports overturning gay marriage and the GOP's First Amendment Defense Act, which would remove discrimination protections the LGBT community has fought for and result in businesses being able to legally deny service to gays under the guise of religious freedom.

Having a negative view towards homosexuality does not necessarily make someone a bigot, but when you try to paint the community as pedophiles and advocate stripping them of multiple civil rights it should not surprise anyone that they are seen as a bigot.

His stance on LGBT rights is just one tiny example of Ninja's years-long history of bigotry on NT.
Bro who was talking about nambla?  

You consider any opposition to your agenda as borderline racism and bigotry

 People like yourself whose policies have destroyed your own peaceful nation, want to guilt the rest of the world into sharing your dilemma. 

Take the rest of your garbage about ninjahoods feelings regarding same sex relationships and stuff it.

You are not teaching me anything about empathy ever,as you only believe it applies to those people that buy your agenda.

Yall are so wrapped up in being morally right that any discussion turns to a lecture.

Thing is I am watching your home absolutely errode while you ask me to think like you.

Save your keystrokes professor love

Ps...while it is very clear ninja has you totally written off, you let his words affect you daily.

Grow up
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What the hell are ben carson's qualifications for this position. Urban equals black equals ben carson? Terrible :lol:

I did not know much about what was going on with the north dakota pipeline. Feel like the media has ignored it generally in favor of 24/7 trump. Still not an excuse to not self educate. The problem seems to go deeper than i thought with the drinking water issues. Looks like the army corps of engineers are saying it must be re routed.

Not real concerned with the taiwan call. Obama was reaching out to the ayotollah and the media pretty much shrugged. Seems like an overreaction.

Obama reaching out to the Ayatollah is way different though :lol:. That was to build the groundwork for the Iran deal that came after,Trump's call was more so related to his own financial gain as well as antagonizing China.

Can't compare Iran policy with the long established norms regarding the highly sensitive issue of Taiwan.

This has nothing to do with the media or their reaction btw,that's irrelevant. Taiwan is the one issue China will never bend/change on and are willing to go to war over so it'd be advisable not to play with fire there...

A possible shift in the Sino-American relationship of that scale is kind of a huge deal in the realm of international politics
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That went over my head then :lol:,still the fact that it was premeditated and the FP people that Trump is surrounding himself with make it seem like he's headed in a new direction in regards to Taiwan policy...

I just hope they're somewhat smart about it and don't start up a game of brinksmanship because these aren't South China Sea islands we're talking about where China would show some "restraint". Taiwan is serious business to them
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Bro who was talking about nambla?  

You consider any opposition to your agenda as borderline racism and bigotry

 People like yourself whose policies have destroyed your own peaceful nation, want to guilt the rest of the world into sharing your dilemma. 

Take the rest of your garbage about ninjahoods feelings regarding same sex relationships and stuff it.

You are not teaching me anything about empathy ever,as you only believe it applies to those people that buy your agenda.

Yall are so wrapped up in being morally right that any discussion turns to a lecture.

Thing is I am watching your home absolutely errode while you ask me to think like you.

Save your keystrokes professor love
Ninja was talking about NAMBLA. And I do not have any problem with opposing views. You and Ninja may fall into the category of bigotry and racism but that does not mean I think everyone with opposing views is in that category. At least I would hope not. Certain discussions turn into "lectures" to you because you are not educated on the subject matter. If I started engaging in discussions about US economics I would hope that somebody puts me back in my place until I educate myself on the matter. And throughout my posting history in this thread I've certainly needed that several times, especially at first. But I took the lectures and made an effort to learn more, after all I have an abundance of time to do so.

You don't need to think like me or anyone else, but you complain about being shunned from certain discussions so I'm telling you why that is and what you can do to improve. Rico and I disagree on just about everything but I don't mind arguing with him. He's a whole lot more willing to have a reasonable discussion than either of you two combined.
I'm being facestious comparing it to iran, i just think one phone call is being blown out of proportion.
It might be blown a bit out of proportion but Taiwan is very serious business to China. And Trump broke established communication norms dating back to 1979. The reports of a Taiwan mayor claiming he was contacted by a Trump Org. employee about potential investment opportunities doesn't exactly help his case. So far China has only issued a diplomatic complaint but there's no telling what they will do if Trump further pursues relations with Taiwan.

It puts him at a bad start with international relations with China before he's even sworn in.
I don't see how it's being blown out of proportion when almost everything the president does is covered and analyzed anyway, especially when it's news regarding a change in diplomatic protocol :lol:

In other news,I caught up on the "pizzagate" story and man it's some scary stuff :wow: :x. We're living in a legit disinformation age,we're so embedded in it at this point that some nutjob really went over to try to shoot up the restaurant mentioned in the bs story accusing the shop owners of molesting children... It's like "gamergate" on steroids

It's some sick and dangerous stuff man and I don't know how that doesn't fall under libel/slander. Mob fury coalescing around blatant misinformation is a terrifying concoction

One of the shop employees gave an interview after the madman was arrested


Following his arrest, Welch told authorities he traveled to Comet Ping Pong to “self-investigate” a Wikileaks-fueled fake news story that has been circulating on conspiracy sites like InfoWars — that Comet Ping Pong is at the center of a pedophilia ring involving some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides. That story has come to be known as “pizzagate.”

A Comet Ping Pong employee who spoke to ThinkProgress said they believed it was just a matter of time before something like the Sunday incident happened. The employee, who asked their identity be kept off the record, said staffers are no longer answering phone calls from non-local numbers.

“We get 30 to 40 calls a day about this ********,” the employee, who asked to keep their identity off the record, said. “There are staff members as young as 19 that work there and have to deal with this. It’s real, real sad.”
The Comet employee said staff has encountered numerous suspicious people who come in and start asking unusual questions about how long employees have worked there, what events hosted at the restaurant are like, and whether there are tunnels underneath the building. Some, including “citizen investigator” Jack Posobiec, have tried to live stream from Comet Ping Pong and been kicked out.

In an effort to tamp down suspicions, staff has “kept the back room lit so people can go and be nosy on their own,” the employee said, adding that Welch shot up an employee locker where he might’ve thought pizzagate-related materials are being stored.

“If this doesn’t stop someone is going to get killed,” they said. “These people are angry, and they think we’re raping children so they feel justified saying anything to us.”

What an insane time to be alive :smh:
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