***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Y'all should see some of the things being said to her

I agree with his point that we should worry about our marginal populations first before we try to help others. Not his other nonsense.

You didn't agree with DR doing this though :nerd: I'm noting this when we touch that topic again, we cool in here Timid :fistbump
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Imagine if Obama did all this nonsense. Churches would be burning throughout the nation.
How is the mood over there? What does the media say?
Most of my friends are conservatives but we're all pretty disgusted and worried by Trump. Mainly because of his incompetence and backwards views.

Cable news is having a hard time staying neutral. There's a lot of Trump coverage and more political/legal experts are being brought in rather than the usual format of "Trump says/does x" followed by a clip of the event. Newspapers generally aren't very neutral here in comparison to our cable news and are pretty critical of him across the board. Our investigative journalism is mostly aimed at our own affairs so news on foreign affairs is just regurgitating news from Reuters, Guardian, ... in many cases.

Our government is also generally pretty critical of him since his inauguration, especially our prime minister. Our most conservative party applauds him but several of their members recently attended a neo-nazi convention in Greece so there's that.
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I have way  too much dirt in my past to run for office. Can only imagine the opposition pulling up some of my  NT posts lol.
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