***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ninja you don't live in middle America, why do you defend them so much? You minus whale move to Nebraska at this point.

I go to Nebraska (Both Lincoln and Omaha) for work once in a while. It feels like the 1950s (Ninjahood's favorite era) because 90% of minorities that I see work as busboys or janitors. At best I saw some black and Mexican dudes working in hotel lobbies. Pretty much everyone in any non low wage job is white over there
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Speaking of identity politics, heres what Mike Flynn's been up to...

Teen Vogue is exposing Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor: Met with the Head of a Neo-Nazi Party https://t.co/5m1Nz85njU @TeenVogue

Teen Vogue is really doing better investigative journalism than a lot of of MSN outlets though,what a time to be alive :rofl:

This seriously doesn't bother his minority supporters that he can't shake these affiliations as easily as he should?

Da hypocrisy.

They enjoy the protections of liberal enclaves.

They know that if they were beat up by neo-nazis where they live, they would get support from their immediate surroundings. I guarantee none of these black-looking dudes in here who defend Trump can go public with the BS they support here.
Ninja you don't live in middle America, why do you defend them so much? You minus whale move to Nebraska at this point.

cuz u ain't gotta be from da heartland to be blue collar.

I want da Dems to find da absolute floor to their leftivism...so they know they where too much is too much.
Ninja you don't live in middle America, why do you defend them so much? You minus whale move to Nebraska at this point.

cuz u ain't gotta be from da heartland to be blue collar.

I want da Dems to find da absolute floor to their leftivism...so they know they where too much is too much.
What's too much? Also, what's too much to the right? When does your party get to being too far right?

I fully expect no answer to those questions, so please feel free to deflect and change the subject like usual :smile:
Speaking of identity politics, heres what Mike Flynn's been up to...

Teen Vogue is exposing Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor: Met with the Head of a Neo-Nazi Party https://t.co/5m1Nz85njU @TeenVogue

Teen Vogue is really doing better investigative journalism than a lot of of MSN outlets though,what a time to be alive :rofl:

This seriously doesn't bother his minority supporters that he can't shake these affiliations as easily as he should?

That self hate is strong
Ninja you don't live in middle America, why do you defend them so much? You minus whale move to Nebraska at this point.

cuz u ain't gotta be from da heartland to be blue collar.

I want da Dems to find da absolute floor to their leftivism...so they know they where too much is too much.

The irony about city blue collar workers is that when they lose their jobs to progress, white america essentially tells them "tough luck" because most city blue collar jobs are performed by immigrants.

You can't even see the double standards at play in America.

Protect white blue collar jobs while blue collar immigrants are told to go back to school.

But I thought Trump was gonna be the champion of LGBT rights? 

FADA would prohibit the federal government from taking "discriminatory action" against any business or person that discriminates against LGBTQ people. The act distinctly aims to protect the right of all entities to refuse service to LGBTQ people based on two sets of beliefs: "(1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage."

Ironically, the language of the bill positions the right to discriminate against one class of Americans as a "first amendment" right, and bans the government from taking any form of action to curb such discrimination—including withholding federal funds from institutions that discriminate. FADA allows individuals and businesses to sue the federal government for interfering in their right to discriminate against LGBTQ people and would mandate the Attorney General defend the businesses.

On December 9, Sen. Lee's spokesperson, Conn Carroll, told Buzzfeed the election of Trump had cleared a path for the passage of FADA.

"Hopefully November's results will give us the momentum we need to get this done next year," Carroll said. "We do plan to reintroduce FADA next Congress and we welcome Trump's positive words about the bill."

"During oral arguments in Obergfell, President Obama's solicitor general admitted that if a right to same-sex marriage were created, religious institutions, including many Catholic schools, could have their tax exempt status revoked by the IRS," Carroll told NBC Out on Wednesday. "The First Amendment Defense Act was created to make sure that does not happen."

But while Carroll claims "FADA in no way undermines federal or state civil rights laws," it would take away the government's recourse in terms of punishing businesses, institutions or individuals who break civil rights law by discriminating against LGBTQ people.

"This proposed new law violates both Equal Protection and the Establishment Clause by elevating one set of religious beliefs above all others," Pizer said, "And by targeting LGBT Americans as a group, contrary to settled constitutional law."

Pizer warned that the bill's language also left room for individuals and businesses to discriminate against unwed heterosexual couples and single mothers, because of the clause stating that "sexual relations are properly reserved" to marriage between a man and a woman.

"There cannot be even one iota of doubt that this bill endorses one set of religious beliefs above others, and targets people in same-sex relationships, married or not, as well as unmarried heterosexual couples who live together," Pizer said. "It's an unconstitutional effort to turn the clock back to a time when unmarried mothers had to hide in shame, and LGBT people had to hide, period."

FADA was first filed in the House and Senate in 2015, but was met with protests from Democrats and resulted in just one House hearing amid concerns that Obama would veto the bill. It is currently co-sponsored by 171 House Republicans and just one Democrat (Daniel Lipinski of Illinois.)

State-level legislation similar to FADA has failed in recent years, usually resulting from lawsuits and nationwide boycotts. When Vice President-elect Mike Pence passed a "religious freedom" bill as governor of Indiana in March 2015, it was met with protests, financial losses from businesses that pulled operations from the state. It ultimately required an amendment issued in April to protect LGBTQ people from the bill's discrimination.

(see link for rest of article)
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Ninja you don't live in middle America, why do you defend them so much? You minus whale move to Nebraska at this point.

cuz u ain't gotta be from da heartland to be blue collar.

I want da Dems to find da absolute floor to their leftivism...so they know they where too much is too much.
What's too much? Also, what's too much to the right? When does your party get to being too far right?

I fully expect no answer to those questions, so please feel free to deflect and change the subject like usual :smile:

It's too much when it starts to have an effect on his life. Anything else is irrelevant unless it matches a talking point that goes against left leaning ideology.
Ninja you don't live in middle America, why do you defend them so much? You minus whale move to Nebraska at this point.

cuz u ain't gotta be from da heartland to be blue collar.

I want da Dems to find da absolute floor to their leftivism...so they know they where too much is too much.
What's too much? Also, what's too much to the right? When does your party get to being too far right?

I fully expect no answer to those questions, so please feel free to deflect and change the subject like usual

if you lived ib da culture war 80's-90's u know just how much right wing social engineering you can stomach via da religious right...and now in da late 2000's da country bout had it with left wing social engineering too via SJWs & environmentalists zealots.
cuz u ain't gotta be from da heartland to be blue collar.

I want da Dems to find da absolute floor to their leftivism...so they know they where too much is too much.

You disgusting fam :rofl:

Move to PA

That's where you belong....any rent controlled houses out there?
Ninja you don't live in middle America, why do you defend them so much? You minus whale move to Nebraska at this point.

cuz u ain't gotta be from da heartland to be blue collar.

I want da Dems to find da absolute floor to their leftivism...so they know they where too much is too much.
What's too much? Also, what's too much to the right? When does your party get to being too far right?

I fully expect no answer to those questions, so please feel free to deflect and change the subject like usual

if you lived ib da culture war 80's-90's u know just how much right wing social engineering you can stomach via da religious right...and now in da late 2000's da country bout had it with left wing social engineering too via SJWs & environmentalists zealots.
So what's the right-wing social engineering that occurred in the 80s and 90s that would be too much to handle?
The way Ninjas talking about Dems makes it seem like they're legit leftists :lol:,they'd be considered a centre-left/moderate party in most of the west
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it'll be reversed on day one.... there's a clause in congress where they can repeal da last 6 months of da out going president's executive actions.

do you even read, bro?


lol @ u thinking all Democrats are environmentalists wackos.
This where ninja moves the goal posts and deflects. Always when confronted with evidence proving him wrong.

except that sir screen capped that quote with da naive assumption that all Democrats were against oil exploration :lol:

what u call goal post move, i see incomplete homework.
You started saying one thing. Got proven wrong and now you're talking about something else :lol:

You talking about incomplete homework when you got ADD.
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guess u too young for Jerry fallwell & his ilk...

cu u asking elementary ish b...

I remember when 2 live Crew was being charged criminally for performing nasty as we wanna be.
Dude would be fine living in a apocalyptic Mad Max type world as long as he got da American muscle with da V8 hemi :x :lol:

White Jesus paper-weight on the dash >D
keep laughing.

I want da left to go as far as possible to da left so da average joe can typecast em and learn to avoid em da way da far right is to be avoided.
What is the far left ideologically to you? And who do you think is the best representation of the far left?
keep laughing.

I want da left to go as far as possible to da left so da average joe can typecast em and learn to avoid em da way da far right is to be avoided.

What is the far left ideologically to you? And who do you think is the best representation of the far left?

"Environmentalist wackos"

He thinks everyone who is worried about the environment takes a 6-month internship at Greenpeace and raids whale hunting boats off the coast of Japan or something.
guess u too young for Jerry fallwell & his ilk...

cu u asking elementary ish b...

I remember when 2 live Crew was being charged criminally for performing nasty as we wanna be.
No you ***, you're just not answering the question. ******* specifically, when does the right go too far? When they censor people? When they assault people at will based on racial profiling? When they succumb to any whim of corporate giants? Tell me some specifics, don't just throw out names and useless examples.
it'll be reversed on day one.... there's a clause in congress where they can repeal da last 6 months of da out going president's executive actions.

do you even read, bro?


lol @ u thinking all Democrats are environmentalists wackos.
This where ninja moves the goal posts and deflects. Always when confronted with evidence proving him wrong.

except that sir screen capped that quote with da naive assumption that all Democrats were against oil exploration :lol:

what u call goal post move, i see incomplete homework.
You started saying one thing. Got proven wrong and now you're talking about something else :lol:

You talking about incomplete homework when you got ADD.

I didn't get proven wrong u dolt :lol: its called there's more then 1 way to skin a cat..and trust, that executive order got options to get sliced & diced.
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