***Official Political Discussion Thread***


I know you understand the difference between disagreeing with people on policy, and calling someone a deranged racist who is not qualified to hold the presidency.

so what is the point of this post other than to just annoy people? it waste of your time and everyone else .

You just got added to the list
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the swamp got drained and now he's gonna fill it up with gold coins for him to swim in, scrooge mcduck style :rofl:

It's human nature.

We were raised to believe, often in a narrative pushed most strongly by those now ok with Russian interference, that the United States was special. That, as a tapestry of different ethnicities and backgrounds, of different skills and education levels and finances, of different colour and personality, we would transcend those differences because our identity was rooted in the ideals of a democratic nation free of the shackles of historical grudges and tribal survivalism.

However, we have learned this year that it was a lie. It's not just an African phenomenon, though. Look at the Middle East. Look at not just the history of Europe but the current state of Europe. This human tendency for tribalism has been exploited in those who are less invested in education and free thought and instead more likely to lean on the state or the church or the tribe for their self-worth.

People are fickle. In the same way Curry goes from greatest ever to worst ever to a specialist perennial all-star over a few months, people will waffle on this disposable idea of patriotism and loyalty as it suits them. One minute lecturing us on "true" American values if we dare speak out against injustice when our skin isn't white enough or our parents' birthplace wasn't America (even people in this thread have been told their opinion is invalid because they're not American enough) or our religion is not Protestant (even Catholics have been told they're not "Christian" enough) or our speaking level is too high; the next minute, after 80 years of casting anyone espousing a compassionate social plan in modern governance as a traitorous socialist or communist out to destroy America and turn it into a foreign proxy, telling us not to worry anymore about Russian imperialism and their disrespect of our sovereignty.

The reason is exactly as you explain.

Hypocrisy and treason are no concern for the tribalist.
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Trump has been part of the Republican donor class for decades, he knows exactly how those dudes work, and that they only have integrity when it is convenient for them.

Romney is a perfect example of this.

He is a known flip flipper who has always been ready and willing to buss it open for whoever could further his political career.

Trump just used his thirst against him, and to be honest, given Romney's track record, I am not even mad.
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Trump postpones announcement on how he will avoid conflicts of interests


President-elect Donald Trump will wait until January to say what role he will play in his business empire as president, delaying one of the most critical and highly anticipated announcements of the transition.

I think I know the solution for his dilemma: not be president.
It'd be funny if like his taxes he just never makes this announcement explaining his role in his business andd just addresses it with one statement, "there is no conflict of issue. Blind trust. Its blind."


I know you understand the difference between disagreeing with people on policy, and calling someone a deranged racist who is not qualified to hold the presidency.

so what is the point of this post other than to just annoy people? it waste of your time and everyone else .

You just got added to the list
Trump was right about one thing during the election season; the system is rigged and the election was rigged
I'm sure you already know it has to go through the Senate foreign relations committee first.

Three of those Republicans — Rubio, Gardner and Johnson — are members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which will vote on State Department nominees before their names go to the entire Senate. Republicans will have just a one-seat advantage on the committee, so any GOP defections could potentially scuttle Tillerson’s confirmation.
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While we're on the topic of oil:


A pipeline leak has spilled tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil into a North Dakota creek roughly two and a half hours from Cannon Ball, where protesters are camped out in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline.

@Rexanglorum, whywesteppin whywesteppin I would say that's a fair assessment of the situation here. Unfortunately, platanos are not the only thing that remind me of my home country: unequal access to education, healthcare, neglect of infrastructure, refusal to adapt to a changing world, preference for conspiracy theories, devotion to ignorance, a thirst for a messianic leader coupled with the subsequent disappointment when it is revealed that politicians are flawed individuals, the resulting indifference in all matters of politics, and now tribalism make this place much more familiar than I want to admit. Hopefully this is all temporary. We're not a lost cause yet, but it can get worse.
^ as corny as it sounds (and perhaps naïve), our saving grace (at least partially) may be entities such as Facebook, Google, and Microsoft (and many more), who not only hold immense wealth but also have a huge reach and an interest in a free-thinking progressive society. coupled with universities and other forces who hold untold wealth and power, i don't see this country slipping into Bolivia anytime soon and definitely not without a war.
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Gotta hand it to Putin though. Dude out there in the Kremlin sitting and scheming constantly.

Son made it to the top of all tops.
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Used to think Putin was more of a brute than strategist but man,these last few years have proven that dude is the ultimate chess grandmaster on the international stage...

He's managing to render Nato and the EU ineffective/useless without aiming a single rifle at those countries :lol: :x. He's gotten to a point in the international system that old Soviet leaders could've only dreamt of
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This banger tried to warn us, but no one listened :smh:

This joint still knock doe :smokin

The remix gonna have Trump, Le Pen, and other Euro right wingers bussin it open in the back. Might even call in some Dominicano papis to drop it low too.
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Every time I hear about Trump ready to announce something, it reminds me of this scene. Sums up his followers too:

This banger tried to warn us, but no one listened :smh:

This joint still knock doe :smokin

The remix gonna have Trump, Le Pen, and other Euro right wingers bussin it open in the back. Might even call in some Dominicano papis to drop it low too.
ninja will use this as evidence that Trump has the respect of the hip hop community and of course the entire black vote.
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Oh man I just been looking at the Yahoo message board after they announced the SoS pick

I never seen so many people turn on Trump until now :lol:

This banger tried to warn us, but no one listened :smh:

This joint still knock doe :smokin

The remix gonna have Trump, Le Pen, and other Euro right wingers bussin it open in the back. Might even call in some Dominicano papis to drop it low too.

Breh :rofl: :rofl:

Putin is a step ahead foreal though :smh:

Undermining almost all of his enemies authority/instotutions and legitimacy from afar while propping up a far right and pro-Russia populist wave all over :x
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Our new Secretary of State was awarded In 2013....with the Russian Badge of freedom. The highest honor for a non Russian. By Purim. He's been Putin's friend for over 20years.

Let's not even mention Tillerson's billions of dollars in business deals with Russia that are on hold due to the current sanctions.

But let's keep downplaying Trump's clear Russian ties.
McCain, Paul, Graham, and possible Lil Marco might have enough balls to side with the Dems and block this.

But then again, the GOP loves to fall in line.
Will I do have some sympathy for him, more and more I find myself shaking me head at Edward Snowden. Especially now he is hinting at wanting Obama to save his ***.

Let us remember this gem he tweeted out during the election:

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