***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Y'all really tried to have a serious discussion with @TimidTebow. THINK about that for a minute. Timid ****** Tebow. He's well meaning, progressive and wants to know more.....but the complexities can be lost on him. Think DipsetGeneral.

Then we have @GuccJermaine2 who is truly unstable. Like taking on his BM's persona and creating an account to bash himself. Multiple personality disorder ****

THATS who y'all engage with?

We gotta do better.
I don't know these people like alot of yall do. I haven't been posting that long.
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You know that your boy Obama had a temporary refugee ban in 2011 right?

Trump is well within the constitution to do what he is doing. It's not even a Muslim ban. It is a temporary ban on immigration from high-risk Islamic nations until extreme vetting can be set up. Butt-blasted liberals are screaming about nothing.

-We already covered that Obama's ban was way different.

-And your bigotry is leaking out. Control yourself
You know that your boy Obama had a temporary refugee ban in 2011 right?

Trump is well within the constitution to do what he is doing. It's not even a Muslim ban. It is a temporary ban on immigration from high-risk Islamic nations until extreme vetting can be set up. Butt-blasted liberals are screaming about nothing.
Is that why it was challenged in court already and he lost?

Extreme vetting is already in place.

High-risk islamic nations that haven't committed a terrorist attack on American soil in well over a decade and somehow he conveniently left out a major nation that was definitely at the hub of the last major foreign terrorist attack (9/11) in Saudi Arabia. But he has business ties there so that makes sense for protecting his own interests. And his clown boy Rudy G already said he wanted a Muslim ban but they had to finesse it in a legal sense, which they still didn't seem to do. 
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Yup I just posted a link with scrceens right before you posted that.

Tombout welfare and everything. This was grabbed from her page first.

"Proud manager at @Wendys. [emoji]10084[/emoji] Part time employee at @PizzaHut & @Mcdonalds."

Shorty might be in that "food shelter" she tweeted about soon.

And it was all good just a week ago.
This shows you where some of these people's heads are at. Her husband can't come home and she still supports Donald :lol:
Fox is terrible. All these commentators are still blaming democrats for god knows what.

I can see how watching that stuff day in, day out can alter your brain.
Many muslims are just as racist as White supremacists. I know many arabs who clown Black muslims and say they're fake muslims. Not saying I support the ban though.

Exactly, so why would I give a damb about them being banned. Blacks are the real refugees in this country and we've been here the longest. Banning them moves black people up the totem pole.

Black people have never been up the totem pole refugee or not.

Refugees and illegal immigration doesn't have anything to do with Black people's plight
Damn.. Even immigrants residing in the U.S. for years are being deported. What the heck. Donald really causing a whole lot of ruckus. IP now see why people marched on Washington. What the heck is going on!?!?
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