***Official Political Discussion Thread***

We need to close up the internet, let's talk to Bill Gates about it 
another Republican talking point straight out the loony bin. 
You got a lot of cheek telling others they don't pay attention Rico, especially after blaming global warming on the Chinese and his stance on One China 

Please. Please. Find where I have EVER mentioned the Chinese or even global warming for that matter.
it'll be reversed on day one.... there's a clause in congress where they can repeal da last 6 months of da out going president's executive actions.

do you even read, bro?


lol @ u thinking all Democrats are environmentalists wackos.
This where ninja moves the goal posts and deflects. Always when confronted with evidence proving him wrong.

except that sir screen capped that quote with da naive assumption that all Democrats were against oil exploration :lol:

what u call goal post move, i see incomplete homework.
You started saying one thing. Got proven wrong and now you're talking about something else :lol:

Under a seldom used law, the next Congress could quickly overturn more than 100 major regulations recently finalized by the Obama administration, including rules that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect sensitive environments from energy development, improve nutrition labels on food products, and regulate electronic cigarettes.

And once Congress has acted to reject a regulation, federal agencies are barred from reissuing “substantially similar” rules unless lawmakers allow it. That draconian possibility – allowed under the 1996 Congressional Review Act (CRA) – has set off alarm bells among numerous interest groups, including environmental, labor and public health organizations.

The CRA was crafted by former Representative Newt Gingrich (R-GA) – now a major supporter of President-elect Donald Trump – and his anti-regulation Republican allies in the 1990s. It aims to prevent outgoing administrations from pushing through so-called “midnight regulations” – rules finalized in the last months of a presidency -- by giving Congress 60 days to review new rules (days only count while Congress is in session). If a simple majority of lawmakers in both the Senate and House of Representatives votes to reject a rule, and the president signs the resolution, the rule is vacated. And the agency isn’t allowed to try again to write a similar rule unless lawmakers approve


more then 1 way to skin a cat like i said... :lol:
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:rofl: What the **** is that b?

You butchered the quotes.

:rolleyes like u wasn't around during EZboard quote pyramid days :lol:

Under a seldom used law, the next Congress could quickly overturn more than 100 major regulations recently finalized by the Obama administration, including rules that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect sensitive environments from energy development, improve nutrition labels on food products, and regulate electronic cigarettes.

And once Congress has acted to reject a regulation, federal agencies are barred from reissuing “substantially similar” rules unless lawmakers allow it. That draconian possibility – allowed under the 1996 Congressional Review Act (CRA) – has set off alarm bells among numerous interest groups, including environmental, labor and public health organizations.

The CRA was crafted by former Representative Newt Gingrich (R-GA) – now a major supporter of President-elect Donald Trump – and his anti-regulation Republican allies in the 1990s. It aims to prevent outgoing administrations from pushing through so-called “midnight regulations” – rules finalized in the last months of a presidency -- by giving Congress 60 days to review new rules (days only count while Congress is in session). If a simple majority of lawmakers in both the Senate and House of Representatives votes to reject a rule, and the president signs the resolution, the rule is vacated. And the agency isn’t allowed to try again to write a similar rule unless lawmakers approve


more then 1 way to skin a cat like i said... :lol:
Why would you be against regulation if you're not a businessman. What's in it for you bro? :lol:

y would i be for limiting da complete expansion of da United States natural resources?

like i said before, everytime Obama doing now gonna get reversed day 1.
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You got a lot of cheek telling others they don't pay attention Rico, especially after blaming global warming on the Chinese and his stance on One China 
Please. Please. Find where I have EVER mentioned the Chinese or even global warming for that matter.
"The state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the biggest tenant in Trump Tower."

This is how I know cats don't pay attention to anything. He literally said this multiple times on the campaign trail. He used it as evidence that he had good relations with the Chinese.
The global warming and other things are contradictions to Trump saying he has a good relationship with the Chinese. The cheek is in you telling people they aren't paying attention, when you have been wrong about numerous things lately. 
Ninja doesn't think we consume natural resources enough? :lol:

And no to nutrition labels?!? How does that not help you as a consumer lmao
Ninja doesn't think we consume natural resources enough? :lol:

And no to nutrition labels?!? How does that not help you as a consumer lmao
nah he just hates obama so much he wants everything to be reversed

like i said before, everytime Obama doing now gonna get reversed day 1.

that's his real reason
Anyone that believes businessmen don't love regulations, is a damb buffoon. They just love it when it can further their business interest, aka "da rent seeking behavior"

If Trump was this free market loving capitalist that he claimed to be, he would be broke by now, probably decades (10 years = a decade Ninja) ago. Bankruptcy court saved his *** multiple times, not the free hand of the market.

And just using up our natural resources, and condemning people to death (physical or financial) to chase GDP growth makes us no better than China, hell it makes us no better than some third world countries.

It is ******* embarrassing that some people in America thinks that economic expansion at the cost the standard of living of many of our citizens regressing, is acceptable. It is even more embarrassing when the person doing that is middle class, and only middle class because of heaps of government regulation. How someone can have more empathy for the greedy billionaire over the next man in the same economic situation as himself is beyond me.

But I guess self hate comes in many forms.
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Anyone that believes businessmen don't love regulations, is a damb buffoon. They just love it when it can further their business interest, aka "da rent seeking behavior"

If Trump was this free market loving capitalist that he claimed to be, he would be broke by know, probably decades (10 years = a decade Ninja) ago. Bankruptcy court save his *** multiple times, not the free hand of the market.

And just using up our natural resources, and condemning people to death (physical and financially) to chase GDP growth makes us no better than China, hell it makes us no better than some third world countries.

It is ******* embarrassing that the people in America think that just because the economy is expanding, at the cost the standard of living of many of its citizens (all citizens) regressing is acceptable. It is even more embarrassing when the person doing that is middle class, and only middle class because of heaps of government regulation. How someone can have more empathy for the greedy billionaire over the next man in the same economic situation as himself is beyond me.

But I guess self hate comes in many forms.

Dude is a walking contradiction, sitting on his high horse inside a rent controlled apartment...it's disgusting....your arguments would hold more value and meaning if we didn't know you benefit largely from something as rent control.
I kinda wish we could reform the prison system over here.

My sis was telling me a while back about a country where most ppl that make it out of the prison never come back. In prison they get educated and when they leave they don't have that ex con thing in their permanent record so they can go get jobs. I think that's pretty cool.

I work at a psych facility and 99.9 percent of my patients come from prison. They come in here all crazy then when we get them on meds a lot of them become really cool ppl. They get better and they seem like they can become productive members of society. When they leave, I'm like, 'we better not see you again. Good luck out there'

More often than not they're going to come back. They're going to commit some kind of crime again and the court will send them back to us.

I feel like a bunch of issues stack the deck in favor of them relapsing. A lot of these dudes don't have family support. They're poor. They're uneducated. They can't get no jobs cuz they cons. I feel like for a good amount of these dudes if you give them the right support they can contribute to society somehow. Not on some college educated **** but maybe some simple job training for a simple job and getting rid of the ex con label could be a start.

Like if they can earn enough money on their own for food shelter and psych meds..that would be great.

Otherwise it's a never ending circle. I'm going to discharge three patients tomorrow and pretty sure I'm going to see one of them back here in a few months.

Just sad cuz I feel like 85 percent of my patients are genuinely nice ppl. Like if you come at them nice they'll come at you nice. If they feel disrespected that's a different story. That's not a problem for me though cuz I always treat my patients with respect. I find that ppl treating them with respect is so rare that they appreciate it.

The other 15 percent are scary though. I wouldn't want to catch them in the streets.

Just random thoughts I'm thinking since I'm stuck here at work for a double. Lol
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Under a seldom used law, the next Congress could quickly overturn more than 100 major regulations recently finalized by the Obama administration, including rules that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect sensitive environments from energy development, improve nutrition labels on food products, and regulate electronic cigarettes.

how does any of this sound good for us?

Reducing greenhouse gases, protecting sensitive environments, detailed nutrition labels, and not regulating ecigarettes as tobacco products all sound ******* good to me. Why would anyone not want these things?

ah, profits.
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profits, yup. and stupidity. these corporations have taken advantage of those in the population who can be most easily manipulated and then appealing to some basic instinct.

it's funny because I'm sure those against cigarette regulations are the same ones who complain about health care costs and are pro-profits, not realizing how much GDP this country has been saved by improving the health of potential smokers. we stand to reap the same benefits from addressing the obesity crisis.

same goes for addressing the psychosocial crisis that amel223 is talking about. it requires an overhaul in how we think about mental health and in how we approach criminal justice.

again we are often coerced into following our basic instincts and restoring to simple-minded thinking like: breaking the law = evil. there are clear cases where punishment is warranted, of course, but we owe it to our fellow citizens who need help to do better by them. why? because we're all a couple bad breaks away from being in the same spot as those prisoners. if not us, someone we love. if not prison, it's depression and suicide. those are the major things that are limiting our country's productivity and increasing health care costs. not immigration. not free trade. not terrorism. not any of those things. it is mental health issues.

anyone who isn't on board is being disingenuous or is simply naive.
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Yea it's a bad cycle. They come in mad angry and crazy and we work to stabilize them. In a few weeks to a month they are super chill, respectful. Some are funny and you can talk to them about **** like sports and music. They feel optimistic soon and feel like they can make it on the outside and leave my job in high spirits. They go back to civil or prison first (can't jump straight to the streets from a forensic psych facility) They serve their time there. After they finish, they leave with no realistic way of getting a job, no support, and certainly no way to keep taking the meds that keep them calm. Eventually they get crazy and angry again and end up robbing someone or worse. Never ending cycle lol

There's just no realistic way for them to afford the medicine they need to be a productive member of society on their own. Without insurance, some of these pills are super expensive. The most expensive ones I'm told are like hundreds per pill.

The only service we're doing is keeping these dudes from being on the streets at the same time lol
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65,844,954 (48.2%) for Clinton

62,979,879 (46.1%) for Trump

I believe these are the final numbers, a 2.86 million vote advantage to Clinton. More Americans voted for her than any other losing candidate in US history. She surpassed Obama's 2012 vote count by 389,944 votes. Trump's claims to winning the popular vote in a "landslide" are delusional at best, dangerous at worst. 

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