***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump is so wise. Hasn't stepped foot in office yet and he's already shown us that he's smarter than scientists and US intelligence. Everyone exists only to oppose him. But that doesn't matter. He overcomes all.
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If I responded to every little potshot someone took at me, I'd never have a second of free time. I respond to the valid ones. Grow up.
I did that the other day.

It was fricken exhausting. I also made the mistake of doing it across multiple threads. 

Finger cramps
Good morning, NT!

Wait, wait, let me try again.

Доброе утро, товарищи!

The funny thing? Trump wouldn't understand a word.

Barron speaks Slovenian and French. Ivanka's daughter speaks Mandarin. Don Jr. speaks French and Czech. Melania? Slovenian, French, German, and Serbian. Not to mention all of Donald's grandaparents spoke their native languages.

Donald Trump himself? Only knows English.

Until the Soviets activate him and he starts responding only to Russian....
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Hell yea I am. This thread doesn't need to turn into a fb or twitter timeline with people posting memes and graphics as some kind of argument or proof. It's ********. Though we disagree on many things we all believe in legitimate discussion and what he posted flies in the face of that.

I think others feel the same way.

too late for that b... Clinton lost Big league and da only thing these folks got left is parroting mainstream media's Russia fascination...

meanwhile da contents of what was exposed (DNC, clinton, media collusion) there's absolutely no murmurs bout it.
Lies. I said yesterday that I'm an American first and if evidence is uncovered that Russians interfered with our election to help Trump, I'll be the first one calling for action.
Sure thing comrade.

Yea you say that but your daddy don't even want the investigations to continue, talking about 'the election is over and we need to move on'

I don't support everything Trump does and I disagree. We do need to get to the bottom of this issue. But as I stated before there is no concrete evidence, yet. And we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions.

And the CIA is hardly a reliable source. They are countless times in history that they've acted on their own goals and agendas even when it would not be in the best interest of the country.

I want it noted for the record that I referred to Trump as his daddy and Rico didn't deny it
I'll make a list.
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If I was a Clinton supporter I would be far far FAR saltier about Comey.

You can measure the polling impact of the Comey letter,

political scandals historically cost you about 2 points, and given the how close she lost in the tipping point states, that is the real reason to be salty.

but the fact that it was close in the first place speaks to her general weaknesses as a candidate...

We already know about Trump's russia ties, the media didn't are before the election, not sure why they are hyperventilating now that it's over.
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I guess Obama, the CIA, McCain, and a bunch of other people are now part of the media.

And why do you keep bringing up the DNC primaries? We went over that and we just had a discussion over the past couple pages of this thread about it.

Why don't we talk about Watergate more? Or Iran-contra affair? Or Bay of Pigs? There's absolutely no murmurs about it.

[spoiler title="The Answer?"]HYPOCRITE[/spoiler]
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If I was a Clinton supporter I would be far far FAR saltier about Comey.

You can measure the polling impact of the Comey letter,

political scandals historically cost you about 2 points, and given the how close she lost in the tipping point states, that is the real reason to be salty.

but the fact that it was close in the first place speaks to her general weaknesses as a candidate...

We already know about Trump's russia ties, the media didn't are before the election, not sure why they are hyperventilating now that it's over.

Obamacare's price spike announcements were far more devastating, that abc poll went from a +13 Clinton lead to a +1 in like 4 days.

you second point is what we were all talking bout since da end of da primaries.

"if she's so good how come she can't put him away"

da amount of missiles of incoming fire Trump sustained would've been fatal to annnnny other candidate.....and Clinton couldn't put him away.
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If I was a Clinton supporter I would be far far FAR saltier about Comey.

You can measure the polling impact of the Comey letter,

political scandals historically cost you about 2 points, and given the how close she lost in the tipping point states, that is the real reason to be salty.

but the fact that it was close in the first place speaks to her general weaknesses as a candidate...

We already know about Trump's russia ties, the media didn't are before the election, not sure why they are hyperventilating now that it's over.

They are salty still. Every interview Clinton people do they blame Comey for their epic loss.

I guess Obama, the CIA, McCain, and a bunch of other people are now part of the media.

And why do you keep bringing up the DNC primaries? We went over that and we just had a discussion over the past couple pages of this thread about it.

Why don't we talk about Watergate more? Or Iran-contra affair? Or Bay of Pigs? There's absolutely no murmurs about it.

[spoiler title="The Answer?"]HYPOCRITE[/spoiler]

Because it shows how you guys pick and choose what to get outraged at. But if you want to really make a point, then address the gentleman quoted above that brought up Comey.
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Only people who don't fit your agenda are part of mainstream media and the establishment. OK
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I've noticed you'll often completely miss the point of a post but then pick up on something that allows you to parrot one of your talking points. It's unclear if you willingly or unwillingly look past the main point of a post.

Fascinating, simply fascinating.

It's like you're incapable of having a normal discussion.

"Edwin, can you clean your room after dinner?"

"After, mom? After what? Why can't we focus on the present? That's why we call it a gift."

"What are you talking about?"

"What is Hillary talking about in her emails? That's what you seem to conveniently brush off every time I see you."

"Ay dios mio!"
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Only people who don't fit your agenda are part of mainstream media and the establishment. OK

Are you just posting to post? Anyone who has followed politics knows what's meant by mainstream media and the establishment. They are the political class and do not like outsiders.
What "point" did I miss? Elaborate.
I was referring to ninja.

He said "da only thing these folks got left is parroting mainstream media's Russia fascination..."

I made a sarcastic comment that Obama, the CIA, and other politicians who are making a big deal of this Russian thing are part of the media then. The point being that it wasn't limited to some mainstream media fascination but is an actual significant thing. Sure, you may argue we should wait until the full report is released, and I can respect that if that's how you deal with any news. But to argue that it's only some desperate media-driven thing? c'mon now.

ninja then replaced "media" in my quote with "establishment."

I'm not sure if he was missing the point or what. I don't know anymore.
Only people who don't fit your agenda are part of mainstream media and the establishment. OK

Are you just posting to post? Anyone who has followed politics knows what's meant by mainstream media and the establishment. They are the political class and do not like outsiders.
Yes and no.

Journalistic integrity is still a big deal for places like the NY Times.

Plus now there are so many other sources out there, so you can check on different publications to glean the truth.

There are 2 problems with this. Everyone will just glean the truth that they want. Second, now that everyone and their mom can start a website, it has created a permissive environment for fake news.

So as much as we want to fault the NY Times for slanting liberal, at least they are grounded in accountability.
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Ah gotcha. My mistake.
Those last 2 words will never come from Ninja's keyboard 

He should take notes
It's truly baffling how anyone can read this and think this is a competent person

At least Pence is doing his job
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can someone give me some info about this whole Russian hacking business. so lets say worst case scenario that there is information that Russia did do things to help get Trump elected, what happens to Trump? Does Pence get pushed up to president-elect? I'm confused by what could possibly be the outcome of any info being proven to show Russian involvement
What's hilarious was that the CIA was investigating Russia's involvement while the election was still going on and didn't come out and say so as to not tip the election.

Too bad the fbi didn't exercise the same courtesy when they reopened the email investigation :lol:
can someone give me some info about this whole Russian hacking business. so lets say worst case scenario that there is information that Russia did do things to help get Trump elected, what happens to Trump? Does Pence get pushed up to president-elect? I'm confused by what could possibly be the outcome of any info being proven to show Russian involvement
Obama did say he does not want to call Trump's victory into question. If such information were to be released, I'm not sure if congress could impeach Trump. I'm not 100% sure on this but I think they would have to prove that Trump committed a criminal offense in order to impeach him. If the Russians helped him, that does not necessarily mean he deliberately worked with them. 
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Obama did say he does not want to call Trump's victory into question. If such information were to be released, I'm not sure if congress could impeach Trump. I'm not 100% sure on this but I think they would have to prove that Trump committed a criminal offense in order to impeach him. If the Russians helped him, that does not necessarily mean he deliberately worked with them. 
okay cool i was curious what would be done on top of finding any Russian involvement. i honestly dont know what would be worse a Trump presidency or a Pence presidency 
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