***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What should I be outraged at? Unlike you all I save my outrage for conclusive proof and at this point that remains to be seen. Unlike the DNC emails that have been seen.

Fake outrage as far as the eye can see.
I guess 17 intelligence agencies reporting on this isn't enough proof

And Manafort's resignation

And the fact Russia admitted to doing so
Don't mind Rico, facts don't matter to him
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Release the report. Simple. Let the American people decide for ourselves.

And please provide evidence where Russia admits to hacking the DNC to help Trump.

Don't worry, I'll wait...
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That last part should be highlighted

Just like I said yesterday,let the investigation continue. Cats already drawing conclusions when we're still investigating.

Btw, still waiting on the proof that Russia admitted to hacking the dnc to swing the election.
Trump supporters really saying the CIA can't be trusted. Lmao.

They can't. And with very good reason. They're a shadowy and dubious organization. Everyone knows it. But apparently, you trust them.

Duly noted.
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Lies. I said yesterday that I'm an American first and if evidence is uncovered that Russians interfered with our election to help Trump, I'll be the first one calling for action.
Yea you say that but your daddy don't even want the investigations to continue, talking about 'the election is over and we need to move on'
I don't support everything Trump does and I disagree. We do need to get to the bottom of this issue. But as I stated before there is no concrete evidence, yet. And we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions.

And the CIA is hardly a reliable source. They are countless times in history that they've acted on their own goals and agendas even when it would not be in the best interest of the country.
Keep the memes out of here! Post legitimate articles. No one knows where the hell that came from or who made it. The validity of it can not be established.
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Yea you say that but your daddy don't even want the investigations to continue, talking about 'the election is over and we need to move on'

I don't support everything Trump does and I disagree. We do need to get to the bottom of this issue. But as I stated before there is no concrete evidence, yet. And we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions.

And the CIA is hardly a reliable source. They are countless times in history that they've acted on their own goals and agendas even when it would not be in the best interest of the country.

I want it noted for the record that I referred to Trump as his daddy and Rico didn't deny it
Hell yea I am. This thread doesn't need to turn into a fb or twitter timeline with people posting memes and graphics as some kind of argument or proof. It's ********. Though we disagree on many things we all believe in legitimate discussion and what he posted flies in the face of that.

I think others feel the same way.
The funny thing is, I'm probably more mature than your president will ever be :lol:

(scary times)
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I agree with the legitimate diskussion, but that **** was funny as hell :lol: But if its not ok in here, a forum thread, i would hope you werent ok with it when trump did it during the kampaign? Kuz then that would be hypokritical
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