***Official Political Discussion Thread***

'Please keep your soft heart bleeding Belgiumness opinion to yourself'

Ninja always got to remind the thread that dude is from Belgium.

That diet xenophobia.
Yet Titanium Tea's Canadian self gets a pass 
Going too far about Ninja being a white supremecist.  Ninja is just ignorant when it comes to social issues and is really only concerned about his own finances and his own lifestyle.
'Please keep your soft heart bleeding Belgiumness opinion to yourself'

Ninja always got to remind the thread that dude is from Belgium.

That diet xenophobia.

Ninja has probably about the same exposure to America as someone from another country.
Going too far about Ninja being a white supremecist.  Ninja is just ignorant when it comes to social issues and is really only concerned about his own finances and his own lifestyle.

Does he pay you per defense?
Going too far about Ninja being a white supremecist.  Ninja is just ignorant when it comes to social issues and is really only concerned about his own finances and his own lifestyle.

If ninja says that he killed ten black ppl by running them over with a hemi, what would you say :nerd:
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it'll be reversed on day one.... there's a clause in congress where they can repeal da last 6 months of da out going president's executive actions.

do you even read, bro?


lol @ u thinking all Democrats are environmentalists wackos.
This where ninja moves the goal posts and deflects. Always when confronted with evidence proving him wrong.

except that sir screen capped that quote with da naive assumption that all Democrats were against oil exploration :lol:

what u call goal post move, i see incomplete homework.
You started saying one thing. Got proven wrong and now you're talking about something else :lol:

You talking about incomplete homework when you got ADD.

I didn't get proven wrong u dolt
Da nile ain't just a river in Egypt you pipehead.
FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, a Democrat, has announced that he’ll leave office on January 20th, as the Trump regime takes over. That leaves, three people in charge until a replacement for Wheeler is confirmed. Two of those people, Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly, sent a letter this week to the five largest telecom lobbying groups promising end net neutrality with their newfound power. The letter reads in part:

As you know, we dissented from the Commission’s February 2015 Net Neutrality decision, including the Order’s imposition of unnecessary and unjustified burdens on providers … we will seek to revisit those particular requirements, and the Title II Net Neutrality proceeding more broadly, as soon as possible.

Title II is the provision that makes it illegal for a company to charge extra cash for websites of their choosing. Basically, your internet could look a lot more like your cable, with a limited number of sites and premium content costing more. You’d still have to pay HBO Go and the internet company for the same thing you have now.


"We're losing a lot of people because of the internet," Trump said. "We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some ways. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people."
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Did DaddyStyles get banned or something?

FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, a Democrat, has announced that he’ll leave office on January 20th, as the Trump regime takes over. That leaves, three people in charge until a replacement for Wheeler is confirmed. Two of those people, Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly, sent a letter this week to the five largest telecom lobbying groups promising end net neutrality with their newfound power. The letter reads in part:

As you know, we dissented from the Commission’s February 2015 Net Neutrality decision, including the Order’s imposition of unnecessary and unjustified burdens on providers … we will seek to revisit those particular requirements, and the Title II Net Neutrality proceeding more broadly, as soon as possible.

Title II is the provision that makes it illegal for a company to charge extra cash for websites of their choosing. Basically, your internet could look a lot more like your cable, with a limited number of sites and premium content costing more. You’d still have to pay HBO Go and the internet company for the same thing you have now.


"We're losing a lot of people because of the internet," Trump said. "We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some ways. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people."

Sounding like Egypt and Turkey under their autocrats or any of the Gulf monarchies whenever there's unrest or an attack...

His comrade Vlad would be proud
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Closing up the Internet in certain areas? :x
More so having the ability to restrict access or bandwidth for certain sites. Like Netflix? Expect to pay Comcast extra to visit it. Want to stream NBA or HBO Go? Gotta buy that package. Want to read news other than alt-right or conspiracy websites? Too bad, Trump ordered a block on those websites.

Basically we might be moving towards censorship of internet. The first amendment might actually be under threat next year. What a time...
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:lol: if Trump's team actually does this, most of America would be pissed
Irony is that the Internet helped bigly with his win
Trying to censor parts of it or make websites harder to access would be shooting his own "campaign" in the foot
Why not just make the suggestion for the other book instead of attacking first? I'd have to say that if it were me and somebody wanted me to read a book that has a different viewpoint I'd want them to offer me the alternative instead of screaming at me
That's because he feels threatened by views that don't confirm his bias and he isn't as open minded as he wants you to believe. He's just as much an ideologue as the other side he opposes but he's blind to the fact that he's the other side of the same coin.
Closing up the Internet in certain areas? :x
More so having the ability to restrict access or bandwidth for certain sites. Like Netflix? Expect to pay Comcast extra to visit it. Want to stream NBA or HBO Go? Gotta buy that package. Want to read news other than alt-right or conspiracy websites? Too bad, Trump ordered a block on those websites.

Basically we might be moving towards censorship of internet. The first amendment might actually be under threat next year. What a time...

FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, a Democrat, has announced that he’ll leave office on January 20th, as the Trump regime takes over. That leaves, three people in charge until a replacement for Wheeler is confirmed. Two of those people, Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly, sent a letter this week to the five largest telecom lobbying groups promising end net neutrality with their newfound power. The letter reads in part:

As you know, we dissented from the Commission’s February 2015 Net Neutrality decision, including the Order’s imposition of unnecessary and unjustified burdens on providers … we will seek to revisit those particular requirements, and the Title II Net Neutrality proceeding more broadly, as soon as possible.

Title II is the provision that makes it illegal for a company to charge extra cash for websites of their choosing. Basically, your internet could look a lot more like your cable, with a limited number of sites and premium content costing more. You’d still have to pay HBO Go and the internet company for the same thing you have now.


"We're losing a lot of people because of the internet," Trump said. "We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some ways. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people."

That quote is legitimately one of the dumbest things i've read in all my years of living. And this came from the President-elect of the United States? is this another satire article?
"The state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the biggest tenant in Trump Tower."

This is how I know cats don't pay attention to anything. He literally said this multiple times on the campaign trail. He used it as evidence that he had good relations with the Chinese.
You got a lot of cheek telling others they don't pay attention Rico, especially after blaming global warming on the Chinese and his stance on One China 
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